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Posts posted by CarolinaCoolin

  1. seriously im just wondering where the argument that the catch was the only reason why he got on the cover came from.

    its not like david tyree, antonio freeman etc made the madden cover the following season.

    odb had insane stats, if he would have played 16 games he would have destroyed moss' rookie season. the catch was just the cherry on top

    That last sentence. He can't comprehend that last sentence.

  2. lol are you still recycling that argument

    "But look at how good he is!"

    You can read back a few pages and see my response to that argument the first 14 times it was posed

    Because you still don't get it. Hur hur google search catch hur hur see yall even Google is on my side.
  3. What's most comical about all this is when I looked at the finalists the other day before the selection process was up I said to myself "meh, I'd probably vote for Odell"

    As always the higher functions of most Huddlers brains are so dim that when someone, even with a small passing remark dares to paint someone they've anointed in a less than glorious light they have to rationalize these things with generic attempts to discredit the individual or primitive second level maslowian needs pyramid of "He my enemy, he bad. He hate Me/Gettleman/odell/etc. "

    Seriously folks learn how to think critically.

    Ironic cause you are the one person in this thread not thinking critically. When presented with numbers and facts you turn to google searches to justify you myopic predetermined opinion about the kid.

    He LED the greatest receiving draft class in NFL history all while playing 4 less games than his peers. And his catch is up there for all time great. When you combine these factors you get the hype. The catch alone didn't create the hype. I don't know why you can't see that. Literally everyone else can.

    • Pie 1
  4. No bias here at all. He's a fine player. Enjoy watching him play. Also not going to march to river to drink the kool aid over one play he made.

    If he didn't make that catch, this thread wouldn't exist. Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional.

    This is a fan-voted competition that was swayed by overreaction to a media frenzy.

    "Nu-uh Growl! I was tuned in every week before that catch to appreciate the finer aspects of his game and his dedication to the minutia of the position. And the Panthers all black uni's are also the greatest in the history of the sport! I've got the poll to prove it!"

    He was already 7 games in before he made the catch and everyone had already been raving about him. Like I said and which you choose to ignore. The catch sealed the public and medias thoughts about him. The catch didn't create him merely cemented his position as the most dominant rookie receiver since moss. Most people in this thread are rational level headed individuals and they have no problem seeing it this way. You apparently do. For whatever reason.

  5. Wait so the players who out produces him weren't?

    All I want is someone to say what the differentiating factor was between odell and those other players who performed better than him. This isn't about worthiness, it's about reasoning.

    Please do be so kind as to take the courageous step of what that differentiating factor was rather than turning tail and hiding from it as the others have.

    Who out performed OBJ that was a rookie?

    No one. Oh yeah, he also played four less games then everyone else.

  6. He absolutely, without any rebuttal being feasible whatsoever, would not be on the cover if it wasn't for that one play.

    Great talent. Deserving of recognition. Is absolutely riding a media wave from that play.

    You'd have to be a sheep to believe otherwise.

    So you believe he would not be on the cover if he didn't make that catch?

    Because I'm willing to wager everyone else in this thread who actually watched him would tell you otherwise.

    That catch was more of a icing on the cake to a already amazing 12 game rookie receiving performance that we likely won't see again for quite some time.

    • Pie 2
  7. Wait at what point did I insinuate he amassed those yards in one catch?

    I encourage spending some time to develop your cognitive skills.

    Are you that slow that you cant discern sarcasm and obvious absurdity?

    It's quite obvious one can't amass that type of production in a single catch. It is a device in which to show you how he is more than a single catch as seen by the stats mentioned in the previous post. Which are borderline elite in 12 games.

    Your bias for what ever reason you have against this kid is making you look quite foolish. Try not being intentionally obtuse in future posts. It will go further in terms of discussions.

    • Pie 2
  8. What is really funny is that you actually thought his real name was Carl.

    Sad...just damn sad.

    SMH. No I don't actually think that's his real name. But unlike him I'm not going to google search him and it was a joke. But you have no idea what jokes are you've never made one in your life

    Do you understand that a 20% variance does not really constitute "rounding"? That actually is a very material variation.

    Wtf are you talking about? Like if you can't comprehend what's being said don't say anything.

    He's trying to think I literally meant a decade worth of games between us. Which would be only three since the super bowl was played 11 years ago.

    Obviously I am including the super bowl in the ambiguous decade which would be where the rounding comes in. So let's think about this logically.

    Team A beats team B in the super bowl about a decade ago

    But after team B beats team A twice, team A beats beats team B once.

    That's 4 games. One team has a super bowl win and a regular season win, the other has just 2 regular season wins.

    Who has had more success? Team A with the super bowl or team B with two regular season wins?

    Like this isn't hard.

    But some of you guys literally can't handle different opinions and immediately go full retard.

  9. And why do you think I did that?

    Could it be because you said the Panthers and Patriots are 2-2 in the past decade, because you included a game from February 2004 (11 years ago) in your argument? Could it be that? Could it be that you're too stupid to admit you assumed New England had beaten Carolina in more games than it had lost to them since 2005, so you had to backtrack and add playoff games from more than a decade ago?

    I think so.

    Hit me back when you are done arguing semantics(google that if you need to)

  10. You still riding my jock?

    Pretty sure anyone who reads through this thread can see very clearly how much of a total idiot you are. Just can't resist making an ass of yourself on here.

    You had to google the word decade.

    And you googled my username and stalked me to a pats account I never used.

    Yeah pretty sure people will be able to see who was riding whose jock and who the idiot is.

    its you.

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