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Posts posted by footballisasport

  1. I am sitting here watching this game and feel like I am watching two competely different sets of analyses. Cam Newton, touches the ball, these guys go into their Analysis and critiquing mode with their endless critiquing of his throws, footwork, and body language. When Colin touches the ball...NOTHING.


    I see those in the media are still treating Cam as if he has to prove that he belongs in the NFL. Hmmmm

  2. Why does it seem everytime Cam plays, these white guys, yes and I mean white guys, in the media feel the need to sit like damn Slave Masters and critique every ish he does. I guess they are feeding their egos. What has this kid done to these folks that warrants every move he makes to be so fugging scrutinize.


    I am sitll waiting for them to treat Colin, Russel, RG III and we won't even go there...but LUCK, that way. I am still waiting for them to say Luck "isn't playing very well right now" despite his team winning or losing. Same with the other young QBs. I guess going after the best ***** in their eyes, is like raw meat to them. SMH It is becoming way to obvious that the treament of Cam is has a lot to do with his success as a black QB and


    And judging by some of the reaction on this site, many are quite happy to hear folks criticize their QB because they then get to sit and do the same? Strange...

  3. Cam do something here, we need you.



    From what I'm seeing, it's the Receiver who need to help the brother out. How many balls have slipped through the hands of these Panthers receivers so far?


    Here is a beautiful quote to sum up what I'm seeing so far:  "My husband cannot throw the ball and catch it also." Famous quote made by Tom Brady's wife and it's applying to this team right now.


    Stop expect Cam to do everything.

  4. Bad throw by Kaep (notice the announcer didn't point it out). OK, they held them. Now, Shula make your adjustments. You gotta put some points on the board. 


    They never do.


    By now you should know those in the media are creatures of their own bad habits. They can't change unless it's brought to their attention to do so. They still Scrutinize Cam as if he's at the Combine...i keep telling you folks that.


    You don't really see them doing that unless it's a QB they want to push the impression that they aren't really that good unless THEY say so.

  5. cam is the greatest athlete in the history of sports if he's "coasted on athletic talent" so far or whatever the half-cocked argument du jour is among the mouth breathers at the moment.  there was nothing gimmicky about the first drive-you saw a quarterback scanning the field and throwing lasers with pinpoint accuracy like a ten year pro.  then the adjustments by the cardinals came, then there were no counter-adjustments made, and a tsunami of mistakes was the result.


    manning wasn't truly the manning we know now (passing for a million yards with an outrageous TD:INT ratio every single season like clockwork) until at or around the 2003 season, his sixth as a pro.  he "regressed" to something resembling his rookie form in his fourth season with 23 INTs.  he's actually playing probably the best he ever has right now, so i don't buy this bullshit that seems to be commonly bandied about that all a quarterback will ever be is on full display in his third season.  somebody should tell drew brees.


    everybody here including me hates the fuging cowboys but romo is a damn good quarterback and i also fail to see how comparing cam to him is supposed to be some kind of insult.


    Great post.


     As an outside I will say it again, Teams don't just focus on QBs. They focus on the team as a whole and their weaknesses. Sure a new QB will surprise them because they new but after a couple of games there are tapes on that person. That is not the Panthers problem When the Panthers fix their weakness or learn to adjust more quickly to them, outside of relying on Cam, u will start seeing wins. It's not rocket scientist stuff.


    From what I see week in and out, Cam is playing as good as any of the top young QBs. The problem is, his team isn't playing like the top teams out there.

  6. What you said about Cam and the other team's defense, is not only a fact but not new. It's how the game is played and has been played for quite some time. If a team has a weakness, the opponents will take advantage of it. It's up to the team to fix that problem and not do it with band aid and glue.


    The sad reality of some of the fans is the attitude of: Yeah, we know our team has issues but WE GOT CAM!!!. You're three seasons in and other teams see Cam and know what Cam can do. But when they look at a tape of this team, they're not just looking at Cam. They are looking for the weaknesses in your team to exploit them.


    The problem  with this team is believing Cam can do it all. Instead of fixing the obvious problem...the O-Line...Receivers...or whatever position that is broken, they simply expect Cam do more to compensate for the team's weakness. Guess what? Other teams see that level of laziness and they will exploit it.  So now you have an O-line that can be easily exploited, which then affect the receivers who cannot get open fast enough to help Cam who is running from defendents because of a weak O-lIne, which then affect the Defense who keeps having to do all they can to keep the game close, which then affects the secondary who has to make sure they don't mess up those return balls.  When it comes to a team, there is no such thing as just a QB, O-line, Receivers, Defense, or Secondary problem. A weak link that is not fixed will affected the entire team eventually. Everyone but Panthers fans get that.


