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Posts posted by coralreefer_1

  1. Have to agree with above. It would be cool to trade comments with some real Broncos fans on here, but this guy is just starting poo and sharing the kind of diarrhea that is common on yahoo or SBnation. 1 week ban and wait to see if he/she has something to say afterward seems to be in order


  2. Let me be the first to say....


    FUG what Eagles fans say! Whatever respect you guys are gleaning from a few misc posts literally are drops compared to the rest of their fan base as well as the media thinks of us. If i had my way this thread would not even be here because what Eagles fans have to say or think (of any team) is the least meaningful.


    Trash piles do occasionally yield some gold. Hurray for that. Yet who wants to dig through trash to find it? Are we that desperate for recognition from such a club to get kicks because a handful are insightful enough to see whats really up?


    Fug the Eagles. I hope we pull fire alarms on them, our fans throw poo at their bus, our hookers infect their players..and our city treats them like trash. At least then they will feel right at home.


    • Pie 3
  3. For those of us Not local~~~~~~

    Who: Panthers at Bills

    Where: Somewhere, NY

    What: First preseason game of 2015

    When: Sometime Saturday evening when i can get the illegal download here in Asia

    TV: Doesnt matter. "Capper" is the only term that means anything for us overseas (unless you are a sucker that pays money for the "pass")

    Radio: What the hell is that.....do people still listen to such a thing?

    Time: 7:00pm EST = 8am Local time + 4-5 hours for uploader to get illegal file converted and live on private tracker =  late afternoon/early evening for downgraded to begin, early evening to view!


    So a Friday night game becomes a Saturday night game for me. I totally dont mind avoiding the net for a few hours as I typically spend my time banging hot women most married to fatties jack off to while the whale is in the bathroom/working/wrangling the rugrats...etc.


    I kid my friends (im not really kidding,but its all in good fun) Who gives a poo...its gameday!!!!




  4. More interested in what is happening at LT than anything else. Not that i expect a huge progression from one practice to another, but i'd sure like your insights about what you see/what is different/what is being worked on at that position

    • Pie 1
  5. Would we be even talking about this if we were not in a position to use/capitalize on such a thing?


    Great if it happens, but let me ask the usual questions here on thhe hudddle.


    Can he play LT?

    Can we trust Shula to use such talent?



    Now that the obligatory peanut gallery crap is out of the way, I would totally LOVE of such to come to pass!

  6. I didnt even care about the NFL until we got a local team. I was 17 going on 18 at that time, and those were the days where boys will be boys.


    That was back when "Gin n Juice" was still a hit. I wouldnt call myself a "true" Panthers fan as i dont even live in the US anymore, cant attend games,never been to a huddle cookout...etc. However, what I can say is that the Panthers are the only NFL team I care about, the only games I watch, and the only team that means anything to me.

    • Pie 1
  7. Most of the folks here defending Cam are just pointing out why he hasnt been as successful as Wilson and want to justify it.  As you noted they dont understand the business side of it and those excuses will be made by his agent but will carry little weight.  I think this year will go a long way to determining what happens with Cam and both sides know it.  I bet Gettleman is hoping that Cam has a fantastic year so when he does get the big bucks both sides will feel they have their guy for the next 6 or 7 years. But as you note, right now Cam would be top getting top 10 money not top 1 or 2 based on his results. 


    Yeah, I understand that. My point is though...that our defense is pretty badass to say the least. And while we havent had a wonderful running game and dealt with injuries and less that stellar talent on the o-line, we are all hoping all of that turns around this year.


    So then lets take some of these peoples argument and turn it around. Lets imagine we do win the superbowl this year. Can we justify paying cam LESS for the simple fact that a badass defense got us there? Our defense is the main reason we have been as competitive as we have been the last 2 seasons...so I would put forth that as great as Cam is and all the plays that he has made here in there, it was our DEFENSE that kept us in games and competitive as it were. Can any QB say they won a ring without the help of the team overall (which is basically what some are saying Wilson is lacking...poor guy played on a good team so poo on him)

  8. Wilson didn't win a Super Bowl, the Seahawks did. This ain't tennis. But if you're going to say Wilson personally won a Super Bowl you also gotta say he personally lost one too. Sounds like it evens out.


    And Cam alone may or may not win us a superbowl..the Panthers will (or not)


    The only difference is one team has won it once, been to a second, and otherwise dominated the league over the past few years. The other (us) have no such claim. Hell, most of the people here measure our team against Seattle.


    I dont have an issue with Cam getting paid big money (even if it breaks the team) But to say (and i havent seen that he has but everyone seems to put words in his mouth that he will) ask for  RW type money is a joke, and in my opinion would make Cam more big-headed than people are accusing Wilson of being.


    I know we are all homers for Cam and out team, but step out of the box for a moment and look at the RESULTS. Anyone who thinks Gettleman is just gonna ignore these things and dish out the kind of money people say RW is demanding to Cam is dreaming.

    • Pie 2
  9. I prefer the Bucs. Hardy is a great player of course, and i know many of you fear seeing him opposing our line...but if we cant compete against the likes of Hardy on another team, and sooo afraid of him...we have no place competing for a championship!


