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Darth Biscuit

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Everything posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. What are you turds gonna do when I take all the good players?
  2. SCP should start a school for this.
  3. Yeah, I've never had any desire whatsoever to touch roids.
  4. I don't take the creatine for "weight gain" per se... I can definitely tell it fills out my musculature some and I always notice an increase in strength/stamina about a week and a half or so into a cycle. Any weight gain I have from it is pretty negligible. This last time I was on it about 2 months... that's a tad longer than normal, it usually runs about a month and a half for me. Right now I'm trying to do higher rep stuff and more cardio. I kind of got caught up in doing more powerlifting stuff because quite frankly it feels pretty good to pick up 500lbs + off the ground. I'll probably stay off of it for about a month, or however long it takes me to run out of my currently pre-workout which has no creatine, then I'll cycle back on.
  5. I've kinda gone the other way lately... I was doing more powerlifting and now I'm doing more supersets. I'm still going pretty heavy on deads and squats tho.
  6. I haven't posted in here in a bit... just kind of rolling along with things. Still been hitting the gym pretty hard. I'm currently off of creatine and trying to do a little more cardio than I was. Today I'm in Charlotte and I'm going to hit the gym with Boo's bf Pnut... last time he tried to murder me so we'll see...
  7. Blatant attempt to get more twitter followers.
  8. I am ready m brothers (and sisters), question is are you?
  9. As long as the wait was, it wasn't as bad this year to me as in years past... I'm ready for some football either way.
  10. Sound off if you're with us... I know we got so far... Bleys (admin) Darth Biscuit (me ) Boo Dex OnlyPantherFaninMaine RoaringRiot Neverlosethefeeling Beach and a couple more that I can't tell from your team name who you are... It's going down bitches. I'm winning it all this year... this is what ima do to ALL y'all
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