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Posts posted by stan786

  1. 9 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    Explain this in relation to the nucleus accumbens--as you know, the interface between motivation and action.  There is no danger in getting excited about the draft because the anticipated reward is intrinsic and individualized.   Frankly, this process makes me more knowledgeable about the league because I delve into the players' skill sets and backgrounds before the draft--and I follow them as they play for other teams.  If you are looking for an extrinsic reward, then fantasy footballers should know the benefit.  I do not see the message you are sending because it is pure enjoyment for me--and the moment more significant than the deed itself, to me, is the moment of anticipation.  Your response seems to suggest that there is a component of trauma associated with the disappointments associated with draft expectations. Is that a fair statement?  Trauma, whether real or imaginary, triggers the amygdala and that inhibits the functioning of the hippocampus.  That then impacts dopamine because the person enters survival mode--so I am skeptical that the draft has the power to harm dopamine production--but I have not researched it.

    To me, it makes the NFL a year-round spectator sport.

    There are ways this draft can send me into survival mode, but choosing one of the QBs is not one of them lol.

    I'm just glad the anti Bryce guys are having some time to come to terms with whats happening so they can be a little more positive when his name does get announced.

    • Pie 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    I could see that. It looked like there were some games where Stroud was kind of just “going through the motions.” He kind of has that laid back demeanor and Young injects energy into his team kind of like Cam did. I agree with that. It’s why I have that weird feeling where I might prefer Stroud, but am afraid of passing on Young. I can see more of that “it” factor from Young. 

    Yeah and I also get that "It" factor can be very subjective on tape, and if people dont buy it that is fine. I just see it all over his tape, and consistently. I think the stuff like this elevates Bryce's ceiling above other guys, as those are qualities all the top guys share.

    I think the staff would be able to decide how they feel about that though, so if they pass on Bryce cool I'll assume what I saw was a mirage, but its compelling for me at the moment.

    • Pie 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    Just my opinion, but I think Stroud got much better under pressure as the season progressed. Early on he would freak out and throw it away or throw it too far (but seldomly turned the ball over). Once he got exposed to it more he looked more comfortable, finishing with the UGA game were he looked to be on Young’s level. Obviously he needs to show that consistently but that does show me he is learning and trending in the right direction for the pressure issues. 

    I think he showed hints of it a lot during the year, but the more I watched the more I just settled on it made me uneasy how it came in so randomly on his tape, I love the Georgia game but I just personally can’t put that much of my evaluation on just one great game I guess.

    I also ended up realizing I never really ever felt urgency from him outside of Georgia and if I didn’t look at the score board I could never tell if they were up down etc, just felt like I could watch Bryce elevate when he needed it.

    It’s just a lot of QB preference stuff. I’m not gonna discount Stroud it’s just how I feel I guess.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, PanthersGOATFan336 said:

    It's funny how yall on this media train but what have the panthers said about all this bryce hype...nothing. wonder why..



    I mean if that’s what we are basing it off of I’ve heard Reich and Fitterer volunteer more takes on Young than Stroud if we are talking about things the team says. Both in pressers and interviews.

    Watch their combine pressers, their pressers the panthers have hosted, and their local radio interviews. 

    • Flames 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, PootieNunu said:

    So Stroud, who ran a pro style offense with plenty of snaps from under center, needs to be developed? But the guy who spent 99.99999% of his time in shotgun formation doesn't? 

    No Stroud needs to have his ability to play under pressure and make decisions off script developed. Never mentioned Bryce not needing to be developed. I just said they had a big enough gap on tape in my eyes.

    It’s not some attack on Stroud it’s just my view of the prospects.

    • Pie 2
  6. 1 minute ago, poundaway said:

    Whats funny is that is the game that sold me on Young.  Bunches of people said it was his worst, and the O really struggled.  LSU rushed 6 over and over and I don't recall a single screen called in response.  Meanwhile Young cooly runs the 2 minute drill to take it to overtime and score then first TD in OT.  If that is his worst, I want it.

    I still don’t know why people don’t talk about how positive Mccown was about him in that game, he reacted to Bryce in his worst game around the same level he reacted to Stroud is his best game.

    I do think the LSU game shows one of Bryce’s best qualities, he’s generally always on at the end when it matters, even if the rest of the games been rough. 

