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Frank Hollywood

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Posts posted by Frank Hollywood

  1. Okay, I hope I did this correctly.  I purchased a hat from Amazon and I think I'm linked to the huddle.  At least when I went in to the prime my account pops up.  How do I know I've done a good or bad thing?

    1. Make sure the huddle's amazon link was the last amazon link you clicked, you can't click another one after that. 

    2. Once you check out, if you want to buy again,you have to reclick the link through the huddle. It will have reset after every purchase.

    3. Make sure the purchase is made within 24 hours of clicking the huddle amazon link or at least add the items to your shopping cart and never remove them until you buy them.

    If you follow these three rules he should get the commission.

    • Pie 1
  2. I know a lot of natives, and none of them are offended by the name of Washington D.C.'s team. 

    I also know when the lobbyists originally started to find peole who were offended by it, they couldn't find any. Did that stop them? Hell no, they got their agenda to divide the nation, and keep us distracted while they continue to rape us. So they PAID natives to stand up against the Redskins.  Why not, our government wasn't giving them enough money already. 


    I'm  glad that Dan Snyder is sticking to his guns. He has finally earned respect from me.  I'm also glad that state laws will help him having to ever give up the redskins name. 


    Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

    Can you link me to where people were paid to pretend to be offended by it?

  3. Cotchery is about 90% a lock.  He's the only real WR veteran on the team (Ginn doesn't really count in that aspect as he's still learning the position in his own right).  It would be down right shocking if Bersin made it over Cotchery. 

    You cant be 90% a lock. You either are a lock or you aren't, and I don't believe cotchery is.

    • Pie 1
  4. I'd be fine with Bersin making the team. Why not? He has improved every year and Huddler's were actually high on him as a possession receiver before he was moved to punt returner, a position he should never have played. If he continues improvement, there should be no problem with him being on the bottom of the roster.

    • Pie 6
  5. If this was younger cam,I would have him line up behind center and superman over the pile everytime or qb sneak from the shotgun, damn near unstoppable

    Funny you should say that. Here's an article on the 5 biggest beneficiaries of the new rule change...


    • Pie 1
  6. Eeeehhh, not really.

    Percentage isn't cumulative.

    Yes it is.

    You try for one 2 point conversion, you have a 47% chance of success.

    If you try twice, you have a 94% chance of success. (47% + 47%)

    However, if you try three times, you now have a 141% chance of success! As long as we go for at least three two point conversions per game, we are GUARANTEED to convert them!

    (I don't know how I passed descriptive statistics)

    • Pie 2
  7. The odds of making both 2-pt conversions is 22.1% and the odds of making neither is 28.1%. There is a 49.8% chance of making one of those attempts. You could say there is a 71.9% chance of scoring some points, but you're still more likely to make both PATs.

    What's the calculation to get the odds of one two point attempt?
  8. What? That's not how probability works. You have a 49.8% chance of making one two point conversion in two tries. You have a 82.1% chance of making both PATs.

    Can you show your math on the two point portion? It seems it should be higher, I was thinking 60% ish but not sure. I got what you got for the one point Percentage.
  9. I think there is going to be quite a battle for the #3 position between Ginn, Boykin, Brown, Cotchery and even Hill. 


    I believe that Boykin will win out, he had a great #3 role 2 seasons ago. Brown will be great depth for years and should see plenty of snaps as well. Hill doesn't strike me as a fast learner, but I believe he will absolutely make the roster this year and contribute.

    Ginn will be insurance and help stretch the field on certain plays. Maybe he plays special teams if one of the other 23332634743 special teams players we signed doesn't beat him out. I think Byrd will take his spot next year. Cotchery.....vet leadership and not much more. Wouldn't be shocked if he was the odd man out for a younger guy. One of these names wont make the cut, and that's a good problem to have.

  10. I'm nearly 31 and have been a Panthers' fan since before they played their first game. My family was Cowboys' fans and I grew up watching them root for them. When the expansion came, I decided I wanted a team of my own, and chose the Panthers.  Living in VA, I had early hopes the Panthers would grow a fanbase here as well, but that hasn't panned out. Maybe when RG3 continues to suck and after the Panthers have a few SB's that will change.


    I was, admittedly, more of a casual fan until 2011.(I could never figure out how to view the games) Unlike many though, it wasn't because we drafted Cam but because I moved to Charlotte the month before the draft. What perfect timing! I now live back in VA, but follow the Panthers religiously, creating mock drafts, analyzing the salary cap, free agency, the roster projections, etc.


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