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Posts posted by Cat

  1. I'm on the last week of round 1 Insanity Max 30. I'm starting to not max out on workouts, which is awesome. Today is Sweat Intervals one of the tougher ones. I hope I can make it the full 30 with no breaks. 

  2. So your argument is that because the NFL hasn't released an official statement (yet) they didn't really cheat? Lulz

    My argument is that the refs caught them at halftime with 11/12 balls deflated. That is cheating. That is called being caught red-handed. I think I'll stick with my side.

    No my point is that we don't have nearly enough information to make claims. We need more information, until then we only have assumptions.

  3. good for everyone.  I think the link I provided mentioned efficacy variation between genders and races.  It was more effective for black people and hispanic people than white people.  It was more effective for men than women.

    Also more beneficial for vegetarians as meat contains creatine.



    So this could totally be placebo or just me improving but I took 5 grams of Creatine Monohydrate yesterday before my workout. I did Sweat Intervals (30 min Insanity Cardio) followed by AB attack (10 mins of ab moves no breaks) followed by T25 Pryamid (pyramid weight lifting for the most part).  

    Sweat Intervals typically kicks my butt, i have to break about 18 mins in normally but not yesterday. I went 26 mins without a break, I only stopped because my heart rate was above what my max heart rate is supposed to be. I felt crazier than normal, a little out of my mind, I didn't realize how hard I was pushing my body. After all the workouts I ended up with a headache. I am curious if any of this is attributed to the Creatine. I'm gonna try it again today. 

    • Pie 1
  4. everyone should take it, at least sporadically, IMO.  The science behind it is pretty strong and it's about as safe as anything can be.


    If he has any belly fat, though, the amount of water that gets retained in his midsection could be alarming.



  5. everyone should take it, at least sporadically, IMO.  The science behind it is pretty strong and it's about as safe as anything can be.


    If he has any belly fat, though, the amount of water that gets retained in his midsection could be alarming.


    I need to mention that to him. He doesn't have much fat on his body but that is the first place he gains any weight. He's been complaining about his midsection looking big and said in a few weeks he's going to focus on leaning out more than getting big. 

  6. Does anyone else deal with knee pains coming and going? Same type pain in both knees, comes and goes. The other day it was my right one, now it's my left one. It's sharp pains under the knee cap. I've been dealing with this type knee pain coming and going for the last 4 years. Anyone have any idea what it is? My doctors have said my knees look good, nothing torn or broken.

  7. 57lb?  That's a weird weight.  Creatine Mono is a pretty good, I'm taking it during my workouts.  If I stop taking it my weight drops 10lbs within a week.  It holds lots of water in.



    He bought the ones where you can add more weight to them. The bar itself is 7 lbs. 

  8. So for about over a week now i've been eating awesome, low cal and mostly clean and have done Insanity Max 30 workouts combined with a T25 workout. I'm back to pre-knee injury form! Abs are defined, butt is more toned, loss the extra fat between the thighs. I'm a happy girl!  :thumbsu:  

    • Pie 1
  9. Did my first workout with Insanity Max 30. It was pretty tough. Made it 18 minutes without stopping. the plyo scissor stance jack jumps got me. 


    (You are suppose to log the first time you have to take a rest in the work out, rest is suppose to be really short.)

    • Pie 1
  10. I feel almost 100% fine during the day but at night I get so congested and have coughing fits. Tried to get into my doctor today to get some cough suppressant and all the doctors are 100% booked up with urgent care at a 2 hour wait. 

  11. You take any medicine?  Sounds like a possible side effect.  I had similar feeling when I tried ambien.



    Nope, I just get weird sometimes when I sleep. My husband and brother get a good laugh out of it sometimes when I fall asleep on the couch. 

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