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Gucci Mane

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Posts posted by Gucci Mane

  1. The superbowl isnt won in free agency. Teams overpay for team needs during the FA frenzy and are often left crippled by rash decision making (see miami in a few years). Your first objective in any season is to win the division because if you do that then you have a shot at the superbowl, so you base your team needs around that aspect first and foremost. We have had a good enough team to win the division the last two years and offensively we do not have a "stellar" unit. What does that mean? it means we dont have to sign Murray, Thomas, Johnson, and Maclin in order to reach our goal. Why overpay when you can let the market deflate and find solid players to provide position-wide competition?


    I personally trust Gettlemans every move and will continue to do so until proven otherwise. I would advise you all to do the same and quit thinking we need to sign big-name players year after year.

    • Pie 6
  2. He gets paid the same either way


    yea i didnt really phrase that well.. i was just trying to say that the mother should know that they are much better off because of football and since Richard has a short time to achieve his career goals (which coincides with them being secure financially), she should have no problem with him playing. Its a lot easier to make another kid than win/play a super bowl. Sherm has 52 other guys that need his help.

  3. Sherman cant just ditch his teammates like that, and wont. I would be very very very surprised if he missed the game. Players rarely miss regular season games for the birth of their kid (1st one or not) so missing the super bowl is out of the question. Im sorry but he has the rest of his life to spend with the kid and the wife and kid would feel a little guilty for a good portion of their lives if they felt responsible for Sherman missing potentially his last chance to ever play in one.

  4. And yet this topic is 100 times better than the sum total of everything you have posted on here.

    Try not being useless before you criticize.


    Yea I've come to notice actually having knowledge of the game is pretty useless around here.

    Didn't mean to hurt your feeling though. It was kind of a joke.

    • Pie 1
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