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Posts posted by CarolinaCoolin

  1. Am I the only one who is concerned with his throwing motion? He has a weird hitch when he threw in college that elongated his delivery, that is a bad issue to have in the pros and can lead to a lot of interceptions. 


    Now that he is playing football exclusively instead of splitting time between football and baseball the hitch will be corrected
  2. I would've said the same thing after 2013. But he looked really average last year without Benjamin. He was nowhere near as good. Then again, now he has arguably the best RB/WR/TE core in the NFL so who knows. Martin Sefaris-Jenkins Jackson Evans That's lethal.

    Martin won't even be their starter. By the way Green Bay is laughing at that best rb/wr/te core
    • Pie 1
  3. FYI casting calls, some of them, are out for Season 6...

    The most interesting and prominent character sounds like Victarion or Euron... That is a good sign.

    There are others that sound like Samwell's family... so that is rather interesting of note... Maybe the Tarly's end up being bigger players in the books than they have been at this point...

    After seeing the casting calls and remembering stannis' talk with Sam about his dad this season it makes sense
  4. I don't read the books, but I know what happened to Jon and correct me if I'm wrong, but the books left people not knowing what happened to him, right? That's WAY more of an OMG cliffhanger than the other two.

    Yeah not knowing if Jon is dead or not til the next season would be pretty huge. Idk if that's break the Internet huge. I honest have no clue where they are going to go with it. If it's as big as they are saying I can't wait regardless. I don't get all the hate for this season tbh
  5. No it is not, based on thousands of observations a controlled pure hand based measurement is roughly 0.1 second faster than the combine method (hand start, laser finish) and 0.2 faster than a pure laser method.

    And in the world of 4.4 is a speed guy and 4.5 is a slow guy, that difference matter.

    The fact that those times have very little to do with on field production, except to removed the really slow guys, does not change the fact that combine and hand timed pro day times are not comparable without compensating for the difference in method.

    Good post, not only that but some here seriously forget about actual game speed vs 40 time. Lots of 4.4 and under guys don't play at that speed with pads or guys with slow straight line speed are faster coming in and out of breaks.

    Boykin isn't a burner but he is probably the most solid number 3 we currently have and that's perfectly ok. Cause that's all we need him to be.

  6. I certainly wouldn't say it can't happen. Humans are involved and it's sports. And group think on a message board for a sports team is one of the more likely place to find it. But it doesn't have to be the norm.

    For example your post right there is a perfect example. Calm, rational and productive to the discussion. But challenging group think for the sake of being challenging in a haughty manner is what I'm talking about.

    That only leads to overly emotional reactions. It devolves the conversation. Too often stating opinions as facts or using hyperbole spirals into mouth breathing arguments.

    I think you are confusing this as just being challenging for the sake of challenging. This is just a true observation on how most low iq huddlers like to operate in the face of an opinion not widely held by everyone. All they know is how to attack and shout down dissenting opinion.

    • Pie 1
  7. One of the things I've noticed is that negative contrarians are like millennial hipsters in that if their take is deliberately negative to the team and against the relative norm then they think they are being cool, hip or edgy (re: unique and original thinkers).

    And that's juvenile. I've seen many posters who are well thought out and have different opinions but express those opinions calmly and logically. And strangely the huddle doesn't put those people on blast.

    Sure some get butthurt and then realize a rational discussion is happening and chill out. Mostly I've seen sane, pragmatic discussions. But if you choose to feel persecuted because of your edgy take and you give that take with a hipsters air of arrogance...well you just might get called out for the petulant child you're being.

    That said, I've found most Huddlers to be sane and rational if you conduct yourself like an adult. Most are nice people that I've met. But I have noticed a slight irrational tone when it comes to Cam being persecuted by the media. But I can forgive that. Huddle gonna huddle.

    I have first hand experience of logical, objectively and rationally expressing my opinion and multiple posters falling over themselves to be mouth breathing hillbillies because I was challenging their group think.

  8. I wouldnt bother engaging people here, my man. It used to be a place where you could say speak your mind and get some good discussion but nowadays this place is more about who can deflect and belittle opinions. Let me tell you what I learned here at the Huddle about people in general.

    1) People dont like people who are opinionated and speak their opinions strongly. Its ok to make snarky and ignorant casual one liners as long as they are not so serious. You can say as many dumb things you like as like as you say it half jokingly or sarcastically enough.

    2) People dont like to be told when they are wrong. They have to "discover it" on their own so that they can feel like they accomplished something when they say it out loud proudly and make that thought their own. You cant really plant a seed so much like in Insurrection, you can only hope that a set events will happen in front of that person so that they will agree.

    I will say tho, I like an mlb over a de in Luke's case but only when theres a special player that can out value the de position. I think he's that good. I would love to discuss it more with you but this is no longer the forum for that. This is just a place for people to post video's of chicks doing splits now, lol, good thread tho.

    In general you are right about the things you learned from the huddle. Challenge the group think and they literally poo themselves. It's quite funny actually.

  9. I like Luck more than anyone here.

    But dude throws a lot of picks man. He's like my lil bro in our madden franchise. He plays as the raiders and Derek Carr throws for 500 yards a game but has like 4 picks. That's Luck.

    Luck has the interesting way of lulling the other team into a false sense of security by playing like poo for the first half then getting quick scores to win the game in the 4th. I've seen so many of his games be crazy comebacks because he played terribly early on. The Chiefs playoff game is the biggest one.

    • Pie 1
  10. if we're collecting nominees i throw this one into the mix

    Yeah I second this nomination.

    As for the ass hat dissing Stephs child. I was watching the post game presser and liked the fact she was out there. They had a shot of him before the game with her getting his kisses from his daughter and that showed me the game to him is never bigger than his family which I loved.

    Steph is my favorite player though so I'm bias as fug

    • Pie 1
  11. Okay, then why didn't JJ Watt get it? He was the best player in football. Yet for some "unknown reason", a cornerback that is arguably top 5 at his position in 2013 got the cover.

    Not the best player in football. Not the DPOY Luke Kuechly. But a dude that has been argued as the number 1 corner AND the number six corner.

    Funny how being the best gets you the madden cover, right?

    Sherman's team won the Super Bowl. Watts didn't make the playoffs...

    Being on the best team/defense. Winning the biggest game. If Sherman got the cover off of media hype it was more because of these factors than the rant I assure you.

    Also Sherman is definitely top 5. The only thing arguable about that is if he is number 1 overall. Which I believe he is. What are 5 dbs ahead of him?

  12. I don't believe so.

    Sure his stats were fantastic. He's a great receiver. But like fans voted for Sherman because of the rant, fans voted for OBJ after the hype train was started because of his catch.

    Voted for him because of the rant or that he was the best corner that year and proved it on the national stage win the game and go to the super bowl? Id more inclined to believe the latter.

    The hype train for obj was rolling way before week 12.

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