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About Mvp2014

  • Birthday 12/29/1986

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  1. Exactly. The problem is he is rich. These gold digging whores would never say a word if they didnt think he had $100 million. What kind of beautiful woman gives male massage for a living? We all know what kind.
  2. I wouldn't say its as bad as the Weinke and Clausen years as I'm still planning on watching the games. Tepper hasn't brought anything to this franchise worth caring about. Its the expectations that makes it suck. Plenty of first year coaches that have teams playing like dogs. I'm not sure whether its soft leadership in the locker room or bad coaching, its sucks though.
  3. NFL is garbage now. Anyone seriously gettimg angry at this stuff hasnt been paying attention. Dont spend your money on it. Let all these new ignorant fans have it
  4. time to drink. This team is bottom 5 on both sides of the ball
  5. Ok i give up. Im done defending anything to do with this team. Tepper and rhule can have each other
  6. I knew we werent good but jesus christ. This is hard to watch
  7. Our lines still trash. d brown looks pedestrian as does burns
  8. another year of bullshit penalties. Not even on the e same side of the field
  9. That is good news. He is becoming a professional and will be able to play more snaps. Great news for Burns too
  10. These refs are fuging garbage. They dont see poo
  11. What a loser. And what kind of dope would re-sign him after he sucked? Fans could do better than our front office
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