    Maybe it's time to stop being so Cam-centric and start being more Panthers-centered. When it's all said and done, Cam is no different than Tom, Peyton, Roger and Luck. The opposing team's defense have a job and that is to take him down. The Panthers job on both sides of the ball is to help Cam take the team to victory. Giving him a patchwork of players and assuming that he can take the Panthers to victory lane on his bare talent and strenght alone week in and out is as foolish as believing other teams aren't exploiting this team's weakness but simply focused on Cam.

  7. You're making a lot of sweeping generalizations about me. Have you ever read any of my posts? I consider myself a very objective fan and know the game of football very well.

    John fox couldn't bench The Golden Calf of Bristol quick enough. He's a defensive coach. He did nothing with The Golden Calf of Bristol as far as mechanics. He never had an OC in carolina worth poo. He was force fed jimmy clausen by hurney which was just a puppet for jerry Richardson.

    Go back and read what I've said about Cam, Richardson, hurney, our o line, our secondary and all other aspects of our team.

    And who said anything about chud? He has a better coaching staff in Cleveland than he did here. Also has a better oline and secondary. Chud wanted to be a head coach. Carolina was nothing more than a stepping stone for him. And what other coaches that we treated like a prostitute are killing it? Dan henning? Jeff Davidson? Seifert? Jack del rio?


    So you admit that the problem with this team is more its culture and less the coaches.


    Considering this is a fairly young team, you have gone through quite a bit of coaches, don't you think?

  8. You're the only one who keeps bringing up cam. There are several issues with the panthers . Ron Rivera is one of them. Ownership is another. Marty hurney is another. Not having addressed needs over the years and bad drafts help as well.

    I have been a fan for 11 years and have a pretty solid hold on what our teams problems are, and when I say Ron Rivera needs to be fired it is legitimate. He's not the guy.

    John fox is a fine coach but never had a legitimate QB. And he's doing ok now because he has one.


    I mentioned Cam becaus there are some who believe that I only came on this site or started following this team because of him. I actually follow many of the football teams. Not closely like I am now with you guys but I happen to love the game and pay attention to all the teams. Right now I'm watching the 49er and Texan game. There is a reason why I choose the ID that I did.


    Also, sometimes being a fan for a very long time does form a bit of bias towards your team and forces you to be blind to their weakness. Even thou deep down inside you know the problem is more than a coach or QB change. When are you folks going to start being honest to yourself and stop changing QBs and coaches like a Prostitute changes her Johns? 


    There is a saying, if you keep seeing the same pattern of behavior despite the many changes at the same position, then maybe that isn't where the problem really lies. U folks seem to be looking for someone to come in and change the culture of this team. The question should be, who controlling the culture in the first place?


    In reagards to your comment on Fox:  Did you see what he did with a mechanically challenged QB like The Golden Calf of Bristol? Clausen is way better than The Golden Calf of Bristol. So that tells me something else was going on behind the scene. 


    BTW, Chud is also doing quite well as the headcoach. What is the excuse for that? 

  9. Well a veteran QB would have just thrown it away instead of trying to "force " it. Cam should know by now.


    Maybe it's time to stop wanting Cam to do it all and always second guessing his actions. Every QBs, Vet or Rookie, forces their balls under pressure or when they want to make things happen. It's so easy to sit and act all righteous after the fact but if those forced balls was caught like they should have been and turned into points, you would be singing a different song. It seems all so of you do on here is sit and second guess every decision, every action Cam does. But u give so little attention to those who are causing him to do what he is doing.  


    I will say it again, you folks expect more out of Cam than you do the rest of the team, which is a darn shame. U are doing nothing more than burning this talented young man out. And it's a damn shame.


    You are so not deserving of him. Yes, I said it.

    • Pie 1
  10. First off, are you a fan of this team? If not then what do you know about it? This team has taken the personality of its head coach, Ron Rivera.

    If you're not a panther fan I wouldn't expect you to know that. If you are a fan, then you are the dumbest fan in our fan base. And that's saying a lot.


    Actually, i've been following this team for the past four years. Yep, before Cam became your QB.


    So u are saying that the team took on the personality of John Fox also? You're argument is quite shallow and baseless. Always blaming every coach and QB but never accepting that there might be more going on with your team than meets the eye.


    Funnt how well your team played when Cam shared the ball against the Gaints. This week, he tried to make it all about Smitty and the game went south.


    FYI, a team usually takes on the culture of those who have been there longer. There seems to be something wrong with this team and it's not the coach nor QB's fault.

