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Posts posted by PantherNation123

  1. 1 minute ago, Tr3ach said:

    He hasnt looked better than Sam in any game Cam has started...  the guy is what, 0-13 now in his last 13 starts, and some of you are still certain hes the answer.  Look in the mirror.

    Not at all saying he’s “the answer”.  But you clearly are blinded by something.  He carried our team against Washington and has led us in rushing the past 3 games.  Cam is unequivocally better than Sam Darnold.  The more this game goes on, you look even more inept, just like Darnold.  I’d suggesting quitting while “ahead”

    • Pie 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Catsfan69 said:

    Lol that TO wasn't on Sam.


    You people are ridiculous with your double standards. 

    Definition of gaslighting with double standards there buddy.  Sam owns that TO, as he needs to diagnose pressure pre-snap and feel it during the play.  He can check it down fine, but he mentally just isn’t an NFL caliber qb 

  3. This won’t be a popular take here, and a lot of factors point against us (CMac out, Cam still getting familiar with offense, etc). However, Panthers have always performed better when everyone counts us out.   

    Assuming the defense gets it together and plays to their potential, and Brady’s departure is the positive we all think it is, I don’t think it’s crazy to say we can win 4/5 (a lot will hinge on if TB has anything to play for the last week).   

    This NFL season has been unpredictable to say the least, so here’s to us having oh so slight a chance.  One step at a time though: BeatATL

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  4. 6 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Don't quote me but Howell isn't a lock to enter the draft. I'm hearing mom is pushing him to go but he wants to play another year at UNC. He doesn't want to end on this note.

    As a UNC fan, I would love this, but it is very rare for a first round talent (especially in a QB weak class) to stay back.  I’d take him for Heels or Panthers, but I would be truly shocked if he stayed at UNC

  5. 9 hours ago, flagfootballcoach28 said:

    Nice burn bro.  Two undefeated seasons in a row, so maybe I will stick to flag.  Btw, what do you coach? Your Madden football franchise doesn't count. Cam has had many chances in his career. He's washed. Too bad you're too blind to see it. If Sam Darnold had that same performance, I'm sure you wouldn't be making the same excuses as you are for Cam. 

    Haha well, genuinely, congrats. That is fun. I’ll probably coach at some point as I played college football, but haven’t yet.   “Cam has had many chances in his career” - yeah he was an MVP with Devin Funchess as his best WR.   He contributed two TD’s three days after having sat on the couch.  He subsequently had a pretty good game against his former coach, followed by a game where everyone on the team, including Cam, played poorly.   If Sam Darnold ever sniffs the same air Cam has played at, he’ll deserve the benefit of the doubt (along with if he had no offseason and was brought off the street midseason).   Maybe just sit back and try to root for the best QB (and player along with Keuchly) that the Panthers have ever had.  

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Cpt slay a ho said:

    We still would have lost, can’t zone in on the passer rating for the whole story, there were several other factors that played heavily in our lost. His passer rating was great last week and will still lost.

    2 good games and one bad one is not career defining, if that wasn’t said about Aaron rodgers week 1 why would this apply to some one coming off the couch 2 weeks in? 

    These trolls legit WANT to see Cam not play well.  It’s a weird thing with seemingly half of this place.  Logic and reason doesn’t work with these fellas.  One of the worst offensive line performances of our lifetime, CMac hurt, drops, clown coaches…. But it’s all on Cam who came off couch 3 weeks ago

    • Pie 4
  7. 9 hours ago, countryboi said:

    setting ourself up for the ol injury excuse. Jackson is a good young corner, I would try to make an offer to him and Gilmore and see what happens 

    Would like both back, but realistically, signing both hampers our chances to boost the offensive line, which MUST be corrected if we want to have a chance 

  8. 5 hours ago, flagfootballcoach28 said:

    Umm no. I didn't judge him off one game. I've actually been judging him for the past 2 years. And at least Darnold and TB showed the ability to make NFL throws. Btw what has he done that makes you think he's a starting QB in this league? Is it the 8 td's and 10 int's he had last year in a full season last year? It seems like Mac Jones is doing a hell of a lot better than that with a similar offense. If you actually look at his stats, the Washington game was an outlier. He has been bad a lot more than he has been good. He makes bad reads, he has no zip on the ball, he's lost his athletic ability.The Cam nut huggers got so excited that he ran a 5 yard TD and threw a 5 yard TD pass vs AZ.. Lol too bad you can't run qb powers and flat routes every play in NFL. Theres a reason why no NFL team picked him up, only us to sell tickets. Even though Cam played decent vs the Football Team, he was also outplayed by Heinicke. And it's the NFL. How often do you see wide receivers running wide open? Its the QB's job to throw them open. So don't give me that weak ass argument. we can start Cam sure, but PJ Walker gives this team a better chance of winning. Yeah our line sucks. But there was also plenty of plays to where he had time to throw but simply couldn't get the job done. 

