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Posts posted by Gucceland

  1. 12 hours ago, FreeCountryPanther said:

    I know this sounds crazy but what if they are keeping it a secret. They say PJ is starting but Cam can learn a playbook fast in my opinion. I just have a crazy feeling he may just start tomorrow. If he doesn't start he might be put in at goal line situations. Have that weird feeling tomorrow that we are gonna dominate! Keep Pounding Panther Nation. Stand up!   I was trying to post this here but accidently posted in NFL. Is there a way I can delete that post and start a new one?

    Mac Jones says different.....lol

  2. On 11/11/2021 at 4:29 PM, Zod said:

    Let's say PJ throws for 350 yards and 3 TDs with no turnovers. 


    You start him against Washington and give Cam more time to learn the offense?

    If Murray and Hopkins don't play and something kinda like this happens Carolina will be in a mess.  If Murray plays and this happens, then you play PJ until he is exposed.  

    Personally I see Cam playing by the 2nd half in a game Carolina is down by 17.

  3. On 11/12/2021 at 1:06 PM, onmyown said:

    you cannot fix the 29th ranked oline in one season with half your top picks missing 

    it just doesn’t work like that

    this oline is already horrendous and they don’t even have Paradis next year, so despite literally dangerous guard play, a C is an absolute must 

    this is the hole that was dug and will take several years to address. honestly it’s really doing cam a disservice.


    You can prevent exposing them.  Darnold was somewhat mobile, but not a huge threat and CMC was missing until last game.  You add Cam and CMC back to the equation and this takes a load off the OL simply because any time Cam drops back and pressure comes...Cam or CMC can break through and gain positive yards.  When CMC was out Darnold really didn't have any dump off options and the run game was sub par so the Defenses could just tee off on Darnold and basically destroy the pocket.

    Now Cam and CMC will make Defenses play differently, so this could help the OL.  The real issue that still remains is can Cam throw a 20 plus yard pass within 5 foot of a WR or does the ball keep ending in the grass before the receiver / sailing over the receiver?

  4. It's basically an 8 game deal worth $4.5 million that could equate to $10 million if the Panthers win the Super Bowl....lol.  

    If Cam does well we will have to pay him a boat load to come back next season and if he sucks we are back at square one....either way it should have been a two year deal minimum if it was truly an attempt to better the team and not just a play to sell tickets and merchandise.  Sure would be nice to know Cam is here for at least the next season and a half and bring in a guy to learn under him next season...oh well.

  5. You don't have to worry about getting the hook...because I got no one left.

    Look at me.  Look at me son....you know how to play this game.  You been playing all your life.  

    Okay, maybe you're in Atlanta right now.  You're enjoying yourself.  You're back in the "hood," right before your momma calls you for dinner.  Go to the Buick and I'll throw it to you, you throw it back.  A game of catch, remember that?

    My point is Cam just forget the crowd, the formations and the audibles and the whole GD playbook.  Just focus on the one next pass.  

    Cam, go to the Buick and turn around.

  6. I am glad he is back and it actually gives me a reason to watch the last 8 games...no way I was suffering through another Darnold or 3rd string QB Sunday.  This team looks completely retarded signing him again...but hey...I'm just a guy that wants to see some entertaining football and Cam definitely provides that win or lose.  Screw the future of the Panthers, lets just hit the Wildcard spot every 3 to 5 years....YEEEHAA!

  7. 16 minutes ago, WOW!! said:

    1. The FO has only been around 1 year.. Fitt had nothing to do with releasing Cam and grabbing Teddy.. Fitt takes the 1 mistake with Darnold... 

    2. The coaching staff can rebuild trust Especially since half the players are only here because Rhule coach them in college and most of the rest played and look at Cam as a leader..

    3. This team is young and still buying in to Rhule no matter what fans think..

    4. They are only a half game from a playoff position... Next year doesn't matter to these players now!!!

    5. If the team plays well with Cam to a playoff birth.. It looks real good to FA QB next offseason.. Instead of sucking with 5 draft picks in next years draft and a bad QB draft...

