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Posts posted by 52Beast

  1. 10 hours ago, Day1PanthersFan said:

    We are going to be DOA untill we can move on from this mistake, and get an NFL QB has our starter 

    Right now I see the 2024 season just being a waste of everyone's time 

    This is an evaluation year for Canales and his staff to really see what the roster can do in his system.  Based on the status of our roster, a new regime, the same meddling owner, etc… I have a hard time believing that we’re going to come out and shock the world.  In all likelihood, this season will set us up for the top draft pick in ‘25.  Sadly, that’s my expectation.  

  2. 10 hours ago, top dawg said:

    Some guys are just gamers. X strikes me as a gamer. I'll take a bully ball catcher. Honestly, that's Tee Higgins' calling card.

    I can buy that.  That’s the will that I mentioned.  He’s got fight in him and he will win some of those fights for the ball.  I also think he’s a guy who you’d want in the foxhole.  I’ll think he’ll feast on an offense with a WR1.  

  3. 4 hours ago, bythenbrs said:

    McConkey.  Very polished route runner, great hands, gets separation, 2.7.

    I like Legette.  He’s athletic and his will alone will enable him to succeed to some degree in the NFL.  McConkey is simply more polished and, in my opinion, would have a greater immediate impact on this team.  

    Thielen isn’t getting any younger.  Drafting McConkey gives us options with Thielen that will expire after the ‘24 season.  In essence, you can draft his replacement AND get something in return for him.  As an armchair GM, that’s the move I’d be looking to make. 

    • Pie 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Ricky Prickles said:

    Shipley out of Clemson does intrigue me for sure. He seems like he really could turn into a hidden gem with what I saw out of him in college. I think he may be being overlooked by many.

    Will Shipley can ball.  He terrorized Charlotte and State HS football, and had a strong career at Clemson.  Good hands, good vision and he’s always been a hard worker.  He’d fit well. 

    • Beer 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, frankw said:

    It's comical how poorly run we've been compared to even the Bears.

    Now they can draft yet another QB and load up with even more top end talent. Question is can they draft worth a damn. We'll see.

    Don’t forget, this is their 2nd swing at QB in only a few short years.  They swung, missed, recognized the miss, created an opportunity, worked the #1 pick trade (to perfection), and they are now getting their 2nd shiny new QB. 

    Remember the timeline.  Ours may mirror this in the near future.  Or it may not.  Time will tell. 

    • Beer 3
  6. 25 minutes ago, RJK said:

    I know we still don’t have a pass rush but I’m not hating the way the D is shaping up 

    I agree, and that’ll be our weakest area this season…BUT, it sets us up for a DE splash signing in ‘25 with our cap space.  PLUS, if we have a high first round pick, we can also get a stud rookie DE on a rookie contract.  That’ll stagger the money flow for 4+ years, and solidify the defensive line.  

    By this time next year, this rebuild can potentially be looking really damn good.  With the cap room in ‘25, we’ll also be able to sign some of these guys to longer term deals should their play demand it this year. 

    In the meantime, it’s critical for us to add 3+ starters in this years draft.  

    If it works, and we won’t know that for 2+ years and the jury is out, Morgan will be crowned King of the Queen City. 




    • Beer 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Call Me James said:

    For sure. A good line and we might even see the Sanders we over paid for.

    This is exactly why I think we’ll be quiet at RB this offseason.  We’ll bring in some serviceable young guys that have little to no risk, but I doubt we’ll go beyond that this year.

  8. 3 hours ago, jamos14 said:

    You also lose the valuable cap space that they were planning to use during the opening of FA.

    With Burns contract still on the books as franchise tag, they can't sign the OL they did or whatever other moves they are looking at.


    THIS is why it happened so quickly.  

  9. 27 minutes ago, imminent rogaine said:

    I mean, literally anyone from this gd website can hit at a higher rate. Anyone. Throw a god damn dart. Anyone. 

    Hate on Tepper all you like, but Fitterer and Rhule donkey punched this franchise backwards for what will equate to 10 years when it’s all said and done. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Krovvy said:

    At this point I don't doubt it. However, I don't think this is how a team should be re-built. The process works if you can maintain a mix of veterans with talent and draft well. Moving on from every player that has an ounce of talent for draft picks and overpaid free agents isn't going to do anything but put the team in a further hole. Except this time the new front office will has nothing but sunk-cost to work with. A dangerous thing that we've seen happen with other teams.