    I say bring it on! Either we as a team step up to the challenge of elite play...or go back to the cellar

  10. Great news, see Ya Bersin!!!!


    Bersin wasnt bad as a receiver when he was called upon. A punt returner he is not, but lets not throw him out just because he sucked at returning. He had his moments catching the ball before he was thrust into a return position when Ginn was let go...and people here couldnt not contain their hard on for him~


    Bersin still has a role I hope. That hope relies on him catching passes...not punts~

    • Pie 2
  11. LOL @ you folks giving a damn about having a bit longer e-cock than the next guy.


    Hey hey, on a mod of such and such site. Im a bad ass mofo...so stfu and respect me.


    I love me some Panthers, but DAYUM at these groveling mofos trying to get some recognition on a freaking discussion board!


    Its all cool mods though. Enjoy the undies~

  12. I dont give a poo about Hardy. But damn though. We franchise him, then he gets put on the exempt list and played one game.


    Id much rather the NFL grant us that money in cap space that we payed him not to play. Otherwise, if he does sign with another team, they pay us that money back somehow in the form of pure cash or picks or something.


    Just messed up he couldn't play because of the exempt list...but still gets paid and we lose that money as if throwing it out the window.





  13. My only point is the injuries don't match the alleged warrant.


    He 'flung her around the room, slammed her on floor and bathtub, threw on couch, and strangled her'.  She has some bruises and scratches.


    Also, why does she have an attorney present at his court hearing?  Isn't it up to the state at this point?


    I dont know aobut her bruises, and all of that sounds suspicious because I pretty much do ALL of those to my fiance every weeklend during our "romps", and she comes out like a champ.


    And they say Asian women are weak and dainty.. LOL

    • Pie 1
  14. So than maybe this is just a big misunderstanding.  They were just having a drunk jujitsu training session.


    Perhaps. Obvious sarcasm is obvious, but the idea that Hardy is innocent ONLY because he was capable of so much more damage than has been "alleged" is the point I am making. I will say again I hope none of this is true, but those thinking that is isnt BECAUSE he "could" have turned her into a wet mess of skin on the floor doesnt mean something didnt occur,

  15. Care to explain how you strangle somebody with 'control'?   Do you strangle just a little bit?


    Can you also 'slam' someone with control?


    What about throw?   


    All of these actions are what the warrant stated.


    Yes, I can explain it. I do it all the time in my humble juijitsu class. I can "choke" a guy slowly enough that he feels the pressure and decided to tap before he goes out (as opposed to ringing his neck with all my weakness 100% from the start. And guess what, if they didnt tap they would go out, and yet there would be no mark.


    And yes, thowing someone down "passively" as in, you know...not bulldozing them with all of your brute force, either pushing them yet not full power, or other throwing them (as in a Judo style thow" yet controlling their fall to an extent/

  16. LOL at the idea that a man like Hardy couldnt have done this because "she would be dead"


    Most of us are perfectly capable in beating the hell out of our wives, yet also capable of stroking her cheek gently if she cries, or..we;;..you know.


    It's called "control". Seriously, its like some of you have never wrestled around with someone weaker than yourself.


    I hope to god all of this mess isnt true, but lets put this stupid idea that it cant be true because he is capable of so much more damage = innocence to rest. Most women whom have been battered "could" have received ALOT worse if the man truly wanted to dish it out, and it doesnt take a beast of an athelete to do so.

    • Pie 3
  17. I find it interesting a while back a story about Kaepernick comes out and everyone here has already convicted him with nothing more than breaking news of what happened, yet in this case Hardy (whom we all know is a little bit crazy and that is why so many ride his balls) has an issue come out and its "hey, its alleged and lets wait and see"


    Men laying hands on women is an issue that should override team loyalty.

  18. The chick has marks....but from what I am reading they are not attack marks....more like restraint marks.  Either way, you can't touch a chick.  Better off running down the street screaming fire and hoping she doesn't follow.


    Agreed. My post was more contending the notion that their MUST be contact, as per your response to another poster saying that a simple argument can land one downtown.

  19. No you can't.


    There must be contact meaning, spit, throw, push, pull, bump or hit.  The victim does not decide whether the attacker gets arrested, the police must have physical evidence, witness or admission by the attacker.  


    So.  Something happened that was physical contact.  That could mean the victim was assaulted or merely bumped into by the attacker.  The law does not distinguish at the time of the attack between the extend of the physical contact.  That will be determined during the sentencing phase.  Fact is, if you are arrested for domestic violence, almost 100% of the time some type of contact occurred and there is either evidence of this contact, witness or admission by the attacker.


    I have been out of the US for damn near 10 years now, so I may be unfamiliar with the laws in the Carolinas.


    With that said, in some states that is not true. I have watched enough COPS over these years to know and have heard the police say many times that "someone has to take a ride downtown"


    In short, if there is a report, regardless of whether they are makrks or bruises, the law in some states say that at least one party must be booked. The officer must decide which based on what he/she hears...but yeah.  Again, Im not sure in NC/SC are one of those.

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