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Posts posted by TheNewStandard

  1. it's a shame that we were so bad on special teams that we have to use all our cap space on players who at the least will make good special teams players.

    I mean, that's the reality of some of these signings...there is a real possibility that some of these guys may never sniff the field if a football isn't being kicked.

    ...are we still paying the same ST coach?

  2. I guess everyone forgot Gettlemans speech about building the team from the inside out...through the trenches.

    he got Benewikere in like the 5th and I doubt he was on anyone's top-20 on their position charts.

    would be nice to have all these draft threads on the draft page and please get corners and running backs out of your top 4 draft mocks.

  3. I look for quick twitch runners with power and a low center of gravity that can go from a total stop to full speed whether they are starting their run or redirecting from their initial burst.

    the cone drills, shuttle and how steady they are in the tire gauntlet without getting twisted are the most favored indicators to me for a RB and I also take a big note in their 20-40 splits. You want a guy whose first 20 is as fast as the last 20 in the run. the longer it takes a guy to get to full speed the lower he ranks.

    I like RBs who don't waste energy pumping or flailing their arms on their runs...I want them gliding, constantly using their free arm to get push and leverage off of defenders...every action has an equal an opposite reaction kinda thing.

    the best RBs heels hardly ever touch the ground after their initial thrust unless they are juking/directional slide shifting and then back to north south. they are all tippy toes unless they need to change direction and shift.

    it's hard to measure field of vision, but I want a running back who is focused on the goal line and uses his peripheral vision, off hand and instincts to get up the field...always leaning a bit forward when he is north and south.

  4. I've often wondered if Gettleman may be serious about BPA, but give scouts instructions to focus on areas of need during the scouting process. That way, we're much more familiar with players at positions of need and can take a player at one of those positions and legitimately call him the BPA based on our board.

    sure he does, I mean.,.there are hundreds of guys to scout and there has to be some kind of focus on what type of players you are looking for.

    I can generally, just by the eye test, see a player which stands out from the others. A professional player just stands out, they really are men among boys and I think those players are where you start. there's men among those men that are the super-studs among those upper echelon prospects. You look at their tape, their background, their smarts, their combine numbers and just watch them when they think nobody is watching, you begin to see their true character and their mental/physical makeup. you look at their family and support structure...these are done for every prospect, not just the obviously elite prospects.

    then you have guys that show flashes more often then most of the others and out of those players, you look at who flashes the most.

    after you sort out those guys, you look at players who have a certain build and look at their combine numbers and maybe they are better coached or need coaching to put their physical/mental build up to where they might pan out if they get in the program. these guys generally have something sbout them that is a skill that is on an elite level even after you strip them down of all their question marks. whether it be speed, ultra physicality, heart, drive, footwork, fluidity, aggressiveness, their want to, I suppose you could say intangibles. despite all their perceived flaws, they still have that one skill or skills that makes them special...something to build off of that can't be taught but fits a niche at a place of need in your team/coaching philosophy.

    it's a lot they have to figure out, but you begin to make a list of those guys that you believe in and covet that fits into what you're trying to do (win.) you get your favorites and build relationships and after all that work, the players you want shake out into a list from most wanted and most skilled to lease skilled...but no matter what, they are all guys that you want.

  5. Eh not feelng it, I'm not a fan of tweeners. Is he a RB? A SS? a OLB?

    he's a football player and the best player Washington had because he was pulling triple duty.

    Shaq is secondly a freelance playmaker. I don't want to call him a will but I do think he's a center fielder backing up Luke and TD on the field. keeping a rusher or screen receiver from getting first downs.

    TD was a tweener and all I heard was herp derp, so get over it.

    this dude was the most versatile player in college, he was drafted by the Red Sox to play ball and he wears number friggin 7.

  6. Go for it. I strongly disagree. Thomas minus Chancellor and he's still an elite FS. Chancellor minus Thomas and I think he's getting exposed downfield.

    KB sure did expose them. Olsen took Kam out of the play underneath and Cam threw up a jump ball...that was a sweet play.

  7. we have at least 7 picks in the draft this year. we got Benewikere in the 5th. I promise you it's a lot easier to find a solid DBS than it is to find a Thomas Davis clone.

    do you have any idea about how much this guy could learn from TD and how much his athleticism and playmaking skills could help take the pressure off the entire D?

  8. I think what our defense needs to make it truly special is a Cam Chancellor type. This guy could fit the mold.

    That's what I'm saying. Shaq can cover the whole field. His athleticism is pure...its fluid, he's a ball hawk and he can pass rush as well as cover in zone.

    he'll be the heir apparent to Thomas Davis and having him on the field will allow Luke to get into the backfield and get after the QB. it's the one thing Luke said he misses most about his college days...being able to go after the QB.

