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Posts posted by Hawk

  1. while all relationships need work...sounds like this one is mostly all one sided.  Probably not worth it in my opinion.  Cut your losses and move on...if she notices the loss in her life then she will start to make some effort and hopefully you can patch things up....if she doesn't...then you've lost a friend but saved a future of more frustrations!

    • Pie 1
  2. I don't know how old you are, but it was common when I was a kid to get whooped with a belt or switch until your ass was red as the fuging devil. Peterson grew up that way and that was how he learned to discipline his kids. Once again I'm not saying it's no issue, but to crucify the guy because of him not ever knowing better is pretty ridiculous.



    I'm 47 and I grow up that way as well....and all it did was make me swear on my own life that I would never, EVER, treat a child that way.  Its not like Adrian is some moron that just stumbled out of the forest either.



  3. Not even close to comparable. The guy straight murdered his other son. Peterson disciplined his child and just took it a little too far. I'm not saying Peterson's actions weren't wrong, but you can't possibly compare him to a murderer.


    was not my intent to compare him to the muderer at all.


    the world was supposed to stop and everyone was painting Adrian as this grief struck father of the year. 


    And in no world is beating your child with a stick until he is covered in welts "a little too far"!

  4. fug Adrian Peterson!!!


    first the world is so full of grief when he loses his "son"...a boy he apparently fathered but hadn't even met yet...wow, huge loss for him


    then he is convicted of beating his kid with a switch and accused of beating another the same way?


    screw him man....one thing in life I will never have tolerance for is anyone who hits a child.  A spank is a spank...leaving welts on a kids back because you beat him with a stick?  Hell no

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