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Posts posted by AKPantherFan

  1. I mean honestly -- Even if he does play, how effective will he be? If she doesn't give him her blessing for him to play im sure the anxiety will effect his play.


    The decision should have been already made, and SHE should have helped him already make it by giving her support or setting the line.


    I blame the woman! (j/k)


    Seriously though a man deserves his woman's support and peace of mind to make sound decisions in a situation like this. It has to be a "their" decision.


    Strong woman= "Play honey- you were born for this, I got this baby..."


    Vulnerable woman= "No, I need you there. I cant do it without you..."


    You decide....

  2. Its a LOSE/WIN  WIN/LOSE situation...


    If he plays then she will ALWAYS hold that over his head, but im sure the son would be proud of his dad playing.


    If he doesn't then his son will AWLAYS remember that his dad made a huge sacrifice to be there for him. But what happens if the seahawks lose? what then? the what ifs are endless.


    I say Play. Hell I have friends who are overseas deployed and have missed their babies births because of work. Richard Sherman is working tomorrow night.  Babies are born every day. This is the biggest game, the biggest platform, and could be his biggest moment.


    (Plus I think its her 1st kid right? The 1st ones always late....)

  3. The thing that irks me about the result from this is the judge ordered Hardy to go to AA meetings three times a week, as if he's already been deemed guilty of something.

    Sent from my iPhone.

    Pretty standard. Plus it was a woman judge, and she has a job to do.

    • Pie 1
  4. After reading the other 911 call hardy is good.

    Alllll good.

    Any 20cent defense attorney could get this thrown out. Much less the $$ hardy can throw at a lawyer.

    With that said funny that the waitress had an attorney today. Don't remember being able to afford a lawyer when I was waiting tables. Sure that was at least a 3k retainer.

    Bitches b crazy. Watch y'all's ass. You could be next!!!

  5. Classic case of he said she said. He is still innocent until proven guilty.

    This will never go to trial. No prosecutor will take this to trial cause they know it's all circumstantial and hardy was bleeding himself.

    Also it will all be his vs her eye witnesses and no prosecutor wants to get in that mess.

    And once a jury hears the 911 calls and his lawyer gets done with her she will be made to look soo inept it will look ridiculous.

    • Pie 1
  6. I've never met Greg, but I've always pictured him being kind of an arrogant douche. I love him on the field, and his intensity, and think the Kraken persona is amusing, but he just seems like the kind of guy who's unlikable and thinks he's better than everyone else. IF this story is true, I'll be so happy once he's gone, and CJ restructures and we've got just CJ and Ealy.

    CJ is on the downside bro.

    Hardy has 3 years of prime ahead of him.

  7. He may not get sentenced to jail time at all. Just probation and/or community service.

    Especially, if he has never been in trouble before

    Damn, wish my judge was that nice. I doubt it for him though. If convicted, he is sooo big the judge will make a statement.

  8. I am still waiting for the facts though. Bitches b crazy.

    And 4am. Wtf... Means ppl b drunk and we have all seen crazy bitches drunk.

    I doubt Greg hit her (maybe put her up on the wall and was like "stop bitch") but if he hit her I doubt we would not be hearing about a cracked eye socket.

    Will reserve judgement.

  9. Even if guilty of both crimes he wouldn't get a year sentence. Max is 60 days per charge, and if he has a clean record is likely to just get probation

    This then. But is convicted it would be a suspended sentence +probation allowing him to not have to serve the jail time.

  10. For who?

    Not perfect math but Greg is going to lose about 700k per game if convicted and suspended. And I predict a 1 game suspension if convicted

    But then he will have his 3 legal continuations to push it as far back as possible if the judge allows.

  11. I had my ex wife clock me over the side of my face with a phone once. Still didn't hit her cause I KNEW regardless I would go to jail.

    I just removed myself from te situation

    This knowledge came after being locked up several times though and realizing what the reality and perception of the situation would be.

    Greg better get his crap together.

    He won't go to jail and probably will have a 1yr suspended sentence with probation and anger management classes IF convicted.

    No woman is worth hitting. Not because they are special but because regardless of the situation the man will NEVER be justified.

    And I've had my share of crazy biotches. Best answer is and always will be to walk away. No need to put yourself in the situation.

    • Pie 2
  12. nfl gameday morning picked 100% 49'rs for the win... Said that we just don't have enough to beat them..


    Lets prove the world wrong today..


    I was in Seattle last week and met a 9r fan Thursday night at a bar who seemed to not take us seriously, lets hope the team feels the same and then we straight punch them right in the mouth.


    I have a weird feeling we are going to run all over them. (yes, even with their defense)

    • Pie 2
  13. Jesus guys-- we don't know if someone was talked too (which happens all the time regardless of rules) or they just are doing a background check (which is ridiculous for people who have already made it to that type of echelon in the coaching hierarchy)


    Its a moot point either way--And damn sure not worth arguing over.

  14. Hell-- Maybe we are all overthinking this and DG just doesn't like RR??? Maybe there just isn't much chemistry between the two? Maybe RR and his brush shoulders on behind the scene things we are not privy to?


    Pad that with RR's record as our head coach and it makes it easy for any GM to start looking for the replacement.


    As far as we know, DG could have already told RR he is gone unless at the least a very strong playoff push. Then DG being doubtful RR can achieve it, has just begun sorting out who he would look to take over.



  15. A variable that folks are not mentioning is that we have a talented young team.





    CAM NEWTON.......


    I guarantee the pedigree of coaches that would apply for the job would be more talented than we have ever seen show interest in Carolina.


    DG just might be smart enough to let the word out, just to get a feel for interest around the league.


    Its free advertisement, and could turn out some very interesting results.

    • Pie 3
  16. Actually it makes perfect sense.


    These guys are making career decisions.  Who the head coach ia has a pretty big effect on that career.





    I get that, it will play a factor. But in no way will it be a deal breaker for those players. Either way they are looking at a new coach, (if that was to happen) and the options would be to play with players you know, or go somewhere else for more or less money.


    Way too many variables...


    You know there are some head coaches that DO come in and start off great. Its all in the selection of the coach.

  17. It has the potential to be.

    As an example, you're trying to negotiate an extension with Greg Hardy. Hardy, who likes Rivera, hears that you're looking into replacing him. That news may then become a factor for his decision making. Ditto other players who like Rivera (and remember we have a lot of one year contracts on this team). As you get later in the season, guys start thinking about next year anyway, especially if they're gonna be free agents.

    Naturally I hope it doesn't become a distraction, but it most definitely could be.

    That makes no sense Mr. Scot. Sorry...


    But if those guys decide not to extend based on that, then they are off to an unknown team with a new coach anyways. Assuming they get signed elsewhere.

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