  11.  I am far from a troll.  PSL holder since season 2.  


    If he is calling 70 percent of his plays then that's all the more reason he's not getting it done.  I think the announcers just said what the Panthers coaches told them since one of the greatest criticisms of Cam from folks who've played the game is that he doesn't have the contidence of the coaches to change plays.  Steve Smith when asked about it this week gave one of the longest non answers I've ever heard about it without saying Cam can change plays.  



    You are so full of Poo.  


    Notice that came on here already accusing Cam, while not holding any of the other players accountable for the lost of this game when it's clear there was a whole lot of drop balls. Nope, his balls are all tied up because of Cam.


    And I don't know why some of you just don't say it. U want to believe Cam can't be like the Peyton Manning, or the Lucks of the NFL because he's BLACK. And we're to believe the old stereotypical BS created and pushed by whites in the media that Blacks will never make better QBs than white ones.


    So sick of the He needs to prove himself BS while we give endless chances to the white qBs who are worst than this kid.  


    How the fug you know Luck or any of the other white QBs are calling most of their plays? Are we to assume they can based on their skin color like you are with Cam?!

  12. Bye bye riv. This town deserves better.

    Judging by your team's track record with coaches, I'd say Rivera deserve better.


    So far this team is 0-2 with coaches they have forced out and the coaches have gone on to have much better success with other teams.


    But keep believing that it's the coaches and QBs who are the problem with this team.

  13. Look I'm just about the biggest Cam homer you will find. My friends that I talk football with always refuse to discuss Cam or the Panthers with me. I want Cam to succeed and I want him to be the QB of the future. I'm not ready to give up on him yet. He's had a good season until this game. Every QB has stinkers and Cam just had one. On the other hand, it's pretty easy to predict what is going to happen at the end as Cam is forcing plays. 


    Why does your friends refuse to talk about Cam and the Panthers with you?


    And, why is Cam forcing plays? Oh, maybe the answer is, his Receivers are not helping him out. That is too easy. Nope, it Cam's fault because he is doing something wrong.


    Why is it when it comes to QBs like Matt Stafford, Sam Bradford, Luck and even Eli,  you would hear folks admit the QBs are forcing the ball because the Receivers are fugging up but when it comes to QBs like Cam, it's all on them.


    The media and Colts fans will demand the team do every thing to help Luck succeed. I simply don't get the hype surrounding him when all he's doing is managing the games like he was in college. It's the rest of the team who is making him look good and he gets all of the credit. But you folks expect Cam to be like a workhorse and carry this team week in and out. Guess what happens when, the Receivers don't do their part? Cam forces the balls.


    I strongly believe deep down inside many of you simply don't want Cam under center. U will tolerate him playing but the measuring stick you will give to another QB, u will not do so with him. And that is so darn obvious.

  14. I think Gettleman's non endorsement of Cam as the QB of the future should speak volumes to anyone who's listening.  You saw today how teams will handle him.   He locks in on his receiver,  doesn't call audibles in his third year, doesn't have the confidence of teammates in fact he distances himself from them when off the field,  when you have a speedy linebacker spying on him he's no threat to run,.....the list goes on and on.   


    Someone asked...Where are the Cam haters? This one seem to not only be quite visible but he's spewing his views without much facts.

    • Pie 1
  15. LOL Cam having a bad game? How about all the drops this game... Maybe we should just blame Gano it would make just as much since.


    It seem that despite there being 22 guys on the field many Panther fans believe that Cam is the only one who that needs the most scrutiny despite the reality.


    And when u point out to them how ridiculous they are, they get pissed and start the "how come we can't criticize the QB" nonse, when it seems that is all they do.

  16. Well seeing this situation a LOT as a Panthers fan I will predict that Cam will throw another INT trying to force something to happen.

    And but unlike Eli, many of you will be ready to trade him instead of realizing that he is desparately trying to make something happen and will cause more Ints than needed.


    FYI, a QB cannot work by himself. He needs a team around him.

  17. Peyton Manning wouldn't have the numbers he is having now if he were playing for the Panthers, but I can guarantee you the offense would have have been a whole lot better than it is now.


    Peyton Manning is just on a whole other planet when it comes to quarterbacks.



    How quickly we forget. Most of the Broncos team are the same guys who helped to make The Golden Calf of Bristol look good. Let's seriously give credit where it belongs

  18. I'd start Derek next game.  The players don't want to play for Cam......and I'm getting in the Gettleman camp that he's not our franchise quarterback.  Trade him and get a little value for him while folks still fall some for the hype.


    In the meantime...The Jags are still holding tight to their QB no matter how much he fugs up.


    Spoken like a true arrogant Panther fan who serioiusly believe that his team is a good QB and coach away from SB

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