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Posts posted by QUESERVATIVE

  1. Honestly I believe that Johnson and Allen are gone it frees up 19 million in cap room. Jared has beed inconsistent as well as Johnson hurt. I believe tha it would be better to send that ship sailing. I also believe that we need to to add one more wide reciever. Alshon Jeffereies would be wonderful with KB, Funch, Ginn and Brown ..... I believe that we do also need to look at Olivier Vernon from Miami in free agency as another pass rusher to create domination on the Defensive side. J-No will get the franchise tag, because that how Gettleman works. Plus J-No can stay humble and prove that this years was not a fluke. Overall we have a helluva young squad, and these additions will only fuel a fire after losing the big kahuna. My only worries are with Tolbert and Tillman. I like them but something tells me that Gettleman will break our hearts in that area. BTW how do you guys feel about McClain and Finnegan?

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