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Darth Biscuit

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Everything posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. We have one "regular" squat rack and one "cage" rack, which honestly for a gym the size of ours is dumb, they really need one or two more... I prefer the cage rack mainly because the stops on the rack are of a better height for me, and like I said I can adjust the bottom stops up a little higher in case I did have to go down with it. On the regular squat rack one is slightly too high and the other slightly too low so it's aggravating... plus there's no rubber on any of them, it's just metal on metal if you dropped the bar. The guy that dropped the front squat was on the regular squat rack.
  2. Yes I do squat in a rack, I usually put the bars about 6" under my lowest point of the squat, but that'd still make a hell of a noise dropping it off my back, because if I can't push it, we're talking about 400lbs +. I saw a guy drop a front squat of 315 off his shoulders once onto the rack... scared the hell out of everyone in the gym and probably bent the bar...
  3. Not sure what this has to do with dropping weights... but... whatever. I certainly don't go to the nicest gym ever, but it's got decent equipment, isn't expensive and is halfway between my office and my house...
  4. lol Yeah you can drop it but people tend to stare...
  5. Impressive as is the 265 clean and press. I've successfully pulled 520x1 twice and 500x2 several times. I've tried 550 about a month ago and didn't get it... I've been doing rack pulls and some other supplemental exercises lately and I think I'm ready for 550. This is all at 215 lbs. I've squatted 405x4 the last two times I've squatted but putting more than that on my back is a bit scary tbh. I should be able to get 455x1 pretty easily but you can't just drop it if you fail on a squat.
  6. OK, deading Monday with Joscott. What are you pulling now?
  7. lol, there's ole Fiz. 265 lbs huh? You sure about that?
  8. A good friend of mind's wife posted a deadlifts video on her fb page not too long ago and she had like 5 plates on each side and I commented like "damn! That's a lot of weight..." It was like 135 lbs.
  9. I suspect those are cross fit plates and only like tens.
  10. I'm not posting mine... they gave me a B- and then proceeded to tell me how much I sucked at drafting. I'm going to take it out on Dex.
  11. I did an abbreviated chest workout yesterday, and moved a good bit faster than usual between both sets and exercises (had to pick up the rug rat). I am pretty sore today which is good, and also tells me I need to do that on all my exercises.
  12. The draft app let me in... I think we can chat in there now... like 21 minutes left I texted boo... she's in.
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