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Posts posted by TheNewStandard

  1. So, how much would you be willing to put on them moving Brees? Cause I'm definitely down.

    Just makes sense with the purge. Brees' best years are behind him, at least with the Saints. I mean...how many of his playmakers are left and how good is he gonna look after this fire sale...I would wager that his value would take a pretty big hit.

  2. Wait is that legit about graham?

    I guarantee you Graham took some concussions that weren't reported. I guarantee you he's damaged goods.

    I would put money on the Saints looking to trade Brees for a sure shot at Mariotta before the dust settles.

    Why would they want to pay a max contract to a QB whose value will only diminish from here out but could still make the difference on a team that needs a near-elite QB to get them into contention.

    There are only 2 "sure-fire" franchise QB's in this draft and they are gonna both go top-10, if not top-2. The SuperDome is made for speed and cooks and Mariotta could be the makings of a dynamic offense.

  3. I think Jimmy took a couple of concussions that went unreported and they took a heavy toll. he's damaged goods is what I'm saying. things like that are supposed to be reported but hey, it's the saints we're talking about.

    he was brees' golden goose and he got damaged. I can almost guarantee you they will confer with the Titans to unload Brees to try and get Mariotta. that way they might forgo losing draft picks,

  4. generally, when a team becomes elite enough to challenge for a super bowl, the window is pretty small...maybe 3 or 4 years of you're lucky and it's even tougher now that there's a salary cap.

    players lose a step, teams become predictable and lose their edge, players get dropped and can't be replaced etc etc.

    The Saints fall really hastened by losing sproles, he was dynamic in that offense and a terror on special teams, maybe that is why they covet cooks so much,...but before that, it was the bounty-gate and that shortened their window even more.

    it's smart for them to rebuild while they still have an elite QB because that seems to be the magic bullet that all or most super bowl teams share.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see them make a trade with Brees for Mariotta.

  5. Special teams ace... remember Gettleman & Rivera said we were changing our ST personnel approach?

    so we got Ginn and this guy so far. Ginn can return and this other guy can possibly chase down an opponent if he gets past our initial head hunters?

    where oh where is Jordan Senn? he was ST captain and we just let him disappear.

    I know Ginn's price tag was too much and understand why we didn't match 'zona's offer and it was smart not to, because we get him back at fair value and he's got some good history and repoire with us.

    speed is great, it is highly coveted and I want as much speed as we can get, I just can't stand having so many niche players that are too highly specialized.

    not to mention that this guy is getting way more $ than we should be offering special team aces who are supposed to be track stars after coming off Achilles injuries.

    highly questionable move Getts, I need to know more about the plans for this guy before I feel good about the transaction.

  6. what does this guy have that Stephen Hill doesn't? I mean special teams...you run down the field as fast as you can and try to get the guy to call for a fair catch and if he doesn't, you tackle the guy.

    maybe there is reverse logic going on here. DBacks are receivers that can't catch...maybe WRs are DBacks that can't tackle? hmmmm

  7. Redskins are hosting free agent CB Chris Culliver for a visit in the coming days.

    Culliver was likely to be one of the most sought after cornerbacks in this year’s market, and while La Canfora says he’s “in-demand” there has been surprisingly very little buzz about him in recent days.

    The Vikings reportedly expressed interest in him, but that’s about all we’ve heard up to this point.

    Culliver, 26, recorded 45 tackles, four interceptions, a forced fumble, a recovery, a defensive touchdown and 15 pass defenses for the 49ers in 2014. Pro Football Focus has him rated as the No. 14 cornerback out of 108 qualifying players.

    over-inflated rankings due to some pretty solid players in fromt of hm.

  8. Cam doesn't throw anybody under the bus.. He backed Bell and Chandler even when they were getting him killed.. So that means nothing. .

    I bet Cam didn't like the way Bersin slipped when he was the 1st option on that red zone route in Seattle. .

    Serious question would Bersin be the 3rd or 4th wr for any other team who made the playoffs this year??

    Bersin was good for maybe one special play per game and if he wasn't basically forced to return punts, he was bSically the least valuable player on the roster.

  9. we need a borderline 1/2. not sure what value Crabtree has here Unless we are releasing Corchery, Bersin and Brown...which I could actually see happening.

    how many mediocre WR's does it take to make one versatile #2 receiver?

    Crabtree would still be a #3 (his optimal value,) slightly ahead of Ginn. I'd rather have Nicks, keep Philly and draft a young'n for 4-WR sets. We'd still need a solid #2.

