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Posts posted by boondock

  1. Yea something we should have done since the first QT. Shula is gong to non adjust Rivera right out of a job. Im still sticking with 9-7 at best but its looking like a sheer climb to that goal.


    Shula over adjusted the first half of this game. After not taking deep throws and opening up the playbook against Seattle, he did it on just about every single play in the first half; which did not allow Cam and Co. to get into a rhythm. 

  2. This team has to change their lack of energy on game-days. Our energy suck especially on offense. They come out and play like oh it's just another game, we're going to run what we run and if it works great we probably win... if not it's just another typical lost. No, change the energy and pace


    IMO it's like that because our coach demeanor and energy is like that. The team always take the attitude of its coach 


    Coaching goes a long way in the demeanor and energy of the team. I will say though; that the last drive was crucial in turning this game around. 

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