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The Link

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Posts posted by The Link

  1. The money has to come from somewhere and be accounted for.

    I'm going to repeat that for you, because you don't seem to be taking the journey with the rest of us in the real world.

    The money has to come from somewhere and be accounted for. It's real. The NFL notices when a team is over the cap. There is no hoping they don't notice.

    This one is really going to blow your mind:

    The Patriots and Packers have the same salary cap that we do. In fact, every NFL team does. The teams that manage it better seem to have more to spend. That's what our GM is trying to do.

    But if it were up to some here, we would put ourselves right back up against the wall, then bitch next year about not having money to sign guys.

    $13 million dollars is not a lot if money in NFL terms and we have to consider future contracts like Cam's and Luke's.


    The condescension is strong with you. Not an admirable trait, and typically why I avoid the main forum. I'm well aware of our cap situation, but we were still in a position to get some quality depth in the second wave of FA. If Voth is to be believed, that wont be happening.


    The Pats and Packers have better rosters than us, and are not in cap hell. You know why? They have found the perfect balance between drafting and free agency. In my earlier post I was pointing out that Gettleman seems to favor the draft heavily, which doesn't seem to be the best way to build a franchise in my opinion. 


    Hey, in the end, I'm just some guy who needs things repeated to him  because he doesn't have the mental capacity to form an opinion and back it up. Don't mind me.

  2. Actually the Pats build mainly from Free Agency and are pretty mediocre in the draft. The Seahawks have built almost entirely through the draft with very little FA movement up until this year. There absolutely isn't one right way to do it, but whatever way you do it, you gotta make sure you're picking up talent.



    Actually, like I said, they rely on both equally. Take a look at this article. 




  3. Gentleman is too conservative. He's a great talent evaluator but if you never bring in even mid level contributors, you're not going to win a Lombardi. Just look at The Patriots. They build through the draft AND free agency. They're never in cap trouble and they're always in the mix for a super bowl.

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  4. Mastodon's new album is some good poo....accessible to people who don't like "cookie monster" vocals, yet heavy enough to appease people who do..




    This one is stuck in my head. The drummer is doing the lead vocals whilst killing it on the kit....dude is beast. 


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