  10. Philly is also fast, we could add both more speed and route running a be good. Lets face it if we go into the season with KB,Ginn,Philly,Crab/Short/Johnson/Moore, and Cotchery thats not all that bad. We could even draft another guy and still not have a log jam because lets face it Bersin is not going to make any good NFL roster.

    We need a couple of those spots for The trenches. Bersin should not be on the active roster...just like you said. Neither should Cotchery, but they were the only two, with the exception of Olsen and KB making the occasional midfield grab, tough enough to play the slot and come away with a possession in the mid field.

    so we have a need for what they do, but it's ridiculous how low their value actually is and there is no reason why we shouldn't have a true #2 before this season starts that can replace both of Those guys and their production.

    heck, It stinks that we have to have a return specialist that has a hard time catching the long ball and a deep threat receiver that can't return the ball.

    We basically have 4 one trick pony receivers when we should be looking for a player who can do all four of those things.

    That would be the dream scenario and it should be a priority.

  11. Having bodies isn't "filling a need"

    We aren't, or it should utterly horrify you if we are , simply trying to get 53 guys on the roster. We should be trying to field a team that is better than Seattle, New England.

    We shouldn't be trying to hold water. We should be trying to be the best.

    Michael Oher isn't addressing a need. Ted Ginn isn't addressing a need.

    The thing about the Hawks is that Wilson is actually better out of the pocket and Marshawn can run over just about anybody, so the OL is really not that important for them.

    They just let go of their former pro bowl center and have one of the worst interior guards (Sweezy-a DT turned OG,) in the NFL.

    with all of our injuries to our bruising RB Stewart...our, Lead blocker Tolbert on the IR half the season, Trai on the sideline, and basically the worst LT ever to play in the NFL with only UDFA to compensate, it was floodgates open with no hope and not enough fingers to plug the deluge. it was Just about worst case scenario and you can add a hobbled QB to that.

    I mean, we had Olsen and Swole Bones in the backfield half the time just keep our QB from getting killed as soon as he snapped the ball. well, we finally got healthy and made the playoffs.

    I don't ever want to see Olsen in the backfield as a blocker ever again. so we need our line to be deep, healthy and have great chemistry all while being perfectly clear about their role and blocking assignments. that happens and we are gonna be one tough team to take down.

  12. We need speed. Crabtree is not our guy.

    we have Ginn as our speedy gonzalez, speed kills, but I think it's more imperative to have a polished receiver with solid hands, a high motor, excellent route running and toughness.

    I just don't know how tough Crabtree is. but tough is definitely a must from our #2. Toughness is why Bersin kept his spot on the roster. it can't be taught and it is a must on whomever is signed and added to the receiving corp.

    I'm not talking Steve Smith spitting venom tough, I'm talking high concentration while securing the ball regardless of where on the field the route is run and regardless of what defenders are in the area.

  13. I see you are late to the party and completely wrong AGAIN.

    Rumor is that we offered him MORE than the Cilts did.

    Try and keep up and don't hurt yourself trying

    I don't know about holding faith in rumors. I remember reading that his enteurage might cause him some bad distractions here in Charlotte and that this might not be the best atmosphere for him to work his profession.

    seeing how the Hardy deal went down, I think he has a better appreciation about how strict the Panther FO is with shenanigans...so maybe being away helped him get his head on right and separate himself from bad influences?

    if he's healthy, focused and has his head on straight...I have faith he could have a really good thing going here for the remainder of his career.

  14. I just figured, last season, we didn't have the cap allowance to offer Hakeem a fair deal. this year may be a different story. Hakeem is a definite upgrade over Cotchery and I would be thrilled to have him here if his asking orice has dropped considerably. he would be a steady #2 for us...honestly, he could be the guy considering KB, at this stage in his career, is actually more suited to being our #2 and primary possession receiver.

    Corchery is an upgrade over Bersin (duh,) and could be our slot guy clearing out space for Olsen and KB. throw Ginn in as our downfield guy and I really like the lineup.

    If Tolbert can remain healthy, we'd have a nice combo package for FB screens with some excellent blockers out front.

    Regardless, Nicks would not be invisible in our play sets, regardless of what play set we are going with.

    Both KB, Nicks and Cotchery are fine blockers upfield.

    maybe it's a pipe dream hoping Nicks will be here when camp opens, but I know he's said he wants to bs with a gunslinger like Cam.

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