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Posts posted by SteveSmithOwns

  1. 1.  I agree it's a hostile environment but the kid is unflappable.  It's absolutely going to be his toughest test and I could make a case for it getting to him - and definitely one for it not.

    2.  Our guys have seen Lackey now, too, which makes this a wash.  Wacha > Lackey.

    3.  I don't buy this at all.  This was the same thing Texas was saying when they had us down 3-2.  We see how that worked out.


    With all that said....I, sadly, think the Sox will win.  The Cards are too banged up right now (Beltran, Craig) and our offense that was so powerful during the regular season is nonexistent.  I think Wacha has a tremendous game tomorrow, but ultimately doesn't get the run support to get the W.


    Well, Wacha being unflappable might be true, might not. We will see tomorrow i guess, but when I was referring to our guys seeing Wacha, I meant for the first time ever. The Cards had guys on their team, such as Beltran, Holliday, etc, who knew what Lackey threw and had faced him before, the Sox didn't have that going into last game. They do now.


    The reason I said Red Sox looked like a team of destiny is because we have had 11 walk off's this year, tops of anybody in the league. When it gets to the breaking point, for most of this season, we've come out ahead. Of course the Cards could win the next two games, but I feel good about us winning. Let's hope that doesn't blow up in my face.

  2. Here's why i feel atleast a little confident.


    1. This is an elimination game in a hostile environment. True, he did have alot of pressure on him before, but elimination game, it is the max you can get. 

    2. Our guys have seen him before. Nobody on our team had seen him the previous game, and now that we've seen him, hopefully we can get more comfortable with what he has to offer

    3. We feel like a team of destiny...this entire year has. We have had almost EVERY player on our roster be a hero at some point in the season or post-season. 


    I say we win tomorrow and take home the trophy.

  3. ok, so after thinking about the play the last play of the game, here are my thoughts:


    1. Great play by Pedroia to get the ball and get it to home in time

    2. WTF are you thinking Salty throwing that ball to third? You have the #9 hitter on deck, and Koji on the mound. We already got burned throwing to third once. STOP DOING THIS!!!!!

    3. WMB DID look like he moved his feet up in the air, but if you watch the replay, the guy trips on WMB's body, NOT his legs. Therefore, it is the runner's fault, and the wrong call. I can't blame Joyce that much for making the call, because off the bat, it did look like interference, but I hate that it decided the game, and that so many other calls went against us already.


    I don't want to see Salty playing anymore this series. He isn't good offensively or defensively....put in Ross and just stick with him. 

  4. Detroit could be a better team than both STL and Boston when they're healthy.  The Detroit team you beat wasn't the same team.  


    I agree there....Miggy being hurt definitely helped us. Their starting pitching is filthy though. 

  5. The Cards played against the strongest teams in baseball in the NC Central and then had to play them again in the first round of the playoffs.  Wainwright was obviously very off last night.  He couldn't throw a curve ball for a strike and had bad location on his fastball.  The fielding errors weren't like the Cardinals - they're one of the best fielding teams in the league.  The Sox are definitely stout, but to say they're head and shoulders better than any team in the NL is completely homeristic.  


    I'm guessing you meant NL Central?


    and I am no means trying to say the Sox are head and shoulders above every team in the NL. what I was trying to say is that I think Detroit is a better team than the Cards, and the Sox beat them, so I felt confident going into the series. 


    Wainwright def was off last night, but even when opposing pitchers have been on (ex: Verlander, Scherzer, Sanchez) we have found ways to win. 

  6. The Cards haven't seen a lineup as deep as the Sox the entire year, so I think their pitching will struggle alot more than they are accustomed too. I thought the hardest team to beat would be Detroit, and I feel pretty confident after we beat them in six games, even though it could be argued that they played better. Hopefully this is just the Sox year and we sweep the Cards to avoid any drama

  7. that was amazing. you cannot lose faith in this Sox team. They have walked off SO many times when it looked like their was no chance. They are just so hard to kill. We now have all the momentum going into Detroit, and we can't play worse than we had for the first 15 innings of these two games. 


    Let's go kill some Verlander.

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