    Hurney was a dead man walking and didn't want to cut Cam....he was trying to save his job...which didn't work...Rhule straight up lied and told Cam he was safe...then cut the hell out of him.  Buck stops with Tepper.  

    Fact is passing on all the QBs the last 2 years in the draft was a huge mistake and signing Cam 2 years later to sell tickets and make the playoffs just to get bounced is not helping the team.  The Patriots showed the Panthers exactly what they should have done with Cam....bridge the team to the draft.  

    Again Rhule and his staff suck and Rhule is a couple steps away from taking a college job again.  Panthers are in purgatory now because they cut Cam 2 years ago, rather than find a replacement and let him play out his time in Carolina.  

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  8. 1 minute ago, WOW!! said:

    Because no matter what fans think.. The owner nor has the players turned on Rhule..

    The team is still playing hard and not giving up... Even with Darnold BS play the team has still been competitive and should have won Atleast the Philly and Pat's game if Darnold wasn't the QB...

    No way do you just say fug the season and you're only a half game out the playoffs.. 

    The point is the coaching staff and front office have admitted they completely Fed up 2 years ago and that they have no clue how to evaluate QB talent!  Newton should have never been cut in the first place.  A QB should have been taken as a first round pick the last two year and developed under Cam and now they would have Herbert or Murray playing rather than resigning a broken Cam after running through the QB garbage pile for the last two years looking for spar parts!

    And making the playoffs this year with Cams 4-4 record, which I'm sure we will have does nothing for the Panthers next year when Cam's arm is shot and he can't finish a 17 game season due to noodle arm.  

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  9. 5 minutes ago, WOW!! said:

    It's a move to save the coach and the locker room... They couldn't bring Sam back and playing PJ or Barkley the rest of the season is telling the roster we quit...

    Not sure how this coaching staff / front office cutting Cam and trading for a QB two years in a row and then finally resigning Cam not even 2 years later saves a coaching staff / front office....if anything they should place the entire coaching staff and front office on bipolar medication and send them all back to peewee football leagues outside of the Carolinas....they are complete trash!

  10. 1 minute ago, Catsfan69 said:

    Gold is right in his analysis. I listened to it and agree this isn't a good football move.

    It's a move to sell tickets and try to stay above 500....which it most likely will do....but all that does is place the Panthers in the middle of the draft and misses out on first round QBs....

    I would prefer to start a back up and IR CMC so the panthers can get a redo on picking a first round QB...but that was never going to happen...so having Cam actually helps CMC and may prevent him from getting pummeled by defenses due to Cams ability to run..plus Cam can only throw the ball 20 yards now so CMC will be his primary target....LOL

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  11. Just shows how completely inept Rhule and the Panthers Front Office is and how desperate Tepper is to sell tickets.  

    Cut an injured Newton for a back up Bridgewater, trade Bridgewater off for peanuts after a massive contract and then trade for Darnold losing several draft picks, place a completely shell shocked Darnold on IR for an injured prostate (butt hurt) and then re sign the same injured Newton.  Jebus help this team please...they are lost and only you can save them.

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  12. Getting Sam Darnold for a 6th (2021), 2nd (2022) and 4th (2022), then getting the 6th back for Bridgewater (2021) was an excellent trade for the 3rd pick in the (2018) draft.  Tannahill was also a Gase QB gone bad and now we know who the problem was....Gase.  This kid is 23 years old and had horrible coaching in the NFL.  Alex Smith didn't have a winning season until Harbaugh showed up.  If Carolina can put Darnold in a position to win, which it looks like they are doing, Darnold will be a top 10 QB in the league.  Everyone in Carolina should feel like they won the draft this year getting Darnold so cheap and then grabbing all the other needs on the list.  Merry Christmas people.

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