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Way Truth Life

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Posts posted by Way Truth Life

  1. Sad but true.

    Certain amongst our number seem to have a personal goal of getting as many idiots as possible on roster for the Panthers.

    As soon as there's a headline of some guy doing something incredibly stupid, you can guarantee somebody here will be jumping on the bandwagon for us to sign him.


    Just curious where you stood when Steve Smith was beating the crap out of fellow teammates?  Yet he is all over your signature now....bandwagon much???

  2. THB honest? when I see a white poster play the race card first, I think he's only looking for brownie points...






    see what I did there?


    I had a black neighbor once...before they got foreclosed on....so I'm good right?

  3. The judge didnt put Hardy in jail.  It is mandatory for Domestic abuse accused to stay in jail for 24 hours.



    The magistrate/judge has no choice but to set a court date once the evidence is brought before the court by the arresting officers.  It is now the states job to prove Hardy is guilty.

  4. The 911 tape is clear. One simple question.


    Why is she standing inside the apartment blocking the door for 3.42 minutes trying to come after Hardy while he is on the phone with 911, rather than fleeing from the dangerous attacker?  

    • Pie 2
  5. I said it before and I'll say it again.  If he hit her, he should go to jail.  If she went bat poo crazy and got bruised because she was being restrained and wouldn't calm down, that's a different story.  Sorry if you disagree.

    If she went bat poo crazy....Hardy should have ran away...not restrained her.  I do not understand why these guys can not get this through their heads....they have tons of people coaching them on how to respond to this situation.  


    Hardy has NO right to touch the woman unless she is threatening deadly force and he has no other choice.  Deadly force would be a knife or gun and blocking him from the door leaving him no other choice but to defend himself.

  6. It means nothing.  Guilty parties often call 911 to try to make themselves look like the victims.


    As to the victim, she refused treatment at the scene but was taken to the ER.


    Your theory that he would have hurt her much worse has no basis in fact.

    I'm not suggesting any theories, but commenting on the reports I read.


    One talks about scratches and bruises and restraining the lady.


    One says Hardy thrown her down on a tub, futon and then strangled her.


    In my opinion, if a 100 lbs woman is thrown on a tub and futon and then strangled by a 260 or 290 lbs and he is saying he is going to kill her, then the woman would be seriously injured.  The first story about scratches and bruising via restraint correlates more with what actual injuries have been reported.


    But, again, who knows for sure.  

  7. She would have called 911 while being held down?


    Hardy being the one to make the call doesn't mean a thing.


    It means alot.


    If she was "setting" this up for a payday, she would have called, not Hardy.  Furthermore, if Hardy wanted to hurt this woman, she would be hospitalized.  


    This was a drunk altercation where Hardy screwed up and put his hands on a woman... Agents tell players to run away from the conflict and do not restrain or touch the other person.

  8. Unless you decide after the fact that you can make some money out of the situation.



    If a 290 lbs millionaire assaults you....then you have every right to sue his ass!  Hardy is a dummy for not running out of the house when things turned south.

  9. The key to this story is....Hardy called 911.


    If she wanted to get paid, she would have called 911 and she would have gone directly to the hospital.  It is apparent that they were drunk and had an altercation.  


    Hardy should have ran out of the house and ran far away from this woman rather than trying to restrain or remove her from his home.  It is a tough lesson for him.  

  10. I beg to differ on this. You can have your ass arrested if they go to the police and make accusations and show bruises that they got doing something else. Trust me I know this for a fact.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app


    Bruises indicate physical contact.  


    The guy stated you can be arrested for domestic violence without physical contact. Whether the contact was done by the defendant or not is a total different statement.  The fact is, the police need 1 of 3 things to make an arrest for domestic violence, that does not mean the defendant actually committed the crime, only that evidence indicates a crime has been committed and the police believe the defendant was the one who committed it.  


    1.  Physical evidence.  IE Bruising

    2.  Witness. IE someone saw the physical contact

    3.  Admission IE he defendant admitted to the assault


    That is all.


    Sucks that a man or woman would go to the police and show bruising and claim you did that to them and I know it happens.  


    The part that really sucks are the men or women that are too scared to report the crimes and endure years of abuse.....too many times the abuse has turned mental and causes the victim to fear consequences.

  11. ....

    @josephperson: Arrest warrant alleges Hardy grabbed victim, threw her to the floor and bathtub, slammed her vs. a futon and strangled her.

    If that happened....the chick would be dead or hospitalized.....scratches and bruising do not correlate with this description.

  12. Basically this is boiling down to 1 crazy bitch and an unfortunate set of events. Regardless, Hardy needs to get the hell away from her and the nightlife in general.

    Kerry Collins was forced by friends and family to stop going out and getting piss drunk....saved his career.

  13. I have been out of the US for damn near 10 years now, so I may be unfamiliar with the laws in the Carolinas.


    With that said, in some states that is not true. I have watched enough COPS over these years to know and have heard the police say many times that "someone has to take a ride downtown"


    In short, if there is a report, regardless of whether they are makrks or bruises, the law in some states say that at least one party must be booked. The officer must decide which based on what he/she hears...but yeah.  Again, Im not sure in NC/SC are one of those.

    The chick has marks....but from what I am reading they are not attack marks....more like restraint marks.  Either way, you can't touch a chick.  Better off running down the street screaming fire and hoping she doesn't follow.

  14. Don't automatically assume he put his hands on her...you can get arrested for domestic violence over a argument.

    No you can't.


    There must be contact meaning, spit, throw, push, pull, bump or hit.  The victim does not decide whether the attacker gets arrested, the police must have physical evidence, witness or admission by the attacker.  


    So.  Something happened that was physical contact.  That could mean the victim was assaulted or merely bumped into by the attacker.  The law does not distinguish at the time of the attack between the extend of the physical contact.  That will be determined during the sentencing phase.  Fact is, if you are arrested for domestic violence, almost 100% of the time some type of contact occurred and there is either evidence of this contact, witness or admission by the attacker.

  15. Hardy will be held for a minimum of 48 hours if he has been charged with a Domestic Violence charge.  It is called the cooling off period and believe that it reduces the chances of a retaliation attack.  


    I hope this is a misunderstanding and not a real attack. If he really did assault a 130 lbs woman at his size, then he should be under the jail.  Not that it's ever right to assault a female, but if you got a 180 lbs chick and 150 lbs dude, I would probably not be as concerned.....lol

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