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†William Moore†

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Posts posted by †William Moore†

  1. Yeah sure as $hit, he'll abandon the small market that gave him no weapons or protection for four years. Oh wait...http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/panthers/2015/06/01/cam-newton-contract-extension-2020-andrew-luck-russell-wilson/28302041/

    Don't you get it? He's still here because he's the big fish in a little pond. He needs all the attention, lights, and action to be on him. This is the perfect place to do so, and he gets 100 million. My goodness he's a monster. 

  2. disagree mr philosophy major with losing team.  SCP's post demonstrates clear correlations with Demings 14 point Philosophy;

    1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business, and to provide jobs.

    2. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change.

    3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place.

    4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.

    5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.

    6. Institute training on the job.

    7. Institute leadership (see Point 12 and Ch. 8). The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better job. Supervision of management is in need of overhaul, as well as supervision of production workers.

    8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company (see Ch. 3).

    9. Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.

    10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force.

    • Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute leadership.
    • Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management by numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership.

    11. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality.

    12. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means, inter alia, abolishment of the annual or merit rating and of management by objective (see Ch. 3).

    13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.

    14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. The transformation is everybody's job.


    Your responses in this thread have mimicked a slightly daft talking parrot (sorry Mr. Scot, no relations)


    This doesn't mean anything either, and I'm not wasting my time to read it. 

  3. Can the saints and falcon fans not get anything right?  With fans like that no wonder the dumpster fire is spreading.

    This is a thread for celebrating the impending train wreck of a cap situation in Seattle.

    Please stop hijacking threads.  Start a thread about Cam and take your ass-whippings in public like good little fans



    Here's one that exposes Cam Newton as worse than Timmay The Golden Calf of Bristol. 



    Can you find one, just one example of Cam not being "down to earth" outside of some quote taken out of context?


    I'll wait.

    This is a guy who acts like he won the Superbowl after a simple first down.

    Words can be manipulative. Actions show true character. 

    He can give all the balls he wants to kids in the stands. Doesn't change that his arrogance and look at me attitude. 

    If that guy is down to earth in your eyes, I would hate to see your definition of being cocky.


    But since you asked:






    There's tons more, and that's not even taking into account his past of theft and under the table deals. 

    If only that thread wasn't a complete sham. Lol.

  5. And yet, on those final drives, Cam made those crucial first downs with his arm and legs. Our slug offense isn't meant to outscore our opponents -- we play ball possession.

    We were trailing in all of those games. And that's the point. Cam, alone, made outrageously clutch plays to give us those wins.

    The Panthers aren't gonna score 40+ points. Not with our current personnel anyways. That said, when we need Cam to scramble for 20 yards, break tackle after tackle, deliver a 30 yard bomb, etc he takes the game over with his playmaking abilities. Oddly enough, that's when Shula and Rivera say "Fug it". Coincidence?

    Ryan has how many in the last two seasons, again?

    I thought so.

    Without big time weapons and protection, Matt can't carry poo. Get back to me when you've got 4-5 UDFAs starting on the offensive side of the ball.

    He's still got around five. Lol. You don't know what you're talking about.


    Let's look at just Brandon LaFell, as an isolated example.

    His rookie season, he looked really, really bad. Didn't break 500 yards receiving, only 1 TD. Was expected to make much more of an impact than he did.

    Cam is drafted the next year...and he suddenly becomes a pretty good option. 200 more yards than his rookie season, 3 times as many plays of 20+ yards, and a few TDs.

    He played fewer games the following year...had better numbers.

    Comparatively, he had more yards last year with NE...but his avg per catch was actually no better than the last season here with us. In all actuality, he really wasn't that much more productive in NE. In a system with arguably the greatest QB of our generation. He was targeted more in NE. That's it. He is not that great. Cam made him look like a solid enough receiver that NE looked at him and said "we want him". He got more targets thrown at him, but he was no more consistent or productive than he ever was here.

    I guess Ryan made Roddy White, because he was never good when Vick was here. Cross one name off of his "elite weapons list" then my man.

  6. So what you're saying is Cam makes his guys look good enough for them to go get signed with good teams (Smith, Lafell), while receivers from Atlanta aren't desired by good teams and struggle with bad teams?

    Good talk.

    Also don't ignore that Olsen only looked "good" in Chicago. He is at least a top 3 TE in most people's minds since he has come to play with Cam.

    Cam makes receivers...no, the whole team better. His teammates have said as much (Olsen I believe directly stated something to the effect of "Cam makes us all better. He's so gutsy and so motivated, even when things are bad. He lifts us up and makes plays for us when we let him down" (not directly quoting).


