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Posts posted by LiQuiD

  1. 11 hours ago, MrBubba said:

    If true the deal will be interesting.  I would think if deal struck now, Browns gave in rather than risk Panthers cutting deal for draft qb tonight.  Or Panthers stepped up because knew couldn't get a deal in draft.  

    Why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick?

    • Beer 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    The are going to play man and bring 6 or 7 on every play.  The TE, CMC, and I expect to see 88 step up today--he will have their worst DB covering him.  Cam can't hold the ball---and we need to run it.  Screen passes are nice in this situation as well.

    Screens? This team can't describe one much less successfully run one. Screen precedes punt this year.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Catsfan69 said:

    Burns is also guessing on a play or two.

    He's not reading the head of the blocker and fighting across the face.

    If you can't do that squat your ass and anchor in place. Don't pick a side guessing you do their job for them that way.


    Dammit I am late for some booty now you guys sucked me into this. I'm fixing lunch for her too. Lol I just blew 30 minutes.

    Posts before hoes!

  4. Last Sunday was the first time this season that I turned off the game early and went back to chores. I didn't want to be a slave to the misery that watching them has become the last few games, progressively worse each week. It's a shame because I was excited to see how they'd improved this team.

    Now, I'm not sure whether I'll even tune in this week. It saddens me to feel that way.

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