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Posts posted by O-Ther

  1. Overall talent level on the team is back to the 2013 team's standard. An area or two may be weaker than 2013, but an area or two is also stronger than 2013. Even better, we won't have to blow up the WR, secondary, or O-Line groups next off-season to fit under the salary cap.

    This version is built for the long-term instead of running on fumes.

    • Pie 1
  2. They sucked but Bartkowski to Jenkins was pretty chill.  Loved me some Bobby Butler and well....that's about it.


    At least the Falcons beat the 49ers once a year no matter how bad they were.


    Other than that...those fugers gave me nothing to cheer for, for over 20 years of my life.  I LOVE to watch them lose now.



    I liked Bartkowski, William Andrews, and Gerald Riggs. Then my dad got a PCS to West Germany and my mom and I had to go with him. Impossible to keep up with the NFL on German TV and only got the box scores of Atlanta games in the Stars and Stripes. Came back to the world in '88, just in time to watch the Falcons draft Deion and get me excited again.

    • Pie 1
  3. Brockel's spot more in jeopardy than Tolbert's imo. Tolbert's been reliable on 3rd downs and in the red zone. It's not a coincidence the offense sank when he went on temporary IR then revived when he got healthy. 1-7-1 without him vs. 6-1 with him.

    • Pie 4
  4. Has it already been decided shaq will be staying opposite of TD day 1? If so (assuming that's the plan), does it worry anybody that he is now hurt and will miss all of OTAs? It seems like a lot for a kid to expect him to be ready without any real action until training camp?


    He was going to miss OTAs anyway because of his university being on the quarters system instead of semesters. Every rookie from Washington, Oregon, Oregon State, UCLA, Stanford, Ohio State, and Northwestern are in the same boat. Can't attend OTAs until finals are over and the graduating class commences. For most that's June 12th or 13th. It's a rule between the NCAA and the NFL.


    Step away from the ledge.



    • Pie 4
  5. Hey, it's May the official month of Annointing. Besides all that will shake out in camp and preseason.


    Also him being the #1 doesn't mean he's better. It's just a different position. See my earlier post about X and Y receiver.


    To me, it's irrelevant who's called the #1 or #2. Doesn't matter, as long as both are on the field at the same time. It'll be like the Giants trying to decide who's #1 and #2 between Victor Cruz and Odell Beckham jr. Who cares?! Just get them on the field at the same time.


    That said, I do think DeVin will line up in the slot more, since he's had experience lining up as online and offline WR and TE. Rivera said he knew what everyone's job was,


    • Pie 1
  6. we better fuging win the super bowl this year. our window is about to slam shut with this cam contract looming.


    Wait wut? A Super Bowl window? We have one? When the fug did this happen?! All the sportswriters keep saying Cam sucks, we relied on too many rookies, they can't understand our draft this year, and Brees or Ryan are much more deserving of a playoff shot,


    What the hell is in Charlotte anyway? No reason to visit there, so no reason to care about the Panthers. Uh-oh deadline's here. Just stick to the stereotypes and turn in the usual crap. Nobody in the Northeast or California cares anyway, and that's the audience we try to please.

  7. Without Greg Hardy and Frank Alexander, we were the #10 defense last year. Check the official NFL stats for yourself.


    Frank Alexander is how we upgraded the DE position this year. Plus neither a rookie nor a free agent would have 2 years experience in the system already.


    Funny how a lot of posters here scream to overlook drug problems with rookies or free agents, but they're dumping all over Frank instead of supporting him.

    • Pie 3
  8. Dont want to search theough all the posts, but is he considered as a FA and can work out any contract free of the CbA rookie scale pay grade?

    If so...he could get some seeious surprise contract cash?


    He is an UnDrafted Free Agent with zero years of NFL playing time. He can't make in base salary more than the very last (#256)guy drafted. Those are minimum contracts, so La'el will not get more than a minimum base salary.


    The wiggle room is that the signing bonuses for UDFAs isn't set in stone. Teams have $86k to divide up between all of their UDFAs they sign after the draft. Since every team has signed UDFAs, nobody will be able to offer him the whole $86k.


    Teams could offer to guarantee the minimum salaries he can get, but since every team will do it, no one will really stick out as a bigger $$$ deal.


    Best La'el can hope for is to get a starting LT spot and get playing time for when he's an Unrestricted Free Agent. LT gets bigger contracts than RT, Guards or Centers


  9. Then his value would drop for sitting out a year. He's already lost about $4m for doing nothing wrong, this is just consolation.


    I don't understand why UDFA contracts need to be capped so low anyway. In what other situation would every team pass on a guy for 7 rounds only to have a bidding war on him immediately after?


    that's the rules the player's union and the NFL agreed to in the CBA. Specifically the rookie wage scale. Both sides agreed that UDFAs couldn't have a contract worth more than anyone drafted that year. And it's not much of a bidding war. The signing bonuses for UDFAs have a limit. So he'll get several similar offers and choose where he wants to go. At least he has the freedom to decide where he'll play. Cam's never had that and probably never will.


    It's a bad situation for La'el, but at least he's still alive. Can't say as much for that woman and her baby. Those two come first before ANYTHING else. Job of the police is not to worry about La'el's draft status. It's to find their killer.


    • Pie 1
  10. from the earlier story I linked...


    Patriots owner Robert Kraft issued the following statement:

    “When I addressed the media at the Super Bowl on January 26 – over 14 weeks ago – I stated that I unconditionally believed that the New England Patriots had done nothing inappropriate in this process or in violation of the NFL rules and that I was disappointed in the way the league handled the initial investigation. That sentiment has not changed.

    “I was convinced that Ted Wells’ investigation would find the same factual evidence supported by both scientific formula and independent research as we did and would ultimately exonerate the Patriots. Based on the explanations I have heard and the studies that have been done, I don’t know how the science of atmospheric conditions can be refuted or how conclusions to the contrary can be drawn without some definitive evidence.”

    Kraft concluded: “While I respect the independent process of the investigation, the time, effort and resources expended to reach this conclusion are incomprehensible to me. Knowing that there is no real recourse available, fighting the league and extending this debate would prove to be futile. We understand and greatly respect the responsibility of being one of 32 in this league and, on that basis, we will accept the findings of the report and take the appropriate actions based on those findings as well as any discipline levied by the league.”


    Because atmospheric conditions would have affected ALL the balls, not just the Patriots. Can't use the weather as an excuse. Even the smart dumb guys down the road at Harvard will tell you that.

    • Pie 2
  11. Is this not considered tampering? They are still part of the Dolphins orginazation. Trey only contacted him on Twitter not went to him in person.


    It's not tampering for 2 reasons. 1) Collins is a free agent  2) those players are members of the NFLPA union. Rules are different for them talking to other players than other people employed by the NFL

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