    These are ‘25 cap moves.  This year will be ugly but it will put us in a good position, via the draft and free agency, in 2025.  

  11. All kinds of huffing and puffing going on for a pass rush specialist that would have CRIPPLED our chances at adding more talent across the entire team.  We were NEVER going to see a first, let alone 2 of them, for Burns when everyone knew he wouldn’t play without a $30m per year deal with massive guarantees.

    You may not like it, but this is the rebuild we needed 5 years ago.  We won 2 games last year.  Two.  Why would we pay anyone $30m a season and handcuff our ability to rebuild after that production?


    Smart move.  Props to Morgan for ripping the bandaid off.  

    2 wins.  Two.  I’m happy to see it being torn down.  





    • Pie 5
    • Flames 3
  12. 7 hours ago, 45catfan said:

    Itty, bitty cap savings, little purchasing power in FA due to Burns and only six draft picks, yet we are creating more holes.   I get the roster needs a make over, but if we keep cutting able bodied guys at even fringe starter quality and absorbing 99% of their cap hit just to be anywhere but here, then we are tanking.  There's no question about it.  What a fugged up year to tank.

    Lol at the PSL holders who got their ticket prices jacked up to watch the 2024 tank show.

    Not trying to be insensitive to those that have chosen to pay for season tickets this year (mad respect because that’s real dedication) but you had to see the rebuild coming.  It’s been multiple years in the making.  I hardly think that the roster overhaul caught anyone by surprise, let alone those that pay to watch all of the home games.  

    • Pie 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Ricky Spanish said:

    There is no reason to spend even more draft capital or money on ANOTHER QB when we are not 1 QB away from being competitive.

    We stick with Young one more year.

    Also, I don't think he's as much of a lost cause as you seem to. His decision-making is not as bad as you say, he actually learned throughout the season (Case in point the 2nd Falcons game where he bated Bates on numerous throws so he wouldn't get picked again) and his escapability got better as the season went on and he got used to the game speed of the NFL. The line played like crap, receivers played like crap, the scheme was crap, no one looked good.

    It's a big fat N/A for damn near everyone on offense, but no, the backup plan should be the backup QB, which is Dalton, who is a damn good backup and we don't need to waste more assets on another.

    If Young shows no improvement next season then we move on and draft a new QB in 2025.

    Well said.

  14. 9 hours ago, Smitty will punch you said:

    Wait so you just gonna ignore them missing 25 sacks with Jalen and chubs. Missing one of the best safety in game, and missing one of the highest paid CB with Howard. 

    this all on tua huh? lol

    I would venture to say nearly EVERY QB would have struggled playing the Chiefs in Arrowhead in -9 degree weather.  It’s an anomaly.  This $hit about Tua being a bust after last night are a joke.  

    • Pie 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Paa Langfart said:

    What are our chances of hiring a decent head coach or GM now ?  I mean who the fug would want to work for our asshat owner ?

    Better - this is a perfect PR opportunity for Tepper.  Pay the fine, make the apology, vow to cooperate with Godell and accept his “punishment” in the form of a suspension from football operations during the preseason and for the first 8 weeks of the ‘24 season.  

    It’s genius.  It’ll take weeks or months to hash out the punishment giving him time to pick the GM, HC and staff before backing himself quietly out of the spotlight for a few months as the new guys steer the ship. 

    A GM and Coach who want $ and control will see the opportunity here.  Save the team, and be a hero.  A rich one.  There will also be more of a cushion to do this over time to “get it right”.

    And if you don’t?  That’s easy - Tepper is the problem.  Easy out.

    We now have a better chance of getting someone that sees this as an opportunity and wants to make a name for themself, and stuff their pockets.   

    • Pie 1
  16. 36 minutes ago, Johnstonny said:

    as you can currently see...Bilicheat isn't sht without a qb....which, is our position...

    I actually agree with this, but feel that BY could be deadly in a quick strike offense.  Brady was masterful at hitting precise targets to WR running timing routes.  He did not have the biggest arm, but he was incredibly accurate.  BY has the skillset, precision and brain, to pull that off.  


    A 6’7” HOF Tight End wouldn’t hurt either. 


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