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JJman Returns

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Posts posted by JJman Returns

  1. When I was 16 (and just started driving) I was driving my first car (01' escort) and I was struck from behind by another car in a 45 mph zone. I was going 50 and he was going around 58. I was knocked off the road and my car rolled down a small hill until it collided with a tree. Fortunately, the man stopped and immediately called 911. He was a veteran of the war in Afghanistan. I was trapped upside down in the car and had glass shards wounds everywhere.

    Anyways, the man managed to single handedly clear space to cut my seatbelt, remove me from the car, tend to some of my wounds and wait for an ambulance to arrive. I ended up with a broken arm and I actually had to get one of my fingers sowed back on. The man paid all the medical bills. I'm sure to this day that if he drove off I wouldn't of survived that crash. I never pressed charges and me and my whole family forgave him almost immediately.

    My point of the story to the op is, just be grateful everybody is okay. The lady stopped, apologized, and expressed remorse for what she did. Let it go. In your case money wouldn't do anything because it's not like your child will be receiving any medical bills for what happened. But regardless of what any of us say, it's really your choice. I hope you manage to work everything out.

  2. Gettleman seems like he does not want to be anywhere near his situation.

    He was asked directly about it on Monday on WFNZ and pretty much said " i just cant talk about hypotheticals or make any comment on this situation this kid is going through"

    He answered it in a way that was in a hell no sorta way.

    If it was a no he would've said no. I mean, why wouldn't he?
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