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Posts posted by xXxBretWeedxXx

  1. 2 hours ago, Wyank said:

    More gold from their thread:


    The idiots do realize that we had the lead in every single game but one when the game was over including against the Seahawks right?

    This isn't true. The Rams game in week 16 was the first game in Russell Wilson's college/pro career where his team didn't have the lead at some point in the game.


    edit: talking about this quote:The idiots do realize that we had the lead every single game in the 4th before Bevell went into play not to lose mode and the D couldn't hold it right?

  2. I need to throw my hat into the A Song of Ice and Fire ring. Favorite author and favorite series. They're making an HBO series out of the books currently.

    I like Wheel of Time also. I like a good long story and this does well for me. It's not in ASoIaF's class though.

    David Eddings sucks. Reading Eddings makes me think I'm reading fiction written by a 14 year old. Boring, obvious and uninspiring.

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