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sure, it's just a great setup in a vacuum. but as he entered his 17th game of his career....it was still has 3rd HC, 3rd playcaller, 3rd O, who could count what # of OL setup it was....and his HC didn't give him any real time to work on things in the preseason under live fire. We shouldn't of drafted Young. But we did ensure we got the worst version of whatever he was going to be. And that's a worry going forward, about the brainiacs in charge. Their entire plan going into the Canales era was an utter joke.....and it was still utter joke even if they felt they would move on from his quickly. Because they didn't setup and prep for that being a legit possibility.
Get weapons and draft the QB in '26. Load up the roster, then get your QB. Hmmmm, this sounds so familiar. Yes, "wait another year." I'm baaaaaack! 😀
By Stingray3030 · Posted
Let's assume Dan and Dave are who we thought they were - the QB cultivator and the tough GM who was held back by Fitts. If that is true then the 2024 draft will yield 2-3 high end guys, probably XL, Brooks, and Wallace or JT. Maybe Dave tried to save face for Bryce and let him collapse on field to justify what he already knew - this guy ain't it. If that is true then we will win 3-4 games this year and probably pick 3-6. As it stands now there is not a top 5 pick caliber QB out there according to most analysts - if we take one there we are overpaying. So I would probably take the best available or trade down to a comfortable spot for one of the possible 1st RD QB's like Ward, Beck, "other who rises". Our defense cannot be overlooked as being atrocious right now too. We have given up 91 points in 2 games - even if half that is due to poor offense and Bryce we are one of the worst in the league.
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