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Posts posted by klumme

  1. Just now, Krovvy said:

    The stats over a decade. It takes a decade worth of fourth round picks to hit that statistic. This is basic math. Look up the by year hit rate.

    What is it you are trying to say here? If 60 % of the league is made of players from the forth and down, then there is NFL level players to be found you said thats not the case. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    If you surf back to the decision to get rid of Norman and Bradberry, you will see that our fans do care quite a bit about CB's.

    If you surf back to any decision we makes, you will see that our fans piss and moan about anything 😉 But point taken. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mother Grabber said:

    how is a top level CB a boring pick? I've seen this a lot from people who wanted someone else, but a pick is one of the more "jump out of your seat" exciting plays in the the game and a pick-6 is just that much sweeter. even if you don't get a pick, locking down the receivers so that the front 7 can get a sack is almost as good. fast, aggressive defense is sexy as hell. bonerific.

    TD and Sacks sells jerseys. Not so much pass deflections. Gamble vs DJ Moore or Brian Burns. Maybe not the best comp. because Gamble was an extremely boring player on and off the field but man I did love that dude.

    But I agree and well see what the best CBs are getting in salaries CB is a sexy team pick but not so much in the eyes of the fans. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Waldo said:

    QBs win games and CBs help make good Ds. It's the right call by Tepper but it's also time to put this staff on the clock. Start winning or get better people.

    Qbs do not win games. We had one last year and he kinda sucks at winning games. CBs do not help make good Ds. We had plenty of CBs last year and did not have a good D. 

    Good QB wins games and good CB makes Ds good. If we thinks Horn is a good CB thus making the D good and Fields is not a good QB helping us win games, then the pick is the right one. 

    I am sure that any coach in the league would rather have a top 10 QB than a top 10 CB, but lets see if Fields is such a good QB. And lets see what Horn can do before we say taking a CB over a QB was wrong. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Ja Rhule said:

    American sports run on salary cap and profit sharing.  They allocate x amount to expenses and it guarantees they will always make profit.  European soccer teams are individual businesses that independently manage finances.  In order for those teams to get big sponsorships and TV deals, they must bring in talent and win games.

    And if they make a great product, they win and make money without selling their soul. Bayern won the Champions League last year and said fug off to the Super League.  

    Though some kind of salery cap should be something you should look at in soccer. You can do that without making a closed league ruining the structure which soccer is builded on.

    • Pie 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Ja Rhule said:

    Soccer is a business...  salaries, costs, player prices keeps going up while payouts remain flat.  Europe is about to experience hyper inflation in the next 3 years.  But hey... tradition right?  Live in the past, die in the past.

    Real Madrids revenue have gone through the roof the last 15 years. From 300 mil euros to almost 800 mil euros. Soccer can be a be buisness without selling out. Just go watch the Bundesliga. 

    Trying to run soccer like you run american sport is going to fail. 

    But yes, I would much rather see my team playing lower league teams than to see Arsenal play in a closes league with nothing really at stake. No relegation or anything. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Ja Rhule said:

    It’s not about rich owners.  Go see CL payouts then compare it to average top player salary.  Then look at average top player in crappy team like Zenit.  People do not use analytics and go of what they know and what they know is limited information because they do not care to look at the numbers.

    Analytics? Dude really? You are thinking like the rich american owners who have no idea about the tradition of soccer and the structure and only thinks about money.  Soccer is made by the poor and stolen by the rich. A closed league is only about greed and against everything soccer is about.

  8. 3 hours ago, Goondal said:

    Damn proud to be a Bayern supporter.  Also proud of Dortmund and the rest of our Bundesliga rivals (even Leipzig, which feels weird) for uniting against this sham.  Well done also to PSG, regardless of what their motives may have been.

    Damn proud of all the fans, players, former players, etc that managed to so quickly bring this thing down.  Really hope the repercussions are severe.

    The 50+1 rule frem Germany should spread to every national league in Europe. And the way the clubs treat their fans should also spread. I think Germany has some of the cheapest tickets in Euro pe and some of the best fans. The fans of my favorite national club has a friendship with Dortmunds fans so I have been to a lot of their games and stood on the Yellow Wall. Amazing. No NFL can produce anything like that. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, Ja Rhule said:

    I think top teams misjudged the fans and how little they understand about the financial aspect of the game.

    The rich owners who have no idea what the offside rule is or anything about the history of soccer misjudged the fans. 

    If you have not been to a pub before a game in the UK its hard to really understand the love those guys have for their teams. They live and die for their team. 


    Soccer is for the fans, not a rich owner.

  10. Yeah.. And some say that Man City, Atletico and Barcelona is on the out also. There have been demonstration in London before Chelseas match tonight. The pressure from fans is becomming to much.  

    Interesting to see how long the Kroenke, Glazers will keep going. Super League is dead.

  11. 8 hours ago, Harbingers said:

    And lose all their revenue to a the ownership circles? Do you think fans are just going to stop cheering for their  100 year history of clubs? Even if they are complaining now, nah that ain’t going to happen. Why? Because all the clubs that started this are the biggest earners in soccer, they are all winners.

