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Darth Biscuit

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Posts posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Boys will be better off going into an internship and then corporate training program right out of high school. 4 years of real world experience trumps college training in everything and they're actually pulling a paycheck in year 3 and 4. College is for fun and adding tons of student loan debt that puts them in a massive hole starting out their lives.


    I will pass this on to their mom and let you know how this discussion goes.

    • Pie 1
  2. How are there 300 people coming and only like 10 huddlers? Need moar. Bleys, OnlyPantherFanInMaine and Biscuit please.


    Dude I'm working on it, but I got to mortgage my house to put my boys thru college...  it's hard to justify spending money to the wife atm.

    • Pie 1
  3. I guess. I just take most things way too personally. It's a major character flaw.



    Well it sounds to me like she's a repeat offender.  If she's done this once or twice and is generally a good friend, then maybe you overreacted, if this is a pattern with her (and it sounds like it is) I would not be inviting her to more events.

    • Pie 1
  4. I invited her and her son to my daughter's birthday party at Monkey Joe's. She said she was coming and even went so far as to call and ask me what she wanted as a gift. I get a text from her while I'm at the birthday party saying she's getting her taxes done and can't make it. It infuriates me, not only because it was after the party started, but I paid for her child and it was like the millionth time she's cancelled. The way she did it and the excuse she gave seemed so lame and like a blatant attempt at being hurtful. It worked.



    Sounds to me like someone who just lives in the moment and doesn't give a crap about other people.  She probably had every intention of going to the party, but something else came up and she decided that doing her taxes right then was more important than taking her kid to your party. In other words, she's an asshole.  


    I'm with Z, be blunt and tell her it bothers you, that you value her friendship, but that since this is not the first time something like this has happened, you feel like there's something she's not telling you and see what she says.  Otherwise, I'd drop her off your contact list and just be done with her.


    I have a "friend" that hasn't taken things this far, but he'll contact me every so often to play golf, etc. and everything is fine.  But if I ask him to do something, he's always busy.  My wife and his are friends, and we sometimes go to their house and hang out, but they'll never come to our house... honestly it's kind of weird.  So, I just ignore them/him now... seems to work.

    • Pie 1
  5. if none of this drama was mixed in, how much attention would he really get from his release?

    he would have fizzled off into oblivion in less than an hour...but it's apparent he can't have that.


    Amen brother.  I've said all along the story wasn't the interview it was DWill's interactions on social media that caused all of this... he had a bone to pick and a grievance to air and he chose to do it via this interview and hype it on Facebook and Twitter.




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    This just make DWill look worse in my opinion... changing stories tend to do that.

  6. I believe had he done the interview and let that play out and the dust settle, no one would have really even paid much attention.


    Obviously the station wanted views, so they played up the "Dwill vs Panthers" angle and that's kind of on them...


    HOWEVER... since DWill got involved and was re-tweeting the TV stations tweets and had some words with Newton and Igo THAT is what soured me on him about this.  It's pretty obvious he had a beef and wanted it aired and it seemed to come off as straight up sour grapes and just downright vindictive.


    It definitely lowered my opinion of him.

    • Pie 4
  7. How's everyone's progress?


    Gains weren't really my goal, but if they were, I would be pretty satisfied by what I've done so far. I've put on a little over 20 lbs. in 6 months. I think it's all lean, but idk. My clothes still fit the same. As much as I love lifting, I suppose I need to get back into cardio and interval training.



    I been lifting regularly as usual.  I don't really have any set goals.  


    I had a training partner back in Sept-Oct and we were doing a lot more cardio.  Situations changed and I went back to working out more by myself in mid-November and a lot of the cardio dropped off (plus I went back to doing a lot more power lifting).  I've gained probably 8 lbs, so I'm currently around 222 depending on the time of day... the positive is that my lifts all went up, I can hit 4-5 reps at 405lbs on squat and I have successfully pulled 550x1 the last few times I deadlifted.  Bench hasn't done much because my shoulder has been bothering me a little and I haven't hit bench very hard in the last month and a half.

    I'm starting to get back into some cardio now... I did some time on the new Jacob's ladder machines our gym got last week after my workout last night and man those things will kill you.  I'd like to get back down to about 215 by summer and keep my deadlift and squat numbers up as high as I can.


    I was working out a good bit on the weekends with our fellow huddler Joscott, but he went and got himself a cute little girlfriend and now I never see him...  Do you even lift bro?

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