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Posts posted by stankowalski

  1. Ive just got to mention this series by Hugh Howey again. Wool is the fist set of 5 novellas and is well written but pretty typical post apocalyptic fare. The human race reduced to a fraction of its current state and living in a 140 story silo. Taboos surrounding even speaking of going outside and a mystery surrounding why the sheriff would commit suicide by asking to be put out of the airlock.

    Well I just finished the second book of the followup trilogy and Its really solid work. The second series of novellas is actually a prequel to the original that deals with the apocalypse itself and how humanity was relegated to the life they have in the original series. So far its following one of the architects of doomsday and how he copes with the future he has contributed to as well as leading to a linkage with the original series by telling the stories of some characters centuries after the spoilerspoilerspoiler. The series is the Shift Trilogy.

    Seriously guys, this Howey dude is a solid author who has self published his way to where he is. Do yourself (and him) a favor and check out his work.

    Just bought the Wool series... It's only $3.99 for all 5 novellas on the Kindle.
  2. Yo man did you ever finish the Rothfuss stuff? After I was done with book two, I was really into the story...

    No. I finished the first book, but it really didn't do anything for me. Usually if I don't get hooked in the first half of a book, I'm done. I manned up and finished it out, but didn't really get into it. Not saying it's bad, just obviously not for me.

    You should check out Abercrombie's First Law series...it was pretty good.

  3. Read Perdido Street Station before you tackle The Scar. The Scar isnt a true sequel but the Bas-Lag series has a very loose order to it. If you've never read Mieville, you're in for a real treat. Dude has got a way with the english language that reminds me of why Ill never write a novel.

    Im finishing up Wool Omnibus edition by Hugh Howey. Its actually a series of novellas that were published for kindle with 8 out and a ninth expected.

    Its a really cool post apocolyptic story that centers around a civilizaion that lives in a silo. They believe that humanity has always lived the way that they do and think things like horses and elephants are no different than dragons and unicorns. The air outside the silo is toxic and speaking of going out is a taboo worthy of being condemed to death by being put outside.


    That sounds really interesting...going to have to check that one out.

  4. because if robert baratheon had ever found out, he would have had jon killed

    Yeah I get that...because that is obviously in Baratheon's character to do it. However, I haven't seen any indication in the writing that Cat is loose lipped and couldn't keep the secret. That should have been built into her character somehow because Ned keeping this a secret from his wife doesn't make sense (i.e. the loss of 'honor' for Ned, as well as the harsh treatment of Jon by Cat). Unless maybe we're wrong about Jon being Rhaegar's son.
  5. I agree with the theory that Rhagar and Lysanna are Jon's parents. The only thing I have a problem with is how Ned let his wife treat him. Why didn't he just tell her the facts so he could keep his 'honor' and shut her up? Who knows maybe Jon would have had a somewhat better life for it (better as in not getting the dagger eyes from his step mom for 14 years.) Of course then it would have been harder to keep it a 'secret' from the reader, so I guess it's just a literary tool in this case.

    And yeah I don't believe Jon is dead either.

  6. I'm reading The Name of the Wind right now, and it is fuging dragging along...

    I guess I'm now spoiled by the ASOIAF books, but so far (300 or so pages in) I'm almost bored witless... Too many details that don't really matter...

    Same here. I don't know....I just find it to be extremely boring. I'm not that far into it either. Couldn't give a page because I got it on Audible (btw, don't buy it on Audible as the narrator sucks). Right now I'm at the part where Kvoth's father sings part of the song he's been writing for months that apparently everybody really wants to hear for some reason. Yay?!

    And honestly I'm not into books with magic in it, and I get a feeling that this one may end up having a lot.

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