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Posts posted by PghPanther

  1. Betting on sports is a waste of time.........."sports book/gaming industry" is a con to take your money away from you. They don't exist to lose money and they don't give you "free money" or "house money" to bet with anymore than a drug dealer gives you a free "hit" on a drug they are pushing.

    Gambling con jobs like fanduel and the like are profit pimps and their betting public are the street whores.........

    Why do you think that have to record those speeded up gambling addiction claimers at the end of every ad.

    Walk away from such crap..............At least in the days it was illegal the bookies paid you better odds while they sucked you dry..........

    • Pie 2
  2. I don't have a tv........I don't gamble............I don't have a smart phone nor use social media.

    ........but I do have a library card and use it frequently. 

    The architects of social control and economic consumption hate me..................and my lifestyle choices are the middle finger back at them. 

    ESPN included.........

  3. Probably a marketing or communications major right out of college trying to find a job in their field ending up doing this for the time being..........they have to know they are just selling the sizzle but not the steak with this organization. 

    Trying to sell a sport as an event experience is a marketing ploy in an attempt to expand the target market and grow it with younger fans..............but the absolutely best way to do that is to......

    is as stated by Al Davis......

    .......just win baby. 

    • Pie 3
  4. I don't see this as a big issue................when you are in a family worth billions privacy to prevent problems with kidnapping and other issues involving ransom money are a major concern.

    Wiping her history clean prevents kidnappers from going after her family or relatives.......snatching one of the lil ones up and then hitting up Tepper with a ransom or else senario.

    Hell, I know if I was a billionaire I won't want anyone to know who I was unless you had an army of security everywhere you go if you became public about who you are. 

    Having that much money ends up owning you.........not the other way around and society doesn't make it any easier with crooks out there looking for fast cash.  

    • Pie 1
  5. HBO could recast their NFL comedy TV series "First and 10" and star Nicole Tepper in Delta Burk's role and not miss a beat......

    ......the biggest news stories out of the Panthers ever since being taken over by Tepper doesn't involve what is actually going on in the field of play anymore.  

  6. A year ago I traded my TV for a Library card...............best deal I ever made.

    If its a game I want to find out about in real time.......I just listen to it on the Internet live streaming radio while I do other tasks....

    .....and if it sounds like it was a decent or interesting game then later that day or the next I just watch the highlights on Youtube.

    You'd be surprised how easy it is to get used to that............



  7. Here we go..........you know the Panthers franchise is looking more and more like a combination of the movies....

    North Dallas 40

    The Longest Yard.

    and the old HBO TV show call "First and Ten" about a NFL franchise owned by a woman played by Delta Burk.

    Whoever said being a Panthers fan is fun these days really hit on something.

    The way I figure it........if you can't have a playoff team then you have to have something to keep the interest going.......... strange/crazy/weird or bad news is better than no news at all..........LOL!

  8. On 2/5/2024 at 1:35 PM, BULLETPRQQF said:



    Y'all are killing me trying to kill a player after his 1st season. It is not a secret that this offense as a whole was atrocious this past season. There are many places to point the blame.....but even Cam Newton was more successful as a QB when the OC decided to play to his strengths. I don't think Reich was fully trying to play to Bryce's strengths because he was more worried about his philosophy. It also a tough task to ask a QB to be the QB without any WR talent. You can reference Tom Brady all you want, but he still had a great TE, and quick, twitchy, receivers that could get open within inches of the LOS. We did not have an identity this season...... that's why we looked like  poo, played like poo, and ended up on the poo side of things. I can guaranD@mn tee that Bryce will not play this bad again.

    Those stats ignore the physical attributes of height, size, ball control (hand size) and throwing strength of those other QBs with the way you have posted those stats to Young's creditably.  

    You can make stats work for whatever you want them to but it doesn't tell the whole picture.......

    I'm inclined to think that despite how bad the Panthers offense is reflective to the results of Youngs play that he lacks the physical attributes to tenure a lengthy and/or successful career in the NFL.........of course time will tell but if I had to bet on that it would be that in 5 years from now he will either be out of the league or a bounced around franchises as a career back up if that.  

  9. Well I open a friggin can of worms with this demographic thing.

    Bottom line.......football to the whole world is a game you score by using your feet against a goalie..........it will take some time for the NFL to try to convince them otherwise. 

    In motorsports its like Indy car trying to branch out and compete against F1 on a world wide basis. 


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