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  2. You must be new here or something? There are some miserable fat guys in these parts. They are going to be pissed off no matter what. I think it's all the chicken wing grease and the nacho cheese maybe.
  3. Maybe watch at least a preseason game first before banking on a Panthers WR draft pick lol
  4. He's got this season to figure it out....the whole season. Hopefully it will be something I want to watch.
  5. Maybe he'll get another "ankle injury" if they've seen enough. I doubt we're getting another 6 qb's in the top 12 next draft like this past one so I don't really care about the tank. We can get one of the top 4 without attempting to. I'd rather throw Dalton out there and see if the rest of the offense is functional with a decent vet QB
  6. Ah the good old days. I think the last joyous moment on this forum was Colorado kicking Rhules ass in week 2 of CFB last year. Then the Panthers started playing real football games and yeah here we are
  7. Today
  8. Naw, Rhule was a dipshit that made everyone in the building miserable. You can have your opinion of Tepper but I know for a fact Matt was an asshole to everyone. Matt was about Matt, Dave is actually pretty genuine and about football so hopefully there is a change. What was worse were the “FOR” or friends of Rhule. They acted like their poo don’t stink. Evan Cooper (who just resigned for an unknown reason) was the biggest offenders.
  9. My opinion of Rhule has grown in the past year or so. He was actually quite good in college before he came here and couldn’t overcome the Tepper stink. Don’t get me wrong, he did suck here and I’m glad he’s gone and don’t want anything to do with him anymore. But I’m not rooting against him nor do I even think he’ll fail with Nebraska
  10. I just hope he doesn’t get injured. If he goes down week 1 or 2 that would suck. We need to see him play the year out. Or at least the meat of it.
  11. Will Tepper pull another 180 and throw the bag at Dak if he's a FA next year? lol. I say just play it out however, look at Beck, Ewers, and Sanders plus whatever college qb comes out of nowhere. After Dak is signed by whoever, the 25' FA list is Sam Darnold, Fields, Brissett, Jameis, Jimmy G!
  12. Thompkins isn’t that fast for a little guy. D. Byrd was small but had legit deep speed. the new WR the added with the latest moves, Devin Carter, is a bigger receiver and not very fast. I doubt either make the roster, but you never know.
  13. Hey verge you still on X or Twitter? Haven’t seen your post lately.. just seeing if I have old links? Love reading on your takes for the Panthers
  14. If he improves visibly the wins and losses don’t really matter- if he’s getting better and looks like a decent NFL starter you give him the entire season. if he regresses and keeps making the same mistakes you pull him if Dalton gives you a better chance to win.
  15. By week 6 we know. By week 17 we have the number 1 pick if he sucks.
  16. Video clip of Rhuke talking about how the college playoffs should be, followed by a response of "we saw what you did in Carolina... stay in your lane" LOLs to be had
  17. Bro he’s the guy pending injury or rest.. cuz way the seasons could go why not break it up with the QBs to save it for the playoffs
  18. Personally, 4-6 games will be telling to be able to contrast with last season and see how he generally looks. You’ll be able to get a sense of where he’s at/if this is a bust vs. recoverable situation.
  19. I would say you have to watch in conjunction of how decent the defense and rest of the team look around him, and with keeping an eye on how the college QB class is looking. Still pissed they didn't put more effort into finding an intriguing qb3, the Plumber is doa.
  20. Says limited deal!! So I know we hate giving to Tepper but I needed a new young player jersey besides Olsen!
  21. Can’t wait to spend hundreds of dollars to watch the coach energetically lead a 3 win team.
  22. 17 No matter what. He’ll get what he earns.
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