    Now that Jimmy Graham I'd out of our conference, we won't have to depend on Luke or TD to cover him on every play and that is gonna allow our d to stay home and not get caught underneath because our slime backers are having to chase after Jimmy.

    Having Shaq would also give us a set of fresh legs to shadow QB's who like to take off and it would help keep us from getting all spread out. we could have a true sideline to sideline 3-man underneath zone and 4 coverage DBs behind them. it would also allow us to rush all 4 of our Defensive linemen along with one of our Lb as they are now backed up by the 4 DBs in zone coverage. just never had the personnel to do this consistently because we haven't had the capable personnel to employ this scheme.

    and if worse comes to worse, with our TB committee, guess what...the guy had 512 yards from scrimmage and 2 TDs as a tailback in college.

    just hope he falls into our laps. and he can start right out of the gate. Whether it be At S or OLB. further in the draft or in FA, if we can finds more valuable player than Harper, we still get the pick of which positional player has more value....an OLB or a S to replace Harper with. I think it's brilliant, but he still has to fall in our laps. fingers crossed

  9. The 'homerism' is back just like it was last year when everybody was on board with Bell & Chandler, including threads like these. Remmers wouldn't have been on the team nor seen the field unless it was for injuries.

    Thus far, Gett has shown the ability to evaluate college talent and make decent draft picks. That's what he did for the Giants. He hasn't shown the ability to give his coach a competitive roster and adequately address weaknesses, while building through the draft. Yes, we were limited due to the cap situation and he has only been here a short time ... everybody knows that. However, Bell and Chandler .... really? I think he truly believed it and that would have been his answer, even if he had the money. He also passed on late round OTs that would have been upgrades to the current roster.

    Truth is that there wasn't much available in free agency this year to upgrade our OT situation with capable starters ... much less studs. The best of the group stayed with their former teams, as expected. We dropped a guy at the bottom and picked up one close to the bottom, with a glimmer of hope that a previous relationship with our position coach will make him adequate again. For me ... the question is does Gett really believe that Oher IS the answer or is he creating competition. Also, nothing has been done yet to address our #2 or #3 CB (depending on where you slot Bene), WR or safety positions. However, it is still early.

    Until we know how the rest unfolds ... he doesn't get the keys to the house. He has an obvious talent for assessing college talent but is he cerebral enough to be a good GM.?. Jury is still out.

    We should know that if our front 7 is strong, we can much easier plug and play DBs who are of nominal ability because they don't have to do much work for simuch long periods of time.

    so depending upon where are strengths are, we can concentrate on building true BPA and putting them in the best positions to make plays.

    we also know that we can't spend money we don't have and that reckless spending on hometown Herod or big name FAs is detrimental to both the short and long term plan to keep a competitive team that has good chances to compete for championships.

    we also know that it appears building through the draft not only saves money, but it gives our team it's own identity because the players were born and bred/developed here and that brings with it a sense of loyalty, honor and pride for the franchise that brought them along...not to mention the camaraderie that is developed.

    regardless of the OT situation, there were lots of injuries that caused is to use basically our entire roster to field a team. that allowed us to see exactly what we were working with and what they could do. well, we survived, made the playoffs and won s game against a team that crushed our entire fan base just a few years earlier.

    we'll find some hog mollies if they are affordable and apt to our system. Getts knows what winning looks like and what it takes to get there and he isn't willing to sacrifice the long-term plan just to make a few fans feel good because as soon as they fail or are shown not to fit in, we'll all be like ..."I can't believe we let so and so leave for this bum and blah blah blah."

    so please, just chill and see what these guys do and first and foremost, it's really great to see a panther drafted and to watch them play and develop under our wings.

    and yes, I expect there will be an all-out war to see who gets to fight in the trenches for the Panther faithful and come out victorious! cheezy, I know.

  10. Good, then he'll fall to us. We can make a helluva squad out of pedestrian numbers like The Seahawks did. Game speed, IQ and instincts are mostly what matters to me.

    gamespeed and IQ are a big part

    of what makes this guy so special.

    some people nitpicking about his "explosiveness" but all that does is lead to concussions and a shortened career. he attacks the ball, not the ball player. saw a lot if film him ripping the ball out.

    the guy just plays sound and fundamental and makes plays on the ball. Watching Luke isn't exactly super-hellaciously exciting and powerful, just fundamentally sound and sure footed making sure tackles. that's how this guy plays. flying after the football.

