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Frank Hollywood

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Posts posted by Frank Hollywood

  1. The lower level equipment manager thing wont happen. Thats the most embarrasing of possibilities.

    I think this


    If the Patriots inflated the balls to 12.5, it was legal, no rule on what psi at what temperature.

    Thats just smart, its not cheating since its not breaking any rule.

    What will everyone say if this ends up being the case?

    The Patriots used legal, though unorthodox play formations and John Harbaugh was screaming illegal to the point that now hes a dumbass.

    so what if it turns out the balls were inflated legally, though unorthodox?

    Probably the same from all the haters. I hate the Patriots lifelong, regardless of what people get out of my posts, but if they did this and its legal,..

    Then shame on everyone else.

    An equipment room guy has already been confirmed on tape taking the balls into another room. No one inflated the balls with 125 degree air.

    Your logic is that of a small child or woodland creature. Please stop, it's beyond sad.

    Throughout all this I wonder if it's even occurred once to you that they could be guilty.

    • Pie 1
  2. if anybody hasn't seen it bill nye the science guy came out and said the michio kaku word salad BB spewed the other day made zero sense scientifically. good thing the average american has the scientific literacy of a 5th grader. most will go "oh he's so smart" and forget they're a bunch of cheaters

    Neil degrasse Tyson expanded on it and said the balls would have to be inflated with 125 degree air to lose that much pressure.
    • Pie 1
  3. http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/2336984-nfl-reportedly-finds-11-of-12-balls-used-in-afc-championship-were-under-inflated?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=programming-league4?is_shared=true

    The pats locker room attendant was seen taking the balls to another room before bringing them to the field.

    Quick, I need your stories to change from "atmospheric conditions" to "the attendant acted on his own". You guys keep changing your story to defend them, don't stop now.

    • Pie 1
  4. Shuuu-- he wont have to READ the article-- he will just repost yours!

    I really dont believe the ball pressure would drop that much either,..but its just so funny watching everyone actually believe that ball pressure dropped by 2 psi will actually be the difference to a team going to 6 Superbowls and 9 AFC Championships in 14 years,......

    I still believe if they are actually caught and its proven then I agree with Colin Cowherd--- its Hard Knocks for 2 years, coach and Brady suspended--- smack them hard. Thats always been on the table-- break the rules and pay big.

    But Im not going to sit here and actually believe the Patriots have been a better team than everyone else in that time period just because of Spygate and underinflated balls,..

    Teams can make in game adjustments but just dont-- We didnt against Arizona and they had our number. Larry Fitzgerald even bragged about it afterwards about how they had our coverages, routes, and signals---- did they breakrules to get them? Nothing proved,... Arizona adjusted to our offense after our first drive,... Fox refused to make adjustments and we got killed.

    but just like that or video,... any team can and should have the NFL smart big money ability to make adjustments during a game.

    Just dont be a coward and say you lost because of your stupidity. True cheating is having college players sneak in and play for your high school team--- or paying off the refs to call flags on you at every given opportunity(Steelers in 2005--not caught but COME ON)--- intentionally throwing a first half to win a bet(Winston),... and I still believe Neal ODonnell threw the 1995 Superbowl-- anyone remember that game? I do.

    Thats the whole argument. And also the lop sided hate and ignorance of other teams do wrongs-- The Panthers and Seahawks and Chargers for that matter did not loose draft picks or go through this type of scrutiny for their PED cultures,..

    Why????? Because they were nobody. Now that the Seahawks are becoming Somebody--watch out and stay tuned-- all the love turns to haterade real fast when someone is dominating. Have the Seahawks win this Superbowl and next week the PED gate and Carrolls cheating track record will be sky lined,....

    Once again no one is claiming that they got this far by altering balls. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

    BTW, it's lose, not loose.

  5. Nice try but that's not true Fanboy.....The temp at game time was around 51 degrees which isn't cold enough for balls to deflate. Plus, oddly enough 0 out of 12 Colts balls deflated due to the weather - yet 11 out of 12 Patriots balls lost 2 psi of pressure.

    I included a link to prove you're talking out your anus. Don't come in here with this weak sauce and think it's not going to end up making you look foolish.


