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Everything posted by Cat

  1. I do legs because I need it but I've read guys should do legs because it will help them with upper body in the long run.
  2. Good work. Yeah a tan makes it all look better, damn this weather! I'm ready to open my pool!
  3. Insanity has been burning the last layer of fat off and exposing my P90X muscles. Recommend
  4. So you get it too. I guess it's more of a tingle all over. especially in my mouth. I'm not a fan, it kind of freaked me out. Maybe I'll have to get use to that feeling.
  5. I just looked at the label. It's Assault that makes me itch and it also made me super jittery. Tons of energy though. edit: maybe tingly is a better description.
  6. Thanks for the recommendations. Xplode or Assault, can't remember which one makes my entire body itch a little bit especially my mouth, so i figured i shouldn't be taking that one.
  7. Do you guys use any supplements or preworkout drinks? My husband has bought a few and likes them but I didn't like them. I just purchased Energy and Endurance from Beachbody. I'm going to give it a try. Any recommendations?
  8. I'm in my second month of Insanity. I'm mixing it in with P90X workouts. I couldn't imagine doing that much cardio 6 days a week. Seems a bit dangerous to me. The first month wasn't tough but these Max workouts are ridiculous, though they are getting easier. It's great to see so many people working hard to be fit
  9. I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas. I've wanted one for a long time. It's awesome, highly recommend.
  10. Interesting. I can't remember that far back but I know I warmed up however I do go through phases where I don't drink much and take in too little food. I'll monitor those things and take them into accountant in the future. Thanks for the tips.
  11. It seems crazy to me as well. Idk, maybe my body is weird.
  12. Question for you pull up peoples. This doesn't make sense to me. I finally got to where I could do 6 wide armed pull ups in a row without a break. I was pretty excited. I took a week off and when I came back I went back down to only being able to do 3 in a row. I couldn't get back to 6. I just lost it. I got so down because it was a goal I was working towards that I didn't do pull ups for weeks now I can only do two. WTF?!!! Do muscles revert that quickly? What muscle do you think it is that is weakening so quickly? Does any of this sound normal? My husband can take long breaks and come really close to his previous record.
  13. I struggle with that too. Look at it this way, at least you aren't getting fat.
  14. 280ish So proud of him. Now we gotta get his knee back to full strength and start toning!!
  15. Maybe. My bro eats around 1200-1300 calories a day. He's lost 70+ lbs. and is still going.
  16. If my fitness pal told him 1500 calories, then I'd do 1500 calories. 1800 if he is working out like he says.
  17. If you're trying to lose weight I'd stick to around 1500-1800 calories. Try fruit for breakfast or oatmeal(100-200 calories), some kind of turkey, chicken or veggie sandwich for lunch (jimmy johns, subway, mcalisters, etc) and keep it around 500-700 calories, repeat for dinner.
  18. I fuging owned P90X plyometrics last night! I've been going with my brother to the gym twice a week to help him recover from his ACL surgery, while there I work out my legs so I've been getting a lot of extra leg work outs (this is on top of doing P90X with my hubby). My legs feel strong, however I've gained about 3 Lbs. I can't imagine it's from eating too much, I think it's in my legs, hopefully I'm not bulking up too much. Anyways I think the extra leg strength helped me with all the jump squats in plyo.
  19. Pull up bar, 5/10/15/20lb weights, yoga mat and bands.
  20. how the hell did i double post I'm going to plan out a new workout schedule. I think a big reason I stopped working out is I got bored do the same things over and over again. If anyone has any suggestions for a home workout schedule I'd love to hear them.
  21. Ate Kabobs with grilled asparagus which isn't all that bad and worked out. Worst thing was I ate a good sized serving of banana pudding.
  22. So I take it you didn't finish P90X? How long did yall last?
  23. I'm getting back into it. I haven't worked out much at all lately. It's amazing how quickly everything can go away P90X Legs and Back tonight. Then I'm starting Insanity.
  24. Terminally bored

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