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Posts posted by lola

  1. not to insinuate anything, but is it possible you've done something to piss her off and don't realize it? posting girls night pictures could be a passive-aggressive move designed to make you jealous or hurt you. that would be immature behavior, of course, but it could also be a manifestation of some kind of pain or hurt. some people have mastered the art of the incredibly-innocent-yet-deeply-assertive facebook post and maybe that's her shot at you.

    or maybe she's just jelly :)

    either way my humble opinion is you should definitely work up the nerve and bring it up to her in as non-confrontational a way as possible, let yourself be vulnerable to being hurt by it, let her know you're vulnerable to being hurt by it, and then put the ball in her court to either explain it and begin healing the friendship, or shut you down and let you begin healing yourself.

    Great advice. Thank you.

  2. Don't view it as a confrontation. If she is your friend you can talk to her. If she isn't her actions will tell you what the future holds and actually make it easier for you.

    You're right. Thanks.

  3. So, I still haven't worked up the nerve to ask her about this. Confrontations bother me, as I always get way too emotional and lose my head. She keeps posting pics of her and friends from work on girls night outings, outings she always cancelled with me. Pfft.

  4. My wife has some friends like that. Now she only invites them to do group activities so when they flake she is still able to have fun with others. When they do show up they have a great time. Some people are just flakes.She works 50 hours a week so her time off is precious and cant be wasted by flaky people.

    Exactly. I don't have time for this. I have too many kids and too many responsibilities to waste my time. It's just that, I thought she was a good friend and I don't have many of those...

  5. I invited her and her son to my daughter's birthday party at Monkey Joe's. She said she was coming and even went so far as to call and ask me what she wanted as a gift. I get a text from her while I'm at the birthday party saying she's getting her taxes done and can't make it. It infuriates me, not only because it was after the party started, but I paid for her child and it was like the millionth time she's cancelled. The way she did it and the excuse she gave seemed so lame and like a blatant attempt at being hurtful. It worked.

  6. Question for you guys: if a supposed friend is constantly breaking plans with me, standing me up, but claims that she wants to get together soon, does she hate me? It's like she is purposely trying to make me mad and hurt my feelings. I shouldn't care, but it just pisses me off. This is why I don't have many girl friends....

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