    Our problem is that we are using fact, logic and reason to argue with two people who have no interest in using them. We could hypothetically have video evidence of belicheck and Brady personally deflating the balls and they'd still argue with us.
    • Pie 1
  6. Everyone's opinions are biased. That's what humans do. Nobody in this thread is looking at the situation and saying "Oh yes I am utterly objective." As Panthers fans your opinion is going to be colored already.

    I'm a Panthers fan, 100%. The Patriots aren't even any sort of 'second team' to me, go back and find gameday threads from when we've played them, I cheer as hard as for any other game. Ted Ginn burning them in 2013 was my favorite moment of the past few years.

    Some matters I want to defend them on and I'm not objective. That's.... really not a big deal.

    Wrong again. I've spent years on personal reflection to be as unbiased as possible. you'd be surprised how approaching every argument or problem while being completely objective will get you much farther ahead in life. Upon this reflection I've substituted the Patriots with another team, the titans, a team I am completely indifferent to. The result (my opinion) was the same. Cheating is cheating and the team should lose draft pick/s.

    You admitting to being biased makes your argument even that much worse, which is saying a lot as it was pretty terrible to begin with.

  7. No my point is that we don't have nearly enough information to make claims. We need more information, until then we only have assumptions.

    I think at this point it is a fair assumption to state that this was almost certainly deliberate. To pass the test an hour before and have nearly all of them deflated not long after, coupled with the fact all of the colts balls were fine.....we can also further speculate that the colts complained to the refs last game during the regular season about the pats balls being deflated. So that's twice. While it's an assumption, it's a fair one at this point to claim someone from the patriots organization is blatently cheating.
  8. Let me explain it to you. Any team can submit balls to the ref before the game that are over or under inflated. The Packers admit they present balls over inflated because that's how Rogers likes them. The Referee deflates the balls to within the rules and the balls are deemed ready for play. Rogers complained on his radio show that he wished the NFL wouldn't deflated the balls. None of what I just mentioned is not a violation of the rules or considered cheating. Rogers never admitted cheating and the NFL never accused them of cheating because the ball were never altered after being deemed ready for play.

    If you have something that indicates the balls were over inflated after the NFL deemed them ready for play, I'd love to see it. If not, then you're drawing a conclusion that isn't based on fact. You can speculate all you want but that doesn't make it true. I have no problem admitting I'm wrong if you can support your claims but I've read your posts and do not draw the same conclusions.

    You're wasting your time. He's not interested in reaching the correct conclusion, he's only concerned with trying be right.
    • Pie 2
  9. I can't stand the illogical Patriot aupporters in this thread.

    1. The over inflated balls didn't help them win!

    No one is saying it did. The problem is the intention to circumvent the rules whether it affected the outcome or not.

    2.Other teams have done it too!

    You all used this excuse in spygate. Cheating is cheating. If they found out that any team modifies the psi of the ball AFTER it is approved by refs then they should be held accountable too. If for some reason they aren't it doesn't let the team that's caught off the hook.

    3.People are just hating on the Patriots because they're winners.

    No, we're not hating on anyone. We are tired of the classless play by this organization that has already once been caught cheating by the same head coach. We expect accountability.

    You can tell the biased patriot supporters because they are rolling with a different story now. First it was blown out of proportion story and there was no deflation, just whining from other fans. Then once the balls were confirmed deflated it was the weather that deflated the balls. Once that was proven false by the fact none of the colts balls were deflated their argument turned into something else. There's no winning with these clowns.

    If somehow they turn up proof, I hope they lose a 1st and 2nd round pick. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • Pie 4
  10. Dude offensive.

    Straight R rated, flag on the play.

    The score was 45-7. And for the record, Presbyterian hospital downtown, mint hill, Independence High, US Marines,

    Panthers all the way. If its found they deflated the balls they will lose draft picks.

    But hanging 45-7 on deflated footballs is for losers and cowards.

    Where did I claim that's the reason they lost? Doesn't change the fact cheating is cheating.

    Not sure what the marine comment is about as if thats supposed to mean something.

  11. i'm going to die laughing if he ends the year with close to or around 1k yards and 6-8 tds.

    all on a 1 year 1 mill contract for a guy that was given up on teams because they didn't have a qb that can take advantage of his speed (arm strength).

    What a steal if that happens.

    I could absolutely see it. Cam and ginn are just beginning to gel. When they finally do it's going to be a beautiful thing.

    I hope we offer him a new contract before the season ends, something like 3 yrs/5 mil

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