    Nope. Those guys are nowhere near as bad as Douglas, as is evidenced by their success with other teams. 

    What is Olsen supposed to say? "He's makes as all worse, fug that guy, I don't fug with him"

  7. Cam made Lafell look good enough to get him flat-out paid (even though Lafell dropped more than a few passes that were on the money and would have been BIG plays).

    Cam made Ginn look good enough to get him signed elsewhere when formerly, Ginn looked mediocre at best.

    Cam made Corey Brown look like a pretty damn good receiver a few times last season...and it's not like Brown was a high draft pick or anything....

    Cam made Brenton Bersin look competent as well...same story as Brown.

    Cam was on the money enough with Smitty when he was here, but Smitty in his last season here looked like he had lost his passion and concentration. Dropping passes, soft running some routes, not able to make the big play as often. His issues with the FO here lead to him tearing it up last season in Baltimore.

    Cam made Kelvin look like he's just a step away from being a top 10 receiver in the league, when most assumed he would struggle coming into the league.

    Cam has reinvigorated Olsen's career here.

    So when you tell me that Ryan elevates his guys, presumably implying that Cam doesn't, I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.

    When your top 2 targets go down, next man up will put up numbers just because he's the next best. 

    When you have no other receivers on the team, someone will put up numbers for being there. 

    Isn't that the same kind of logic? 

    Ginn was successful in SF. LaFell was successful in NE. Smitty looked great in BAL. 

    Douglas signed with the Titans. Not even a good team wanted him.

    No comparison.

  8. When your top 2 targets go down, next man up will put up numbers just because he's the next best. If he doesn't put up numbers, then it's time to reevaluate that guy.

    Cam threw 2/3's of his yardage to his TE and a rookie WR because they were the only consistently good options he had. And even then, Kelvin Benjamin dropped a few TD passes. While missing games and then playing injured for the entire season. Culminating in Atlanta being curb stomped by Cam to end the season.

    That didn't happen when Andre Johnson left the Texans. 

    The fact is Ryan has had White, Jones, and Gonzalez...

    Cam has had an old Steve Smith and Olsen.

    Matt Ryan's best game was in Blacksburg. 

    Enough facts or should I continue? 

    Cool. Doesn't change the fact that Ryan has shown he can elevate other players. 

  9. . And I'd be willing to wager that most Falcons fans would rather have Cam if they were completely  honest 


    Ryan is the better passer.

    Cam is the better player.


    Difference? Cam doesn't flinch and goes into the fetal position when he gets hit. Cam doesn't noodle arm anything. Cam's December record is on par with Tom Brady's. Cam got the likes of Brandon LaFell and Ted Ginn Jr paid. Cam has absorbed 4-5 offensive schemes in the last 7 years and still thrived. Cam singlehandedly takes over games when the defense needs to be bailed out.

    Ryan has 20+ comebacks, including one to get his team to an NFCCG

    Cam has what...5?

    Yet Ryan can't take over a game.


  10. I have said all season this GS team is too small and unconventional to win a title. Guys like Mozgov, TT, LeBron, they just have no answer for  size-wise with Bogut being such an up and down fugtard. Jumpshots can only gonna get you so far, they always stop falling eventually. They're pretty lucky the West was so easy this year. Spurs getting worn down, Blazers/Grizzlies being hurt, Houston having injuries+playing zero defense, Clippers being their classic choker selves etc. not to mention the fact that Durant and WB went down and took OKC right out of the picture. I don't see these guys being a dynasty or anything, just some really lucky guys at a time were all the top west teams got hurt and every east team sucked. Even if these guys pull it it together and win the championship, I don't think they're even a top team of all time like everyone is hyping them to be. Top 20 at best. 

    • Pie 1
  11. Whatever gets you to sleep at night.

    Fact: Cam's QB rating is significantly higher than Ryan's under duress.

    Fact: Cam has had more comeback wins than Ryan in the last two seasons.

    Fact: An injured Cam with no protection is still more valuable than Ryan without a Gonzalez and/or Julio Jones.

    Fact: Cam and Ryan hold the same amount of playoff wins, and one has been in the league longer.

    Fact: Cam has a legitimate arm cannon while Ryan has a noodle arm.

    ​Sorry woe noodle arm don't work no more, try a different joke


    "His accuracy rate on throws of 20-plus yards was 56.5 percent -- the best mark since Aaron Rodgers' in 2011."" 

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