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Posts posted by Marguide

  1. Ever watch a cat play with it's prey? That's what I want  to see today.

    Pin them down, let them get away once or twice to give them a sense of hope. After a couple of repetitions of this, the prey knows how it's going to end, and they give up.

    Maybe it's a bit cruel, but it's part of a cat's nature, and can no more be changed than the inevitability of today giving way to tomorrow.

    • Pie 4
  2. For the sake of diplomacy, I will give our Dallas visitors three crumbs:

    1) Romo is a good to very good QB

    2) Dez is a damn fine WR

    3) Your stadium is beautiful

    We're still going to kick your ass tomorrow. We are a cohesive team of 53. You guys have some talent at top, little quality depth, and you don't yet have the chemistry to play as a complete team.

    • Pie 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Hoenheim said:

    From the NFL.com comments page on the article about the banner :

    As a Packer fan in NC (I'm a soldier at Fort Bragg), I am shocked and saddened that Cam would do something like this. I had a lot of respect for him as a player and as a role model for the youth of the Carolinas. But this has to be one of the worst examples of bad sportsmanship I have ever heard. This would never happen at Lambeau. Aaron Rodgers would never touch a fans property. If Cam had such a problem with the banner he should have talked to security to have it removed (if anyone has seen a picture of the banner, you know there was nothing offensive about it). To Cam Newton: You had no right to touch someone elses property. They have the right to their opinion, the same as you do. I am sure this will be settled without legal charges (you could be arrested for theft), but know that the league will NOT look the other way. You will probably be fined, and rightfully so. If it was up to me you would be arrested and face jail time and fines for what you did and if i could petition the NFL, you should be fined and suspended like all the other violators of the league's personal conduct rules. It was theft,plain and simple!   "

    Yeah, I can tell by the rest of his tirade that he had a lot of respect for Cam.

    You can see, smell and taste the hate coming off his keyboard.

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