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Posts posted by Devoid

  1. 2 hours ago, MadHatter said:

    Exactly.....The Giants move OBGYN's candy ass into the slot to get him away from the top CB's.

    Wait...can I saw candy ass when referring to Beckham, or will that be deemed too homophobic and garner the ire of the PC police?

    No but Odell might feel threatened and sucker punch you.

  2. At this time last year they had two question marks fighting for the LT spot with the loser getting the RT with no depth (other than an injury prone kid, that was still worse than Bell and Chandler, and a project). We had Amini and Scott at the guard spots with one failing to live up to his draft spot and the other a back up at best (well both are back ups at best).

    Now they have a solid inside with depth and a RT spot with at worse Remmers who played well. The only question mark is the LT spot where even Bell looked almost average when the other four spots were locked down. If Oher can play as well as Bell they should be fine. If he plays better than Bell they could be scary good. This is the first year in a long time that they have options, depth, and continuity.

    Starting to get over excited for the season...

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