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Frank Hollywood

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Posts posted by Frank Hollywood

  1. Anyone think Gman and Rivera are really lobbying JR to let them bring in Collins?! There is 0 risk, literally 0 risk

    If all else fails and he is forced to sign with a team or remain unemployed, I believe we have a great shot. We might be the most LT needy team that has most of the pieces in place for a real run.
  2. Religion has always historically been controversial. That is one reason why he gets media attention because he is so open about it.

    I personally believe the media loves to keep him around because he is a christian role model in sports, and he is a human being that, like all of us, makes mistakes...

    They are waiting for a big mistake; a moment of moral weakness, to break a career making story.

    The media loves failure...because the viewers love seeing successful people fail.

    Imagine, "The Golden Calf of Bristol arrested for soliciting a prostitute!"

    Something like that would generate clicks/views which = $$$

    I think the controversy is how terrible he is. As an atheist, I could care less what his religious beliefs are, the man simply cannot play QB in the NFL. Yet when I say that, I am suddenly against him because of his faith and how open he is about it.

    It does however annoy me the shitstorm and controversy that surrounds a third string QB and the fact that I can't hear anything NFL related this week without hearing the clown's name.

  3. Um, no. What you are talking about is 'apatheism' (being apathetic about if God exists or not).

    Agnosticism is the belief that the existence of a god is unknown and/or unknowable. Accordingly, there would be two types of agnostics:

    Agnostic atheists - Believe that the existence of a god is unknown and/or unknowable, and that god(s) exist.

    Agnostic theists - Believe that the existence of a god is unknown and/or unknowable, and that god(s) exist.

    In practice, only the former exist. After all, it is fairly difficult to believe something is impossible to know, and still believe in it.

    This. except for the last paragraph.
  4. Agnostic Atheist - Someone who doesn't believe in a god nor do they really care one way or the other

    Agnostic Theist - Someone who believes there's a god but doesn't really care one way or the other

    Agnostic - Someone who has no idea if there's a god or not but doesn't really care one way or the other

    ^simplified and there are other ways to describe it but that's agnosticism in a nutshell.

    And people hate The Golden Calf of Bristol because when he's around, no other sports related news gets published. It becomes TSPN 24/7 or the Network that covers The Golden Calf of Bristol and some other NFL stuff.

    No one is that interesting. Hell, I'd get sick of Cam if they talked about him that much. The Golden Calf of Bristol as an analyst on the SEC network was actually really good and I enjoyed him in the booth. He's a charming and personable guy. But he just plain sucks as a QB so no one cares about him on the field, yet all the media does is slurp his dong.

    Agnoticism generally refers to the belief that the existence of a deity can be neither proven, nor disproven. I think that whether a god exists or not is quite important, but have not seen the evidence necessary to form the opinion of a theist.

    I'd apologize for taking the thread off topic but with a tim teblow thread, did you expect the topic to not come up at least once? I've had too much spiced wine and I must retire for the nIght. Good luck to Timmy in making the third string QB in hopes of gimmick and trick running plays.

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