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Darth Biscuit

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Posts posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. PF has plenty of major deficiencies, but it's great for what it is: a $10 a month place to lift weights. few enough people take it seriously that it's easy for those that do to take advantage. my workouts tend to be late at night, between 11pm and 3am, often after i get off work, and i pretty much have the entire place to myself. my weak ass doesn't need to be throwing around dead lifts and poo anyway, i'm just trying to get back into decent shape.


    i set my fitness goals last year when i turned 29: by the time i turn 30, i want to be able to perform measurably better than i did a decade prior when i was in the USMC, which means beating my best USMC physical fitness test score when i was in my prime, at the end of officer candidate school in quantico. my best score was perfect on the abs/core (100 situps in two minutes) 14 chinups (out of 20) and a 3-mile run time of 20:28 (18:00 being a perfect score.)


    my goal is to beat that collective score. i started in earnest this past december, spent the last month and a half basically getting back in gym shape, re-learning my limits and developing workout strategies. i've never been much for weight benches but i've been all over it, along with cardio, the occasional run, and free weights. at the end of the month i'll take a full PFT to see where i am in comparison to my final goal.


    for this plan planet fitness is perfect, though i do skip pizza day.


    Exactly... it is what you make of it... as long as they don't kick you out for being too hot Philly, so don't wear that halter top.


    As for me, I'd probably last about 30 minutes into my first workout and they'd ask me to leave... which is fine and why I don't go there.


    ...and don't get me wrong, the gym I go to is far from perfect.  Yes I can squat and dead and all of that fun stuff, but whoever runs that place needs to take an aesthetics course from some Junior college because the way they have it setup is just about as dumb as it could be.  Everyone is literally on top of everyone else...

    • Pie 1
  2. There is honestly nothing wrong with PF.  Sure, they make some, shall we say, "odd," business decisions, but their equipment and everything is fine for about 90% of people that work out.  Their may be some people in there making some counteractive choices, e.g., the whole pizza day thing, but that doesn't affect anyone else, so it's really of no consequence.  People just tend to hate on it because it's the "it" thing to do.  Truth is, the membership is cheap, they have good equipment, and I think all of them have tanning beds.  If it weren't so damn convenient for me to go to Gold's, I'd sign up at PF.  Only bad thing is there isn't a lot to look at . . . 



    As a business model, PF struck gold, and really hit on something very smart...   Most of the people that sign up for gym memberships either don't go at all or go like 1 or 2 days a week.  For those people, and for those that just want to go in to a convenient, cheap place, PF is fine.


    For people like me, who go 6 days a week and lift heavy weights, it destroys their business model.  They don't want "serious" weightlifting going on, because those people come a lot and use the equipment and space much more than their "typical" client.


    I've seen several articles like this...  http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/planet-fitness-not-gym, telling the truth about PF.  I saw one where a guy went to like 47 different PF gyms to see if what people thought of the place was true... and it pretty much was...  I'll try and find the link.


    Can you go to PF and get a good workout, I'm sure you can, but most of them have limited amounts of free weights, no squat racks and prohibit deadlifting.  

    • Pie 1
  3. I'd love to see Hardy proven innocent and come back to the Panthers... that's iffy in and of itself.


    I could see him playing for the vet min if he was really sincere about playing "for free"... but I doubt that will happen too...



    What I don't get is why Voth says he should give the money back?  I mean I get it that that would be a magnanimous gesture on Hardy's part to JR... but why would he do that?


     I mean he was tagged, it wasn't his call to sit him after the 1st game, that was JR's call based on media pressure.  Frankly I don't blame him for taking and keeping that money.  He earned that from his play the season before.

    • Pie 6
  4. I don't disagree that Kuechly is better at what he does than Cam is at what he does, but that's not the question. QB is infinitely more valuable to a team than an MLB, plus even without Kuechly you already have a stud defensive line, a stud OLB and an up and coming secondary.


    The good news is that we won't have to worry about this, because both guys are not going anywhere


    This is a very good and valid point as well.

  5. so I agree with you, but that might all be in season 3. Season 4 could be the end.


    I def think they can get 4 out of the current storyline... and maybe 5 depending on what they do in season 3.


    Honestly I hope they don't drag it out and have some clear end to it.

    • Pie 1
  6. I don't think it peaked too early... I think there's plenty they can do...


    There's a lot of trouble he can get into and out of as president... there's the hacker thing and the fact that Rachel knows what happened to Peter.  


    Is Doug Stamper dead or not?  Does Rachel get accused of the assault/murder?


    How does Frank deal with Tusk now that he's president?


    Didn't they show the Chinese guy Feng or Fong in a bisexual threesome in one episode?  Surely that plays into the Frank/Claire bisex thing somehow?


    Frank will still have to deal with Congress as President.. that means he has to deal with Jackie and Remy...


    Yeah, there's a lot they can do for a couple more seasons...




    • Pie 1
  7. Bump!!!

    I finished both seasons in the past week. This is after finishing all of Breaking Bad in less than three weeks... Binge watching ftw! (Thanks a lot Dpantherman)

    Holy shizballs what a good show.

    I should have drawn it out up to the premier of season 3...

    Couldn't... Stop... Watching...

    • Pie 5
  8. So I am encountering more and more guys at the gym that admit to being on some kind of gear.  I've legit come to the conclusion that there are three alternatives: strong and chunky, lean and weak, and... gear.


    Is this the conclusion that everyone eventually must come to?



  9. I've always considered squats to be more of a total body lift, or even a core exercise, than a leg lift. When I think "leg day," squats usually aren't on my agenda. With squats, yes you're mostly using quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, but you're working a whole lot of other muscles as well. If you do low squats, you work a whole lot of your trunk.


    The leg press is better for isolating your quads and is typically seen as superior than squats for quad development. Just depends on your personal goals. For whatever reason, I started doing leg press/curls/extensions and toe raises on the days I do incline and dumbbell flies.


    Not gonna lie...did 6 reps at 1108 and had to push my legs with my hands on the last two.



    I do leg presses some, but not that much.  I prefer the squat to start mainly because of exactly what you said, it's a whole lower body exercise although it does nail my quads... i squatted yesterday and I'm sore as fug in the quads right now.  


    On squat day I tend to do more stuff aimed at the quads, reg squats, box squats, extensions etc.


    On deadlift day I tend to aim more at my lower back, glutes and hams after I dead with rack pulls, romanian deads and leg curls.

  10. Leg presses are extra hard on my low back... I definitely prefer squats.

    I have seen the guys that load it up, put their hands on their knees and move it about 1/4 rep... Not really sure what that's accomplishing?

    Of course I've seen guys do the same thing on squat, bench and literally every other exercise as well so...

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