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Status Updates posted by Scrumtrilescent

  1. Spanish Moss is neither Spanish, nor a moss.

  2. zagg.com Code for 10% off: iafwfpj3 If you go there and sign up for the ipad giveaway, you get coupons up to 50% off every week. I'm thinking about getting another one with some cool Panthers pic on it for the season.

  3. Not bad. Now the nips!1111111111eleventyonepmmethemifyouwanna

  4. A female?? SHOW MA UR BEWBZ!!!!!!!!!1111111111purtyplz

  5. What the rest of them said.

  6. Merry Christmas to you as well. Sorry this is late, been out of town.

  7. Still not understanding the barf thing.

  8. You're beautiful and I'm already in your pants.

  9. I make you wanna barf?

  10. No more, I stopped. It's only because I truly, madly, deeply love you.

  11. Direct me to these. KTHANXBYE.

  12. Never. And you always have nothing. It's the norm.

  13. With bits of burnt pork chops.

  14. Smells like whole wheat pasta shits.

  15. Why don't you die?

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