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Posts posted by toldozer

  1. I agree with PSC. Fitness is a lifestyle. I don't workout, I train. If don't make changes and set goals, you won't make any long term gains. There is no quick fix. There is no silver bullet. There are no short cuts. All there is is dedication and self control. There will be sweat, pain, frustration, and exhaustion. However, if you want to be strong, lean, or whatever your fitness goals are, it is worth it.

    That's why I like to mix things up, if your goal is always the same it gets boring. As long as you are following a healthy routine to add or lose weight and you set goals for yourself you can't go wrong.

  2. Every one is gaining now and im gonna cut a little bit. Kale for dinner!!! This is my first experience. A la Bart Scott, CAN'T WAIT. Also Jase how much did you weigh when you started? Seems like you've put on 10-15 pounds pretty damn quick, that's pretty impressive. From 22 to 26 I put on 45 pounds. That's only like 10 lbs a year :(

  3. I will definitely look into Noxipro. Somehow that one has managed to elude me. Thanks!

    Have you ever heard of Bullnox? I've heard some pretty good things.

    I have assault and Condense that I am using Now. Not real big on either although condense taste really really good. I always go back to 1mr

    • Pie 1
  4. Any weight slammers in here? If so go fug yourselves!!! If it's too heavy for you to re-rack it properly lower the weight homie. Im sick of hearing machines slamming around. I pay money every month to use working equipment!!!!!!

  5. Just found a picture of me in a cutoff from 2011, didnt realize how diesel I was. I have such baby arms now. building back up is soo much harder then losing it all. I did increase my lifts on everything today though, so thats a big plus!

  6. Guess i should have specified lol. I tore some stuff in my hip about 11 years ago, not completely requiring sugery but about as bad as it could be without surgery. Did rehab and all that jazz back then. It just gets sore if i run long distance. No real limitation, i think swimming would be the best bet but not an option.

  7. ok, weight loss update, I've lost 12 pounds now from may 10, till which is June 9, combo of dieting and a lot of cardio, I need to start doing more weights very soon, and also start running further distances(been running only 2-3 miles a day so far).

    Currently I need to drop 16 more pounds to hit my first goal for weight loss 180, I really don't need to get lighter then that though, I'm tall with a big frame so anything less then 180 and I start looking anorexic, people thought I was looking a little too thin when I was at 170 last, I dropped weight but with that said I felt great at 170, better then ever, but I need to start building muscle especially with my arms and torso.

    How tall are you? Im looking to get down to 180 myself and have 7 more lbs to go. Havent decided if i want to bulk back up after though. When i was 24-25 i was working out super hard and was up to around 215-220 before i hurt my shoulder. Not sure my 28 year old body can take the abuse to get that big again lol.

  8. I feel ya proud. My diet is pretty bad. Ill do good for a week and then some one at work will talk me in to going somewhere to eat and before I know it I went out to lunch four times. I am proud to say I've had four drinks this year that weren't water. 2 sodas and 2 lemonades. I'm still struggling getting up in the morning to go to the gym and have yet to go for a run in the evenings this year. My goal for this year is to get up to about 200 - 210lbs after I drop down to about 180. Im a naturally big guy and don't think I can get any smaller then 175 if I wanted. I started this year at 208 and im right around 199 today. Mostly just from cutting out beer and sodas.

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