    Everything else is hyperbole.

    I you lived on this side of the pond, you will see how much power the fans have. Just see how Red Bull Leipizig is treated everywere they go in Germany. Everyone hates them. Hell look how the 12 clubs fans have turned on them. 

    Oh and this ist not all winners. And none of the 6 club form the UK was even a founding father of Brittish football. So they use the history to make more money for an owner sitting in China, Russia, US ord in the Middle East.

    • Pie 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Ja Rhule said:

    You got to realized that UEFA and FIFA allowed that to happen with their garbage financial fair play rule and allowing teams like Man City to use 3rd party companies to funnel fake sponsorship moneys.  They were all getting bribed and getting a piece of that pie... Now these teams turn around and fug them hard.  It’s actually pretty funny.  

    UEFA and FIFA won’t do anything because FIFA Player Association is siding with the players.

    Tell me... why a team from Greece should make the same money in CL as Bayern and Real?  Greek team roster is garbage and they will never win anything but they will be making out like the bandits just qualifying for CL...  Fact... the world watches big clubs with superstars.  When CL game is on between Braga and Zenit, no one gives a poo but they get the same money as Bayern and PSG game.  One PSG player makes more a year than 50% of Zenit whole team payroll.  See how financially biased and unfair it is to big teams?  They asked UEFA/CL to change it but were told to deal with it... so they deal with it.

    Agree. Soccer did not die the other day. It died the moment the clubs allowed rich idiots to use them as a toy. So the 12 clubs did not kill soccer, they just hold a big party on its grave. 

    The rumour is, that UEFA will removed Man City, Real Madrid and Chelsea from the Champions League this friday. The local leagues will look to remove them from their domestic leagues. I hope all this will happen. Most likey the Fifa contracts with the players will be terminated and the players will be free to go to another club. 

    The last part.. Well first of all they do not get the same. If you win you get more money. But yes the fee to enter the league is shared as it should be. They have qualified for the same tournament. They get way more money from their domestic leagues from TV money. Its not like the clubs do not make any money, they just want more and they dont want to work for it. For instance my club Arsenal, the have been poo for years, and now they are a part of this without ever beeing good enough. Hell Put Aston Villa or Nottingham Forrest in the Super League, at least they have actually won the Champions League before. 

    The structure in european football is builded that way, so every team in Europe have a chance to play and be the best. That is the foundation of the entire structure. Soccer as we now it has now died. 

    • Pie 1
  13. European soccer is not the same as the closed system you guys have in the US. I love NFL, NBA etc but soccer is build on a whole other pyrmaide stucture. In soccer you can actually earn your way to the top. This is not about earning money for the clubs, its about earning money for some American, Russian or Arabic idiot.  They take over 100 years of history and pis it away to earn more money for them self.

    Hopefully the FA, Premier League, LA Liga, Serie A, UEFA and FIFA will ban them from everything. Ban the players from playing on their national teams etc. Let the UK makes rules that the 6 english clubs can not use international players. Force them to change their city names. 

    Been a Gunner for 25 years and that stopped yesterday. fug Kroenke that fat piece of poo. fug the Rams

    • Pie 1
  14. 5 hours ago, 45catfan said:

    Your death rate is 4.5% in Denmark and the US is 3.7%, FYI.  Also, the population of Denmark is the size of just one of our states, Colorado (5.8 million).  So yes, controlling the situation is your country would be much more manageable than a country of 330 million.  Unlike Europe, the COVID-19 response in America is handled at the local levels with recommendations from the Federal government.  So when you see the news about this being all Trump's fault, please understand that is was honestly handled at the state and local levels.  Like now how Governor Cuomo of New York and NYC's mayor De Blasio are now heroes in the media because of the improving COVID-19 statistics, they still have the highest death rate in all of America.  At the time, both of these guys were blaming the Federal government for the catastrophe in their state, but now, they take all the credit since things are improving.

    We pretty much only test people with symptoms, so our deathrate is much lower. Our totalnumber of infected is much higher than what is showed. 


    I know we are built sooooo much different than you guys, we have a wider social security for our citizens, for instance while the country was shut down every Dane was sent home with salary. My post was not meant to be a pissing match about who have battled this thing in the best way. I was just saying, we closed the country down. While that had a huge effect in itself it was also part of the reason every Dane took this poo serious from the get go. Aaaaal the way over here, it seems that is the biggest issue in the states, way to many people do not take it serious, Reading this thread I can see why. 

    Oh and by the way... Another reason Denmark is up and running, is the fact that his was not used to politicizing from any party  or politician. Everyone stood behind our Primeminister knowing this was bigger than politics. 

    I hope you all will battle this and what else comes your way. 

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  15. 5 hours ago, 45catfan said:

    Please tell me how could we staved off this pandemic?  Locking down the entire county indefinitely and wearing masks 24/7 isn't realistic, so please enlighten me, how do we get rid of this in a real world scenario?

    Well were I am from (Denmark) we pretty much did that, though without the masks. Now everything is open again, sport is open and with fans in the stands etc etc. 

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