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Posts posted by PghPanther

  1. Never more than 4 games this year ........and never more than a .500 season thereafter until the ketchup on steak Big Brain sells the team and leaves town for good. 

    No winning any division and no making the playoffs.........as long as the Orifice of Narcissism waves his drinks and throws them at the serfs who purchase his company store product.  

    Uhh..........did I happen to mention I'm not a fan of Tepper?

    But you figured that? 

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  2. For me its like the stock market................if I'm fully invested and the market (team) is doing well then I pay close attention to what is going on and enjoy the ride.

    However, if the market (team) is in trouble or bearish then I've cashed out and sit on the sidelines not paying much attention to it until something gets a rally going back to a bull market...............and much like the stock market this team can be the same.........

    That stated if this team was the market then I'm out and not paying much attention until something happens in the future for now..........and whatever time it takes to get back in the swing of things........(ahem) if ever with Big Brain as the owner......

  3. If you mean by boycott not spending any money on this team......then since I've been here in 1998 I have spent the following amount of money on tickets and apparel or any other investment of any kind in the Panthers with a grand total of...............$0.

    That's it.........doesn't matter to me.............

  4. That's assuming a rebuild is reality.............and under this current ownership that may never be the case. 

    There are more than a few examples of NFL teams grasping at a rebuild that never fully establishes itself under a given ownership structure and I'm inclined to believe the Panthers may very well be one of those example for now.

    Perhaps if your passion with this team is to "get back on the winning track" (I hear Chris Farley's voice as Matt Foley right now) that in the mean time you might find another team, sport or other interest for now and check back when Tepper either sells or..........well is no longer around. 

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