    So much wrong with this take, but the “flag football coach” behind the poster says it all.  Stick to flag bud, the real game isn’t for you. Should think about “nuthugging” another team, because it’s just sad that people trying to give Cam a chance gets your panties in a wad. 

    • Beer 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Call Me James said:

    It's one game. Let's see how he looks out of the bye week. 


    This exactly. Yes, Cam played badly, yes the o-line sucked, DJ dropped first two passes, CMac hurt most of game, and OC is a joke.   Cam genuinely played well last week, and he still is only 3 weeks into the playbook with limited playing time.  Hopefully the whole TEAM plays better after the bye

    • Pie 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Snake said:

    If you think this team is moving forward with Cam as QB then you are very ignorant. It's not 2015 Cam anymore. He's not riding in saving this team and he had some ugly picks that were totally his fault. When Cam moves on I really wish you guys would leave because half you bitch and the other half moan. 

    Sounds like you’re the one bitching and moaning haha. Never said Cam is a long term solution, but I like him over Darnold this year and next.  The whole team had a bad game yesterday, Cam included.  As a Panther fan, I’m hopeful this bye week gives Cam more time to get comfortable in the system.  Unfortunately, I know many huddlers will be hoping he has another bad game.  Not saying you’re included with that, but you know that is a correct assessment

  11. Just now, tgrfan01 said:

    found one..you are a bigot if you say cam didnt play well today.

    Yeah, reading comprehension is tough buddy.  Didn’t say Cam played well, but many posters are conveniently forgetting how Cam played past two games, and all of the circumstances around this game (and the previous two).  Nobody played well today, Cam included.  To act like this is all Cam’s fault is a joke though

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  12. Crazy how many people come out of the woodwork to blame Cam when there were so many problems with today’s game (even with coaching aside, which is probably the biggest issue).   Didn’t hear this same bigotry past two weeks when Cam looked like the best QB we’ve had since he left…. In addition to purging the coaching staff, posters on this site need to be purged

    • Poo 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Snake said:

    Nuthuggers triggered

    triggered GIF

    If you think we had a better team without Cam, then you don’t know football. The “nuthuggers” talk just makes you come off as ignorant and wanting to gloat in today’s loss, which largely wasn’t Cam’s fault.  Really wish y’all would find a new team

    • Pie 1
  14. 28 minutes ago, mc52beast said:

    I love Cam but when you’re rebuilding a team do you really want a 32 year old qb being your future?

    We were in the playoff hunt and needed a proven commodity at QB. Cam fits that.  Played well previous two weeks, then early drops today and defensive again not up to their standards, combined with CMac not playing most of game = game forced on Cam’s back with a weak O-line.  This dude was on the couch three weeks ago. Can’t blame him

    When we were in the playoff hunt with a good defense, it made sense to have Cam.  I hope he’s back next year too, because our alternative is Sam Darnold or some other bust

    • Pie 3
  15. 2 hours ago, PghPanther said:

    Cam?.........he was a duel threat interesting QB in his day but became injured before he ever developed into a good pocket passing QB...as a result right now he's a outstanding back up QB but time will tell if he still has it in him to be a starter in the NFL anymore. 

    But based on the above 3 problems I've stated he's not going to be able to find that out playing with the Panthers...........he makes for good show, pr and copy having him here for a while and he does give the Panthers the best chance to win but that's not saying much because of the ongoing pee wee league coaching and overall team development. 

    Yikes. This is a crazy bad take on Cam.  I get he might not be MVP Cam anymore (though you could argue he played close to that level yesterday).  But to say he is a backup and time will tell if he can start in the NFL? Look at the QB’s half the NFL throws out there each week. Cam is 100% an NFL starter

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