    • Flames 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, PanthersGOATFan336 said:

    They both need to be coached up and no one is vastly better than the other than I said...you take the one with better ball placement and the stronger arm...oh and former players like stroud too so that means nothing 



    Warner loved Bryce as well.

    As I said I understand wanting the guy with the better arm.

    I just value pocket presence, ability to play off schedule, and ability to handle and diagnose pressure.

    Bryces arm is perfectly fine and also very accurate.

    Acting like Bryce’s weight is the only fatal flaw for these prospects just is where people lose me. Strouds pressure sensing and Richardsons accuracy issues can ruin them just as easy.

  8. Just now, poundaway said:

    Its a waist of time.  The say the same thing over and over. 

    Let me just say, if we take Stroud and HE gets hurt and Bryce doesn't,  there will be shlt storm too because the reason we took Stroud over Bryce's superior play was because of "durability" concerns, even though the analysis and our history clearly show that the bigger QB gets hurt more. 

    I'm willing to bet Stroud gets hurt before Bryce simply because he is less slippery in the pocket.   


    I just couldn’t care less about being right, end of the day I will be upset if the QB we draft is worse than the other ones. It’s universal. 

    I love having favorites and discussing I just don’t get the “If we pick the QB I dislike and it goes bad there is going to be hell to pay specifically”

    If this goes bad there is hell to pay regardless, we made the move and the results will define us for the next 5 years minimum.

    • Beer 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, PanthersGOATFan336 said:

    I get it you like Bryce but he doesn't seperate himself enough to say he's going to be a top 5 qb from stroud who has less concerns..

    I disagree, he separates pretty clearly for me on film, but if the staff thinks they can develop Stroud I’m all for it. I understand why others feel differently.

    I just think an inability to handle pressure has ruined plenty of QBs and I don’t think it’s easily improved and would hate to see us have to deal with that when Bryce goes on to be special. 

    But if the staff disagrees go get him and I’ll be all in and assume I’m wrong.

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  10. Just now, Brooklyn 3.0 said:

    I just find it odd that there are basically zero Stroud Guys that say Young is a lousy QB. They all admit he's elite and say as much. Their only issue is his size. BUT ... Young Guys find nitpick after nitpick on CJ's game and act as if he isn't elite. IMO that tells you all you need to know about the two camps.

    Both sides think this of the other. Most Young guys say they’d be more than happy with Stroud. Most Stroud guys say they’d be happy with Young.

    There’s 2-3 guys on both sides going to the extremes not the majority.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Carolina Disaster said:

    Definitely teams know.  That's why I am curious as to why the score hasn't been leaked.

    The reporters who know seem like they don't really want to say the number because its bad, but feel comfortable saying its bad, which is a bit ridiculous. Why say it at all.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    looking at his hips and footwork...  He drop his hips back instead of putting them in a forward position so that his shoulders are over his knees and he cocks his arm far back while leaning back on his throws ... its just concerning especially for off platform throws

    I think his base is such a significant part of his accuarcy issues, the whole theory on him is "Can your coach fix it" because if so he's got a clear path to being really good.

    • Pie 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, Wundrbread33 said:

    So my opinion is that his arm is good enough. Strong enough that it won’t be the reason he wouldn’t succeed. 

    His throws just lose some steam when he isn’t able to use his body efficiently. There’s no arm flicking the ball 25 yards to the opposite sideline type stuff. Or rather when he does do that, the ball doesn’t have the same zip. 

    But that’s physics, and probably related to his size. 

    However…he’s still that dude because he’s so able to quickly twitch his feet to create a strong base in a fraction of a second. 

    He’s able to do things like roll to his left, square his shoulders and drop dimes, and move his body to create torque-y throws while not needing much space. 

    If we draft him, I’m prepared for some gunslinger type interceptions while he’s learning the speed difference in the NFL, and he will learn what throws his arm can make, and when to not make those throws. I think he’s smart enough to adjust to that.

    This is the best way I've seen it described. Ideally he gets a little arm strength bump as he grows and gets better, but i'm sure he's gonna take a little time to adjust.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, poundaway said:

    Yeah, especially since CMC got hurt, AFTER he bulked up.

    This is my theory on why Kyler is tearing more stuff. The non contact stuff has spiked the bigger he's gotten.

    The whole size thing is so complicated, I dont think anyone can know anything for sure.

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