  11. with Shaq, everyone thinks he looks a lot faster on tape. So either the combine was not an accurate representation of his actual football speed in pads, or Shaq's instincts, ability to quickly diagnose a play and react, take the best angles and foot steps, be at the right place at the right time, etc are off-the-charts

    Either way, the game film is the #1 thing all teams go by. This isn't pro track, this is pro football.

    ESPN Pac 12 analyst Kyle Bonagura @ BonaguraESPN 22h

    Shaq Thompson reacted to plays faster than anyone in the Pac-12.

    Shaq flies around on his footage...he books. I just remember thinking"dang this guy is fast!"

    I personally see him as a blitzing safety that can keep QB's and running backs in the pocket and either get a tackle for loss or flush them into CJ and our interior.

    he's a football player, a playmaker and he knows how to score. he had the smoothest transitions in the follow the ball drill that I saw from anyone...and I watched all of them...his footwork and body control were uncanny.

    I think he's best used in blitz packages and playing cenyer field as a coverage safety in zone. he has great field vision and seemlessly adjusts his direction in coverage.

    he has the ability to start and be an impact from day one. he will give Luke more opportunities at pressuring (something Luke had harped on about wanting to do,) and he solves the Eoman Harper travesty.

    he understands offense and has solid hands catching screen passes. Makes plays on the ball and scores. Can be a special teams ace.

    Thomas Davis is set to make over 7 million this season and this could be the successor.

    I want Shaq and the De/DT from Ucla (whose name I can't pronounce,) in the first two rounds. that should keep us with an elite front 7 for a long time to come.

  12. Brees wants out Saints trying to calm him down and make him happy . Difficult to trade he won't go to Tennessee

    4:33pm - 10 Mar 15


    Bree's doesn't have a no-trade clause and the Titans can't be happy with just Mettenberg (smokescreen if they say otherwise.) The Titans have the cap cash to do this and it's mighty convenient that New Orleans is just merrily trading away any and all players to rebuild.

    Mariota to Cooks is a pretty nice combo. not to mention the pro bowl caliber players they are signing starting up the middle for a pro bowl center.

  13. I'm assuming the comment wasn't geared toward him being a "locker room cancer" but more toward the fact that if you have a solid locker room presence that Hardy is less likely to get caught up in those questionable decisions that started affecting his personal life. However, Carolina has had an extremely strong locker room presence in the past with guys like Stewart, Olsen, Kalil, Gross, Wharton, Kuechly, Davis, etc. and that didn't make much of a difference.

    To be fair to the Raiders, this has been done before. The Texas Rangers at one point specifically geared their locker room toward Josh Hamilton and there were certain players on the team that kept Hamilton in check (i.e. away from alcohol and drugs).

    Josh sure did fall back off that wagon again. too bad, that kid was the natural if there ever was one.

    Babe Ruth was drunk at half his games eating hotdogs between innings and smoking cigars while he was waiting to hit.

    Some people can just live like that functionally, Josh is obviously not one of those people.

  14. If I were to make you drive in a car with a bad brake line and an air bag that does not work one year leading to several near fatal collisions, and then the next year I say I am taking care of you by fixing the air bag in that heap of junk, have I done my job to protect you?

    Fix the freaking OL Gettleman and stop saying you solved the problem by tossing in another retread.

    Even Jonathan Stewart made it nationally known that all you need to do on the offense is get some better offensive lineman. Stewart said he would be thinking he was going to get blind sided on every play if he were in Cam's shoes. Get better starters and make the likes of Remmers, Norwell, and Oher the depth when the starters get hurt. Stop using the rally cry about HogMollies while giving Cam and the running game lame cows.

    jStew didn't play half the year and in many occasions he had the responsibility of picking up blitzes in the passing game.

    same deal with Tolbert

    same deal with Deangelo

    so their injuries hurt us too.

    there's plenty of blame and finger pointing to go around but there's a whole new season ahead of us to try and better our record and a full offseason for all these injured players to heal and then put themselves in game shape by training as hard as they can...which in sure not all of them do.

    that bs is out of Getts hands so you can't blame him for offseason wasted eating Popeyes everyday and plsting xbox

  15. I'm down for that without a bet! Lol

    I've spent a good bit of time in NOLA...definitely know my way around. if I get a chance to make it back down there, I'll call my brothers father in-law and get him to give up his 4 tickets he has 20 rows up on the 50 and we'll do it up right. he designed and built Zephyr Stadium and gives us his ticks when we come down. my brother is one lucky guy. if I can swing it I'll send you a message pod'nuh

  16. So, how much would you be willing to put on them moving Brees? Cause I'm definitely down.

    the Titans have roughly 26 million in cap space and Zachary Mettenberger as their QB. could be very interesting...Saint fans might not be so upset if they get Mariota and 15 million to buy new toys.....

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