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Posts posted by PandaPancake

  1. bad day?

    I'm currently leading a team of doctors to determine how a grown man, middle of the day, in a downpour of biblical proportions, sitting in a lawn chair can fall asleep next to a gear pump running at about 90 decibels and still not wake up until there's a couple thousand gallons on the ground.

    Then there's the dumb ass coil tubing crew that decided to wait until they were in knee deep water and mud before throwing on tire chains. Only to discover none of them knew how to put on tire chains. It went like this:

    "None of you put on tire chains?"


    "Never thought to practice?"


    "Before you lost your virginity, did you go for a dry run?"

    "Yeah!" His enthusiasm scared me.

    "You don't see how that's related do you?"


    • Pie 3
  2. That Saints Report has a weak smack section.


    That place is great.


    Dude, blind faith is fine if that's your thing, but don't go calling for our fan card when we are concerned about sending our franchise QB against a top 5 defense when he's obviously hurt. 

  3. If you're going to the beacon, do not venture off into the areas behind it. Highland and Park Hills don't play games lol. I go over there often as I have lots of friends that stay over there and to this day I wouldn't ever walk those streets by myself, even if I was strapped up. Any questions about what parts of the Burg to avoid just ask lol 

    What? You know this isn't Kandahar right?

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