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Posts posted by Hawk

  1. don't bring anything other than a nice pen and a daytime/portfolio with some questions written down about the company and growth potential etc.


    be honest

    when answering questions, it's ok to talk about "we" but the interviewers want to hear about "I" more

    don't over dress for the position

    it's ok to ask them to re-state the question if you don't understand It the first time...but don't keep doing it

    if they ask why you are leaving your current role....you don't believe your current position will allow you to grow and realize your potential


    if they ask you if you have any questions, ask a couple relevant questions about the company...even if it's fairly obvious, but see if you can come up with something original and sell it that you care about the company etc


    ask what the potential for growth and promotion is....to better yourself...not necessarily about the money

    • Pie 1
  2. seems the multiquote isn't working???


    JR...I wanna see pics...and not of your steak or your beers but of you floating naked in your pool!!!!



    and I'm with panda....you're way more manly if you cook on gas...especially if you drive a big ass 4 wheel drive truck with big ass tires that you leave idling while you are at the store getting your bottle filled up....use that petrol bitches....use it all

  3. i don't know why this just now occurred to me, but if cam newton threw a game-losing interception in the suoerbowl a huge chunk of this board would want him gone forever.


    interestingly, they are the same people crowing about wilson being better than cam.




    I certainly put lots of that blame on Wilson as he was staring the receiver down the entire time!!!


    I put way more of the blame on Carrol though...it was a shitty call that I'll never ever agree with.  In the very least, line up with Lynch in the back field and have Baldwin or Kearse in that position if at all.

  4. it's about time there's another huddle Wilson jelly thread!!!


    I love the comments about how Wilson has better numbers because he has so many more weapons than your #1 pick...fug those make me laugh!!!


    those incredible receivers like Jermaine Kearse and Riccardo Lockette...annual pro bowlers for sure!!!


    No receivers...all their eggs in the run game basket and yet he's 4-0 against you in his young career...but only three of those were in your stadium!!!




  5. You guys are going to be sooooo predictable on offense now with JG. Last year, the easiest team we had to defend was the Saints. The reason is JG don't block. Like, at all. Period. So the Saints were easy to defend. JG on the sidelines = run play JG in the game = pass play


    Your bread and butter lately has been your running game. You traded away a huge part of that with Unger. A good center is needed for a good line, and a good line is needed for a good running game. Better hope that injury fill-in you had last year is up to the job.


    Unger only played in 6 games last season...I don't think we'll miss that too much.

  6. we've been weak at TE the last couple of years...so I think Graham becomes a real threat and defenses have to respect him which opens more options for Lynch and Wilson.  If we use him that is...that's going to take some change.  I don't think we ever used Zac Miller as much as we could have/should have.



  7. I love all you fugers... well most of you... ok, some of you... 


    ...but has anyone specifically mentioned bleys?  That guy is awesome.


    Pantha San if he ever shows his face...


    J2sgam or whatever the fug his username is now is my boy for life.


    Saltman is a weirdo, but he's awesome too.


    Jangler sends me naked pictures of hot womenz... and so does catfang... but Jase sends me naked pictures of himself, always look forward to that.


    Joscott doesn't post much but I figure I better mention him lest he drop a dumbbell on my face.


    Hawk... I hate that guy, but mainly because he hasn't flown me to Canadia yet to play mountain golf.


    People give me credit for posting boobs, but really it's Pete Rozelle that runs the lovely ladies.


    I goof about Lola, Cat and boo, but beside the fact that all of them are actually really hot irl, they are probably bigger fans than all the rest of you meatheads on here combined.


    I would also be utterly remiss if I didn't mention Dpantherman.


    Dex, PhillyB, Kurb, pstall, Zcustom, Captroop, Chaos, DirtyMagic, FutureofFranchise, KBRed, Ivan, the list goes on...



    Damn I've made so many friends on here that have become actual real life friends it's nuts.  


    math is hard but I'm thinking this here list is really close to "50 Shades Of Blue"!!!

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