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Posts posted by TheRed

  1. Stacked?  No, definitely not.  Bersin has zero chance to earn a roster spot on a stacked WR roster.  I can understand why fans think it's stacked though.  We look like we may actually have the talent pool to field a legit NFL WR corps here in Carolina for the first time in a looooooong time.  But stacked?  No.

    I think you're applying a context to that word that was not my intention.

    Not stacked as in top within the league. Stacked in terms of compared to what we have had at times since Newton first arrived.

    Were we worried about having roster spots to fit all our WR's around this time last year?

  2. ​Brown is #4, Ginn #5. Last spot up for grabs, and honestly I'm pulling for Hill. But I just want the best guy there. If it's Bersin then great, I like the guy as a receiver.

    ​Damn, I forgot to put Brown in there.

    Well, to update it then..

    Benjamin - #1

    Funchess - #2

    Brown - #3

    Ginn #4

    Bersin #5

    Cotchery or Byrd for #6

    I don't really see that Cotchery makes it unless he absolutely balls out in camp/preseason. We need all the speed we can get.

    We are pretty damn stacked at WR, I don't understand what there is to bitch about exactly.

    • Pie 1
  3. Definitely. Byrd would be used on gadget plays only IMO. I hope we roll with six WR







    cut folkerts if remmers looks adequate at center spot duty. 

    ​Can't lie, that depth makes me a little moist.

    Definitely have some speed, and anyone who watched our games early last season knows what's it like to lack that.

  4. Hypothetical, but if say Benjamin and Ginn get hurt around the same time, wouldn't that 4th or 5th receiver be invaluable?

    ​I mean, if we're down 2 of our top 4 WR's, we're just about fugged anyway. So what exactly is there to debate here?

    Benjamin is our #1, Olsen though he is a TE is basically our #2 WR, Funchess would be #3 in that order, Ginn would be #4, then Bersin would be battling it out with Cotchery for #5.

    Again, I don't understand all the hyperbole like Bersin is going to be a top 2  or 3 option.

    • Pie 2
  5. I'd rather have Byrd. But bersin fits shulas MO catch the ball and fall down. We need YAC this year. I'm tired of the catch and fall down routine. Bersin is reliable tho IMO

    ​I wouldn't be upset at all if Byrd made it over Bersin. That would mean he has made a hell of a lot of progress, because Bersin is already well established.

    But the thing with Byrd that people may not be so realistic about is how he will hold up physically in the NFL. He's a good bit smaller than even Corey Brown right now, who experienced his welcome to the NFL moments last year, and battled a few injuries as a result. We have to take this into account.

    • Pie 1
  6. I have no problem with them keeping Bersin, I actually liked him at the beginning of last year and had high hopes for him.


    i do have a problem with him ever being the 1st or 2nd option on any kind of crucial down, and I don't trust this coachin staff enough to not do that again.

    ​With the addition of Funchess, and Ginn, I don't think we should have to worry about this.

    I like Bersin, he's a complimentary player, and he should contribute just fine here as such.

  7. ​That's what I'd like to know. There were plenty of us that had cool sigs that weren't  just 'tits and ass'.

    ​Didn't you have that gif with a chick in lingerie shaking her ass for like a year or more, lol.

    It's cool and all, when I'm intoxicated I honestly don't give a fug. But when I'm out and about, or at work, It'd be nice to be able to browse the huddle without looking like this is Bang Bros or something. I'm sure the guys here who are actually married with kids appreciate it even less.

    • Pie 2
  8. Yeah, not sure race has anything to do with it.Look at RG3, he was promoted and shoved down our throats, and he's sh!t. The created dialogue about Cam and now can't change anything they say about him. So it's up to Cam to change their heads for them.


    Also Dalton would only talk about his soul harvesting machine he has built.

    ​Some of it is. But most of it is just idiot college football fans who hate a guy for life just because he beat their favorite team.

    I have been in close contact with Dalton regarding his soul harvesting machine. If you would like to be spared, I suggest you begin kissing up to me now.

    • Pie 1
  9. ​Understandable. But why shell out all that money for who has apparently been turned into a game manager? Unless his running is just that important? Hell Alex Smith is an excellent runner. You wanna put him on that level? I won't. 

    ​Game manager? Alex Smith?

    You wonder why nobody wants to have a conversation with you, lol.

  10. If Cam is such a great passer why doesn't he get more attempts? 

    ​I assume you know enough about us to realize that we switched coordinators and put heavier emphasis on our ground game, and sustaining longer drives that drain the clock.

    The Panthers offense is obviously not a pass heavy offense like in Atlanta.

    If you don't think Newton can pass for a ton of yards, I can't help you. But even if he did, we probably wouldn't be winning all that many games, because that would likely mean our defense has been getting gashed. Which is what you've been witnessing in Atlanta. Which is why, despite how potent your offense has been the last few years, you're still only 4-4 against the Panthers the last 4 years.

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