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Darth Biscuit

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Posts posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Greg Hardy was not acquitted in the court of law. 


    The charges were dropped because the accuser and state's main witness was allegedly paid off to not testify against him. 



    In the eyes of the law and the State of NC, it was like he was never charged.


    In the eyes of the NFL, obviously something went on, and in the light of what they went thru after the Ray Rice situation, I'm sure they'll want to make sure they know what went down (to the best of their ability) and possibly suspend Hardy, if nothing else, for being a dumbass...

  2. This sort of news doesn't even contradict what JI has been saying. The office intends to let him walk. This is the players trying to keep him. Maybe it'll work out that way, but it's tough to be optimistic that it would.



    Rivera vocally wants to keep him, the players vocally want to keep him, and if Greg is willing to play for cheap then at that point it's pretty absurd to get rid of him.



    Yep and yep...


    Even if JR is willing to entertain it, it has to git into Gettleman's plans...  if Hardy's going to want market value money, he'll walk...   if he does agree to play for cheap (like, really cheap) why not sign him back?

  3. I keep telling people this. I have one friend I affectionately call "popsicle" because he is literally huge on top with tiny legs like a popsicle.




    I think that's a pretty popular thing... guys want the beach muscles but don't want to work on the rest of the body.


    Plus leg work is hard... it sucks and hurts and makes you sore, people don't like that.

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