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Status Updates posted by TNPanther

  1. The exact same thing happened to me. I tried to replace the disc drive and when that didn't work I just said Fug it and bought a new one off Craigslist

  2. I'm gonna buy it when I get back to school.

  3. I sent you a FR on Xbox Live

  4. well get you some tylenol, that usually helps a hangover

  5. damn, you had more than your fair share! sounds kinda like me on halloween. i drank about a quarter of a bottle of vodka, four beers, and i blacked out after that... but i do remember waking up with one of my lady friends in my dorm bed the morning after!

  6. i was skiing all day yesterday so i didnt party much. get any tail?

  7. chimp_gun.jpg I will once I get my Xbox back up and running.
  8. Ah, that would make sense, given that I'm not into Skyrim. More of an MW3 type. 35jyyg.jpg

  9. Ok call me retarded and out of tune with society, but where does this "arrow in the knee" joke come from? I've been hearing it everywhere and I'm like wtf?

  10. and, the funniest one yet: Jimmy.jpg

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