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Posts posted by mattnasty919

  1. Lee Ward, Dean Marlowe, and Brenton Bersin.

    Interested to see how Marlowe has faired since pads came on, him and coleman are intriguing additions at S. 

    Is Bersin still silently being consistant?

    And of course you have me on the Lee ward hype train now, I'm routing for this guy to meeting the 53 we need a bruising FB 

  2. I view the American Flag as the ultimate sign of disrespect to my ancestors, the natives of this country. European colinists, conquistadors, and Americans killed, raped, and displaced roughly 100 million of my people in the name of manifest destiny.. yet this symbol of hate, the American flag, is still proudly flown at every capitol building. I'm not asking anyone to take it down, hell I even served the country under the banner of hate.

    My point is this. A flag is an inanimate object, a symol that can be viewed in many ways. One person can fly an American flag and believe in the symbol of freedom, justice, and equality for all people. Another can fly the very same flag and believe it is a symbol of 'Murica, and that every person who Flys another flag is lesser and we should bring them "freedom" by force because they live life differently than we do in this country. 

    Should the confederate flag be flown in the capitol building? Probably not.. but it's only a flag. A symbol that is completely open to interpretation of it's meaning, much like a book or art. We have more serious issues in this country, such as racial profiling, the mass incarceration of non violent criminls, the militarization of the police force, mass government surveillance, pharmaceutical drugs making mass murderers, and the complete destruction of currency through inflation just to name a few... yet we want to sit here and argue over the meaning of an inanimate object and where it can be flown. This is why nothing ever changes in this country. The media has us by the balls. 

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  3. The guy that carried this team on his back for a decade and made this team watchable - and very entertaining. The face of the franchise for an entire era. The best player in this team's history. One of the best wide receivers of all time.

    #89 Steve fuging Smith. That's who.

    Don't know why Panther fans still have to do this childish poo. We can show the man some respect, plus it's the offseason and it's his birthday accompanied along with a funny story.

    This, x1000.. some people are ridiculous. This guy did more for our franchise than just about anybody. Doesn't mean you have to route for the Ravens.. just respect the rules and regulations of the game. 89.

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